Guns are the "tools of the weak"

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Tell them cars are tools of the weak, used by people who are too afraid to use their leg muscles.

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In my prime I was in very good shape and could outrun most people. Now I'm old and overweight. I have no interest in fighting people with my muscles, I would lose. I can no longer outrun people... I can still outrun my wife and kids though. But then what would they do? Fight them with their muscles?
The reason I would use my gun is to save me or my loved ones lives. There are no rules in a hand-to-hand fight let alone a fight for your life. If they don't understand that it's their problem, period.
Umm, teenage boys say stuff like that to insult each other. It has nothing to do with a formed opinion based on anything.
Yeah I know big football players who can say that stuff.
Not sure why athletes love to pit their training against weapons, I mean sports and firearms are two different things when you get into the mindset of using them against someone else.
Nobody can get "bigger-faster-stronger" than a bullet, regardless of caliber and with proper shot placement through training
At school people are always saying to me things like "people who own guns are weak" and "if you use guns you are weak and afraid to use your muscle".
"People who use sophistry are stupid."

"If you use sophisty you are stupid and afraid to use your brain."
I'm 6'2" 265 and bench close to 500 these days. I have guns. I am not weak by anyone's measuring stick.

Boom, roasted.
How smart is it to place one's life at the whim of brute force? One of the characteristics of assessing the intelligence of any animal species is its ability to craft and effectively use tools. Firearms are tools; objects of affection yes..but essentially tools. One may wish to attack the relative physical weakness of of the good citizen well armed...but not his intelligence.
Anyone who advocates gun control is asking to be ruled by the young, the strong and the many. Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. Guns take force out of the equasion.
An armed man will kill an unarmed man with boring regularity...

I am a big guy and that alone prevents/stops a lot of issues. But a little bad guy with a gun can kill me with ease if I do not also have a gun...

Guns are just tools. If they make you weak, then just about everything in civilization makes you weak, thus they should go back to the stone age..
At school people are always saying to me things like "people who own guns are weak" and "if you use guns you are weak and afraid to use your muscle". and it is really hard to reason with them can you folks help me out? I try to tell them that I can't fight other guns and knifes with 'muscle' but they keep saying that guns are for weaklings

Yes.......people who use guns FOR EVIL PURPOSES are "weak minded" individuals.

As usual the anti-gun faction has taken this and twisted it around to fit their own socialist anti-self defense agenda. In fact, anyone who takes advantage of others whether it 's with a weapon or with physical force is a weak minded individual........and that includes people who use intimidation to bully you into agreeing with them.

Just remember that criminals and criminal simpathyzers will always attempt to discourage law abiding citizens from having effective means of self defense.
On the other hand...

Give in and agree. Rememember, if you find yourself in a fair fight, you need to reassess your tactics. The intent is to avoid the fight if possible, but if that's not possible, the only remaining option is to win. If winning = survival, call me weak, but I can tell you I'd rather hear you call me weak to my face than praise me at my funeral for fighting fair.
Call me weak, but don't mistakenly underestimate me..............:evil: On the other hand, I'd rather one think me weak than be aware of just how dangerous or crafty I might be..........
I think this attitude stems from the mindset that using a weapon gives you an unfair advantage in a fight.
For an animal strength is a matter of muscles.
For a man strength is a matter of the mind.

I would use a power saw to do a job more rapidly and easily...
I would use a gun to do a job more rapidly and easily.
I think this attitude stems from the mindset that using a weapon gives you an unfair advantage in a fight.

If I'm defending my life from an unprovoked lethal threat, I want every unfair advantage I can obtain.
I think this attitude stems from the mindset that using a weapon gives you an unfair advantage in a fight.

"Always cheat, always win. A fair fight gives me a 50% chance of dying." Jeff Cooper
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