Guns are the "tools of the weak"

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If you really think about it, ALL tools compensate for some form of weakness in that they allow you to concentrate a large amount of force on to a small area in a way that that you could not do with your bare hands. Try driving nails with your thumbs or cutting wire with your teeth.
Self defense is not a duel. The oppressor always has the advantage of surprise. Arming one's self to counter such a threat is is just pure logic.
Strength has very little to do with the will to fight. Even if you are a well-trained fighter, one lucky "or well placed" shot to the right area, could cause death in the form of a blood clot that surfaces later or a blow to a vital artery that goes to the brain. It is a bad choice to expose oneself to unnecessary brutality just because the perception is that the larger stronger man has nothing to be worried about. Bones break easily, and no one wants to walk around with unnecessary pain for years over something stupid. So if forced into a situation where you can no longer leave, you may feel your life is being threatened. Sometimes what started out as an argument can lead to death simply because one party refuses to stop, or pulls a knife out of desperation. I have seen this happen, where the fight started to shift, and someone I knew from the nightclub scene started to loose and pulled a knife and gutted a college kid right on the dance floor. There was no reason for any of it. So you never know once something starts, where it will end up. When asked why? he said the kid was looking at his girlfriend.
There is no honor in being permanently damaged over what usually started out as nothing but ego's being insulted. I will walk away every time unless I am not allowed to do so. I don't care what words are spoken, I know where that road leads. In 15 minutes you will normally get past it, if not you can always resume it some other way at another time.
I mentioned once that a dear friend of mine who was a proessional Boxer, 17 and 0, was shot in the groin area with a 12 gauge, helping out a neighboorhood kid who's father was beating his mother half to death. He stopped the beating by issuing a beating to the man, and on the way out of the house, the father shot him. Thus ending his carreer and almost his life. Your life can be forever changed, for the strangest and most foolish things without any help. That pretty well illustrates that revenge and embarrasment are more likelly to cause situations that quicklly spiral out of control, not guns, people. No one wants to loose a fight, especially in public in front of their peers and friends, that's where the problem lies.Temporary insanity takes over some people and they just do a foolish thing that cannot be undone.People will use whatever is available when something gets past being rational, rocks guns or anything else available. Street fights can go in any direction, you are dealing with too many unknowns, thus the outcome is impossible to predict, you now have gang bangers that just walk up and shoot you, that is the most frightening kind of situation.
And they say it like it is a bad thing?
The very same group that say they want a level playing field for all?
I'm weak, I'm the picture of easy picking as I hobble across the parking lot to my car. Arthritis ruined my hips and knees. Should I be easy prey?
One of the reasons I'd be happy to see Florida join the Open Carry states is my weakness.
Remind those idiots not to mess with old men, because they just might "double tap" you center mass.
I have to agree with most of the people here. There's no reason for you to argue this and its a waste of your time to do so.

Digging deeper, their arguments concerning weakness indicate an underlying insecurity concerning their lack of physical advantage versus firearms. Their only hope against one is that they can ridicule you into putting down yours, returning the intimidation factor to them.

Remember the movies where the hero goads the villian into tossing away his advantage to fight the hero on an even footing? That's what these people are attempting to accomplish with you and their weakness arguments. Personally, I'll take a page from Indiana Jones-- Let the guy swing his showy swords for a bit until I get bored, then cap him.
I admit I am weak, there are many, many men stronger than I. I also admit I would lose in most fist-fights, and Mike Tyson could kill me with a single punch to my head. I don't feel like getting punched so I have permanant brain damage or am killed, whether it is one attacker or a flash-mob attack.

So, I have a weapon that aids in my being weak. I don't want to use it, I hope I never even have to pull it out and show it, but I will if I FEAR FOR MY LIFE and/or the lives of those around me.

Better to admit that I'm weak and know it ahead of time, and PLAN for the weakness, than to think I am strong, only to find out too late how weak I really am as I get my head bashed in by a baseball bat.

Ask your friends if they think our Army, Navy, SEAL's, Marines and Air Force are all weak as well.
What's the difference? What makes our armed forces strong is partially the weapons they have at hand!
Are the police weak because they have to carry a gun or two?
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Rather than the tool of the weak, guns are the great equilizer. Engraved on an old 1849 Colt picket pistol I once owned: "Fear no man what'ere his size, call on me to equalize"
Anyone who advocates gun control is asking to be ruled by the young, the strong and the many.
I once said to one of those twits, "So what you're calling for is a world ruled by large, strong men armed with swords and axes. I believe we've already tried that. It was called the 'Dark Ages'."
Strength is admitting your limitations and knowing how to circumvent them.

One of my limitations is living with gunshot wounds.
A bit of movie history: Harrison Ford had a bout of stomach flu the day the scene was to be shot. It called for a swordfight between him and the man with the scimitar, but he felt too ill for the physicality of a hand to hand engagement. The idea to have him simply shoot his opponent saved him the effort of all of that fight choreography, kept the film on schedule, and gave us one of those really resonant bits of cinema that makes Indy such a legendary character.
I don't get it, Indy can blow away a big Arab with a sword twenty feet away, but they still made Greedo shoot first? (did I just show my inner nerd?)

At 6'2" 230, I'm hardly small and weak. Muscle is force, a gun is a force mulitplier.
I agree with everything already said....

Maybe just tell them that if you are ever faced with a life or death situation that you would rather be weak and alive than stong and dead....

At school people are always saying to me things like "people who own guns are weak" and "if you use guns you are weak and afraid to use your muscle". and it is really hard to reason with them can you folks help me out? I try to tell them that I can't fight other guns and knifes with 'muscle' but they keep saying that guns are for weaklings HELP!!
That is quite a ignorant comment,for them,to make about firearm use anyway&these comments should be best ignored,as suggested by many on here.Personally,If I was attacked with a knife(In the USA only:),then to use a gun would be a very good idea,if I only had a gun and my fists.Of course if I had an asp baton,or a tazer on me,or some chilli spray,Id use that instead,before bullets,if it was one attacker with a knife.More fool them,if they try and defend themselves with only muscle.During the London riots this summer,I would have carried an asp-baton on me,as I needed to go into one of the most affected areas(Lewisham,SE London:),where rioters set ablaze Lewisham Council Eurobins(Municiple,large wheeled-bins:),using them as barracades,but the socialist Labour government banned them in 2004.Where were all the cops?busy dealing with rioters&they had no back up in terms of a water-cannon truck,as the pansy,polititions,wouldnt allow them to use them.Those blockheads&liberals have no idea.The lunatics are definately running the asylum in Britain.
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I didn't read the whole thread so forgive me if I'm parroting other responses. You could say a couple things. One, guns are not tools for the weak ask your friends if they think the members of SEAL team six are weak, the U.S. military in general, Columbian drug lords, the NYPD, or FBI agents. The fact is that contingencies can arise where mere strength can not over come, ask your friends if they could out muscle five crack heads with knives or 5 gangbangers with bats/weapons. To be honest the kind of people that use these arguments are usually affluent people that grew up in a bubble, if you've actually lived in an area with any sort of serious crime you would realize how important firearms are. In fact the only time you're really weak is without one, if someone has a gun and you don't you are the weak one by definition. I don't care if you are Brock Lesnar you aren't going to kick some guy's butt who has a gun pointed at your head.

The real issue is that the people that are making fun of the weak having guns are free-riding off of gun owners/users (civilian, police, military) for their safety. If there were no armed men to keep order we would live in complete anarchy and I'm pretty sure they would want guns then or they would be someone's servant (this is the polite form of the word I'd like to use)
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The real issue is that the people that are making fun of the weak having guns are free-riding off of gun owners/users (civilian, police, military) for their safety. If there were no armed men to keep order we would live in complete anarchy and I'm pretty sure they would want guns then or they would be someone's servant (this is the polite form of the word I'd like to use)

Good point.
The real issue is that the people that are making fun of the weak having guns are free-riding off of gun owners/users (civilian, police, military) for their safety. If there were no armed men to keep order we would live in complete anarchy and I'm pretty sure they would want guns then or they would be someone's servant (this is the polite form of the word I'd like to use)

Tell them that you rely on yourself with a gun to defend yourself then crying for help over 911 for a man with a gun to defend you. Who's the weakling now?
Yeah man, that is just ignorance on their part.

Some people have limitations. I am 6'3" and 200 lbs. I lift a lot of weights, and am really quite strong. I am an extremely peaceful person who just wants to be left alone though. However, if backed into a corner and put in a position where I feel I have to defend myself or someone I care about, I get real ugly, real fast, and if it's one on one, it's going to be a bad day for the bad guy.

Of course, what bad guy is ever unarmed, or alone? They have a tendency to carry a weapon of some sort, and it doesn't matter how strong I am, a knife will cut me, and a baseball bat to the head will knock me out. You could be 7'5" and 350 pounds of muscle, and if there are 3 or 4 guys,....... good luck. A gun will kill you just the same if the bad guy knows how to use it. A .357 in my hand will change someone's mind real fast, and if not, well....... then they made a poor decision.

This doesn't even account for the back injury I sustained about 6 years ago that involved me blowing out a few disks. I may be strong, but it is very dependent on form and proper technique. In fact my back is why I lift and exercise a lot, to keep it strong, and keep me from hurting it again. If I get attacked, In a fair fight (which doesn't happen in reality) I could do just fine, but it's entirely likely that the next day I won't be able to move. It is also entirely likely that a fight will end in months of recovery, chiropractor appointments, and possibly permanent damage requiring surgery to fix. Given how catastrophic this would be to me, my career, and health, I think defending myself with a potentially lethal means is prudent.

Lets also not forget the drugged up individual who may not feel anything you are doing to defend yourself. What do you do then, use harsh language? And as many have stated earlier, a small and physically diminutive sized person must do something to defend them self. Typically, women are physically smaller and weaker than men (no sexism intended, just stating a fact ladies). Most rapists and murderers tend to be more powerful than the victims they choose for a reason. So according to the fools making the OP comments, these women have no right to defend themselves from an attacker?

The "kids" in the OP are definitely just trying to puff themselves up. If you are talking about a stupid bar fight with a cod piece wagging idiot, then yes, it isn't worth it to use a gun. But who has a gun in those situations anyway? I certainly hope everyone in this forum is more responsible than that. I also guarantee that these types haven't ever actually taken a real beating either, and have no idea what they are talking about.

The bottom line is this: They are ignorant, they don't care what your opinion is, they don't want to listen to reason, and they are ridiculing you so they feel better about the fact that THEY are afraid of guns in general. These are people who have already made up their mind. Changing those opinions is not your job, but if you try to take it on, good luck to you. I have been trying like hell to educate all the gun fearing people I know, and the most important piece of advice you could hear is to stay calm and simply explain your point of view. Don't get mad, and don't let them draw you into too much of a debate. An angry person arguing for firearms rights is doing a disservice to the cause, because if scares people, and makes them think you are just an angry gun toting redneck.
It's almost impossible to argue with ignorance. I would just hold on to your principles, and try to offer a logical response when possible. I've been dealing with that kind of ignorance for almost 50 yrs., and I still can't break through the ignorance of those who refuse to see the absolute logic in self defense.
Try throwing this one at them, it undeniable, short and sweet!
"When seconds count, the police are only a few minutes away"
"If you ever find yourself in a fair fight------ your preparation sucks!"

I'm a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, with experience in Akido and Boxing. I often carry. I keep an awareness about me. All of which keeps the odds in ly favor that I will never be in a fair fight. Does that make me weak? No, just better prepared than most.

It's like all the people with Dental insurance must have weak teeth, or something. Who thinks that way???
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