Heckler heard round the world: Wenyi Wang could get 6-month jail term

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There are indeed "rules of conduct." Let's call them a code of honor.

And Mr. Bush doesn't understand this. Rule one is don't traffick openly with tyrants whose values and practices are inimical to everything you supposedly hold most sacred. If he's going to do business with these people, let him do the deals behind closed doors, like any pornographic activity.

Then I imagine every other U.S. President who met with a tyrant is equally open to your scorn?

Then I imagine every other U.S. President who met with a tyrant is equally open to your scorn?

As you realize, there are many ways of "meeting" and "dealing." But one thing I don't expect in this pragmatic world is a deferential attitude. Bush gets downright sheepish when certain capi di stato show up. "Face" is one thing, but two faces are one too many.
"If he's going to do business with these people, let him do the deals behind closed doors, like any pornographic activity."

You mean like Wal-Mart and half the businesses in the U.S. do business with China? Do you really believe they are all somehow similar to pornographic activity?

Isolating China, economically or otherwise, might just be the worst thing that the world could do. Better to integrate them into the world of business and slowly subvert them.

Here is an article that contains some *actual* information that might prove usefull.


Im not entirely sure how one comes to the conclusion that she was charged "by the administration". Last time I checked the president was not charged with the responsibility or even the authority to charge people with misdemeanors.
No amnesty for people who stand up to tyrants, but free amnesty for the 20,000,000 to 30,000,000 illegal aliens that infest our nation.

I wonder what Jorge is thinking.

Actually, I have to wonder whether he's thinking.
Im not entirely sure how one comes to the conclusion that she was charged "by the administration". Last time I checked the president was not charged with the responsibility or even the authority to charge people with misdemeanors.

Tongue-in-cheek comment, BUT please let's not be children about this - I am sure they are very interested and influential on this charge.
"Take a look at the etymological root of "pornography." I stand by my words."

Okay, here's what I found.

1857, "description of prostitutes," from Fr. pornographie, from Gk. pornographos "(one) writing of prostitutes," from porne "prostitute," originally "bought, purchased" (with an original notion, probably of "female slave sold for prostitution;" related to pernanai "to sell," from PIE root per- "to traffic in, to sell," cf. L. pretium "price") + graphein "to write." Originally used of classical art and writing; application to modern examples began 1880s. Main modern meaning "salacious writing or pictures" represents a slight shift from the etymology, though classical depictions of prostitution usually had this quality. Pornographer is earliest form of the word, attested from 1850. Pornocracy (1860) is "the dominating influence of harlots," used specifically of the government of Rome during the first half of the 10th century by Theodora and her daughters."

Having read that, your point is what exactly?

please let's not be children about this
You mean like believing that snubbing the heads of state of countries with which we have differences improves our international political relations?
the pimping of America


Do I have to spell it out for you? Well, I will. Our leadership is prostituting this nation for lucre. There are several prominent "johns" in the clientele: China, Saudi Arabia, Mexico... You fill in the rest of the list, I'm tired...and I'm disgusted.
longeyes and Phetro,

I'm with you two, you've got it figured out. So sad too few are
willing to call a spade a spade. I am scared to death that so many
'conservatives' are having such a hard time coming to grips
with the facts which are right under our noses. It is
as if people are afraid to recognize what is going on. Is
it because the fear of what is needed to correct the
I think she would have gotten away with it had she not made the "your days are numbered" comment. That is very easily interpreted as a death threat.

[edit delete] --especially when coming from a member of a terrorist organization. (Falun Gong used nerve gas on a large number of civilians in a Tokyo Subway.) [/edit delete]

Sorry about the error folks. As several have pointed out, Falun Gong was not associated with the Tokyo Subway gas attack.
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You mean like believing that snubbing the heads of state of countries with which we have differences improves our international political relations?

So all be it is was disturbing the peace in nature, you feel that in this instance you feel secure that Wenyi Wang is charged accurately?
Poor little Heckler

While I dont believe in absolute free speech[like on private property]I think that this little woman did the right thing.Its sad that a tiny Chinese woman has more balls than most American men.Throwing her into prison or jail is just like incarcerating an American for the the horrible crime of "selling a firearm without a liscence".
Dont many of think that it is strange that the U.S.is slideing more and more into a COMMAND ECONOMY while China is becomeing more FREE MARKET.
At this rate who do you think is going to be in charge at the end of this century.
Grouse about this all you want, but recognize that getting a press pass will be more difficult than it used to be.
I wonder...

If all the high-minded folks who say we should stop doing business with China and stop prostituting ourselves for China, and how despicable it is to support the brutal tyrannical Chinese regime... how many of you are personally refusing to do business with China? Are you personally foregoing the discount prices you get from buying Chinese goods in favor of more expensive goods from other countries? Start looking at everything you buy - especially when you see something that seems like a great bargain - like as not, it's made in China. "America doing business with China" isn't just the president or the large corporations - the driver of business with China is the millions of American citizens who buy Chinese stuff because it's cheaper.
Can't tell the players without a program

No... I prefer a different strategy..keep your friends close and your enemies closer... we need more frequent political meetings between Chinese President Hu Jintao and our president

That's right! Our enemy imprisons people without trial, listens to their phone calls with impunity, imprisons journalists after show trials, accuses political opponents of treason, rewards rich powerful friends with concessions no non-Party member could ever access...er, no wait-maybe I have that backwards...

What Pogo said. :(
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