Holding the slide while the shot goes off

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Wow, don't know if the response was directed at me Trent. You don't know me at all. Where did I say you must just lie down and submit? I was talking about years ago. I am armed now and I will defend myself, even if it means I will have to kill someone doing so.
You are welcome to come and try your martial arts here in South Africa.
I have seen on the news about a month or so ago about a martial arts expert who got killed. He took his fighting sticks to sort out crimanals in his house, his wife said, sorry, his widow. Your martial arts means nothing against someone who can use his handgun effectively. You and other are welcome to disagree with me. You can't fight armed bG that keeps a distance from you. Sorry but I never said don't fight back. It is just that, that time it help me.
The BG was standing 3 meters + from me, so I could not grab him. When he asked for my cellphone, I lied to him. I told him I don't have one. he insisted. I said come and feel my pocket, really I don't have one. I wanted him to come closer so that I could grab him. But he stayed at his distance. What would martial arts help in such a situation?
I say again, I have just asked this question, I did not make this video myself, nor did I say its the best or only way. But it is an option. Come with a better suggestion, that is why I have opened this thread. I did not post this to be attacked.

Edit. I am not shooting down Martial arts or proper training, and staying fighting fit etc. I am merely saying, fight fire with fire. They don't send soldiers to war with airguns and tell them it is all about shot placement.
Any way that you feel is best to disarm a attacker, use it. If you feel the best defence is to attack, do it. The choice is still yours.
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I've seen it done in a specific training scenario, the semi auto pistol was being aimed through an aperture, but protruded through. The instructor was on the other side of the aperture, behind cover, and demonstrated the technique. The moral of the story was do not extend the weapon out beyond your cover.

If you need to disarm someone sticking a gun out from around a corner, you can certainly do so that way.

If you are face to face, and within reach, why grab the gun when you can grab the wrist attached to it.
Wow, don't know if the response was directed at me Trent. You don't know me at all. Where did I say you must just lie down and submit? I was talking about years ago. I am armed now and I will defend myself, even if it means I will have to kill someone doing so. I did not post this to be attacked.

Wasn't attacking you; was agreeing with you. :)

The text I typed was a reproduction of a conversation I had with an anti-gunner who was asking why not just "roll over and give them your things."

You said: "Whether you miss it, or don't try at all, the end results would be the same. You could just as well try. "

I was agreeing with this, and the part about being out in the middle of nowhere attacked by someone you know, who wouldn't want to leave a witness that could identify you. This is also a refute to the anti-gunner "just give them your things" argument because sometime violent attackers aren't after your THINGS... they are after your LIFE.

That actually happened to me once (someone attacked me not for my things, but to damage me...). I'm alive today because "I tried", and succeeded.

If you are confronted with a violent attacker you have very little time to act. You can't sit and debate yourself "should I or shouldn't I?" That decision has to be made well in advance so there is no hesitation on your part. You either have to be willing to act to defend yourself (if possible) or not at all.

If they are 5 yards /meters away there is no way you can grapple with someone who is covering you with a gun. You have to explore other options.

But if the conflict is up close and the attacker is on top of you? That's an entirely different story. You don't have to be a "martial arts expert" to defend yourself but the muscle memory from training can (and does) help you react naturally and powerfully. Teaches how to use all of the power that is available to you to inflict damage on the other person with fists, knees, elbows, forehead.. whatever tool is available at the time.

Given the option of using a firearm to defend against a firearm, if I can get a clear draw and put a shot on target I will choose that first. But if I am caught unawares, already covered by a lethal weapon, and the attacker is close, there simply isn't time to draw before they can kill you. Not unless something else happens first to give you that space and time to do so.
If they are 5 yards /meters away there is no way you can grapple with someone who is covering you with a gun. You have to explore other options.

Since the context of the last few posts is that they may kill you anyway H2H is still a very good option. I saw a great presentation on terminal ballistics/effectiveness by a MD. The statistic he gave was only about 1/8 handgun wounds are fatal.

So, the best bet if you can't run to cover and get away and they are going to shoot you anyway is just to charge. At 15ft, their reaction time will be minimal, if they get a shot off they may miss, if they hit 1/8 chance it will kill you, if it kills you, unless it hits your spine you can still beat them to death before you drop.

Nothing to lose by just bum-rushing them if there isn't another option. I wouldn't just stand there and let them shoot me. The hard part is knowing if submission will work or not before they shoot.
With respect to the initial question. I have held the slide closed on a 10mm autopistol while firing the gun. I did this in two ways, in one case holding the heel of my hand against the back of the slide, and in the other case, using my strong hand thumb against the back of the slide to hold it closed.

The technique was taught as a method to insure that a shot could be fired even in very close quarters where pressing the muzzle against the opponent might otherwise result in the gun being pushed out of battery.

In neither case was I injured by holding the slide closed, but I won't claim it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience either. I preferred using the heel of the hand, that was a bit more comfortable, but I can see the utility of using the strong hand thumb in that it leaves the weak hand free.
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