How many carry a knife along with their primary

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Most days, I carry an Al Mar Payara + Leatherman Juice S2. If I anticipate needing more blade for tasking that the Juice S2's blade, I swap the Payara out for a Spyderco Persistence or Kershaw Clash. The Payara is reserved for defense.
Rant, by the Gent from the Pacific North West.
My job is not to provide you with supporting documetation for a topic which obviouslly warrented some interest. I think you had a bad day.


I never intended to imply that you had any kind of duty to provide me with documentation of any time, and if it came off that way, my bad. I have no idea which specific articles you read, and I assumed that you might be able to point me in the direction of what you read. Again, I didn't mean to offend you, and if I did, I apologize.

As far as my rant goes... I wrote it on day 6 or 7 of almost no sleep, and in retrospect, I probably could have worded it better, and in a way that wasn't as aggressive. I just wanted to point out that while a gun is a great tool, it isn't the tool I would recommend carrying. For what its worth, I wrote it the way I did because I knew I'd be writing a lot, and I wanted to keep it as not-boring as i possibly could. Didn't mean to offend anyone, and if I did, my bad.
I've carried a knife daily since I was a child. But frankly it's for all the tasks that I require a knife for on a daily basis. I don't require a gun on me daily. So I suppose my blade is my primary. Well my secondary after my brain.

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