How open are you at work?

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To what “idiotic federal law [that] prohibits any of us from actually having firearms on campus” are you referring? Michigan law prohibits concealed carry in dormitories or classrooms of community college, colleges, or universities, but that is as far as the CCW restrictions go. When I carry on campus and in some of the offices, have I been violating some other laws of which I am unaware?

Did I write federal? Musta had "federal" on the brain from my PoliSci class. Either that, or I was thinking 18USC921 & 20USC7151 (which apply to k-12 schools). I don't know about MI, but in most states I've been in, guns on campus are entirely a no-no for personal reasons (under state law, as you point out), without permission from the campus CEO or CLEO. They're only allowed for academic (instructional) reasons. Where I teach, the college president won't even allow our police academy director (obvioulsy a former LEO) to carry personally. Only the academy instructors carry, because they are all FT LEOs and PT instructors.
I am so open, that there are times when I open carry to pick up my paycheck.

The owner (a recently divorced woman no less) not only doesn't mind, but encourages such behavior. She has a picture of DiFi, Chucky, Kerry, and Kennedy laughing after they killed a bill of ours in '04, with a caption reading something very disparaging about them. (It is a pro-2a piece.)

Her ex, who still works for her, has opened his gun safe (which he keeps at work) and shown me a lot of rifles. When I have been on the job, he has stopped by to show off his pistols. (Most recently a Dan Wesson bobtailed 1911.)

It is going to suck when I graduate college and have to move on.
Corporate No Guns policy here to.
It's about as effective as any other piece of random paper buried in a book somewhere.

Have shot with several co-workers before. I'm helping one come up with a few for his home defense / self defense plan right now. Another will be going to the range with me to teach he and his wife to properly shoot/handle their new toys.

I also have the old Circle/Slash over a revolver sign with "Gun Free Zone - I am Unarmed, Please Don't Hurt Me on the clear wall of my cubbicle. If you look closely there are a cluster of .223 holes right in the middle... :evil:
I'm pretty open with the people in my group, inviting them to the range and such (no takers yet) but the rest of the company, not so much. I did have another coworker give me an inert .50 round and we both agreed that I probably shouldn't display that on my desk, but rather bring it home. Company policy forbids me from carrying while working. I would not be comfortable changing my computer wallpaper to a gun related pic since I wouldn't want to ruffle the wrong feathers.
I'm "the gun guy"...

Pretty much everyone in my office knows. I'm cool with it. It gives me a chance to educate them on the subject. I've yet to have anyone give me any crap about CCW at work. I've taken many of them shooting and helped them with the CCW process. I think they feel warm and fuzzy knowing that it any nut-jobs walk in and get crazy, that I can take out the first 21 of them...the 22nd gets pistol whipped with and empty GLOCK 26.:evil:
I work for a very large corporation of about 80,000 people but the office I work in only has around 325 people on-site so everyone knows everyone. It is obvious what I am about as I drive a lifted 4x4 with deer head stickers on the back windows, predator hunting stickers on that back side windows and bumper stickers talking about either hunting or shooting. One of my favorites reads: If you love something, set it free....if it doesn't come back, hunt it down and kill it!
I also have the desktop picture on my computer setup with me in the field holding the rack up on this very bloody monster whitetail I killed last year. Everyone is in my office on a regular basis so this picture gets seen alot. At any rate, I live in a small Midwestern town so being pro gun and a hunter is really kind of the norm here. I aint nothing but a simple man....;)
Every so often a group of us openly discusses when we will be obtaining our next pallet of ammo, even had the HR representative willing to contact a lawyer for me to smooth out obtaining my AFL... great group, but we are not allowed or supposed to have anything at all at work, not even pocket knives... The safety nazi carries a knife though...;)
Oh I'm very open too. The office "gun nut" like a lot of you. I also get the old "if anything ever happens, we're coming to your house". However, I work on one of our Army bases. No weapons that are not registered allowed on post. You'd never believe it but the Army is a serious anti-gun organization.
I'm very open about at work. But I'm a very transparent person as a whole. I always talk about guns and most people are very open to the idea. I've never really had people cringe. If you can present a logical reason as to why guns are not "intelligent man-killers who are out of control," most people, at least here in West Virginia, accept it, and get interested. However, this state has one of the highest per capita gun ownership in the country (and one of the lowest crime rates in ratio to population in the country, go figure!), so gun ownership is pretty common.
Well, work is posted, so taking that into consideration, I'm fairly open about it anyway. I'm the 'go to guy' for the gunnies there with questions. The company attorney notarized my Florida CCW. I think most folks know, it just doesn't seem to be an issue.
"OK, weapon inspections. Everyone pass your weapons to LT."

I've taken a few officers out to the range, and any weaponry related questions are usually directed to me.

You think they know? :uhoh:
I'm not open. I have talked a bit to a few close co-workers about guns and said I have a few (not like I go down the list). I don't say anything to my boss, team leaders, or other departmental supervisors. It's strictly on a "need to know" basis, and they don't need to know. What am I supposed to do? Go around saying, "I have this and I have that ..."? What's bragging going to do for me at the end of the day? Make me feel special?
A few people know from knowing me in previous jobs, but it's not something I talk about. Used to more when I was a bit younger.

Hearing "don't make that guy mad...." gets old pretty fast, joking or not. Doesn't happen often, but not at all is even better.
We're very open about our mutual interest; about half of us are gun owners.

We even have customers/clients who bring in a new firearm purchase to show it off! It always draws an interested crowd, including the owner.
I am quite open about it. In fact I get questions from a lot of new EMT's and Medics . they are always concerned about a pt with a GSW, but I manage to turn the conversation around to shooting in general, and in fact have gotten quite a few to go to the range. I am trying to get my boss to make me a holster right now, as he is quite good at it. I also took my CCW class with a bunch of folks that I work with.
There's a real social disconnect at my work. We all talk to one another about work related things, but discussion of personal interests is largely kept within a couple of distinct groups. Not surprisingly, these groups have formed along the lines of productivity. The shirkers socialize among themselves and the workhorses do likewise.

All of the workhorses know I'm into guns. Of course, one of the other guys is in the reserves while another fixes up old milsurps as a hobby. Even one of the guys who doesn't shoot is a raving libertarian with an interest. We all have plans for a range trip in the near future.

Carrying, though, is out of the question. It's against corporate policy and virtually impossible here in the Marylandische Demokratische Republik.
I'm open about it around my extended family, I'm pretty sure that's why my wife's aunt gave me her Ruger Old Army, which belonged to her dad.

I'm relatively open about it at work, but possession on work property is prohibited. I seriously doubt it would be OK for me to have ammunition (even inert) on my desk.

I live in Maryland, so no CCW issues since there is virtually no CCW. :cuss:

That said, everyone, including my anti-gun boss, knows that I have firearms (primarily handguns). I am very open regarding my position on firearms. In fact, some years back, when Maryland instituted the "one gun a month" lunacy, I was interviewed on local TV buying a DW revolver. Boy! that brought a poop storm of commentary. My boss did say that, although she is not in favor of RKBA, she was not totally opposed to folks (I work for a Bankuptcy Trustee and we have occasionally had wacko walk-ins) knowing one of her employees owned large caliber firearms. A detant of sorts.

At least once a month during the milder weather months, I leave work or take the day off to shoot IDPA. In fact, I'm off this Friday to shoot at a match in Annapolis. I do get a little good natured ribbing about "guns, shooting, nutcases, etc." from other employees. Most don't seem to care since I don't have any guns when I'm at work. I just tell folks that the guns are home locked up and any disputes would have to be settled using staplers and rubber bands. :)

Recently, I helped out with Hunters Safety training at my local club. That was considered odd by some since I don't hunt. I explained that hunting is not something I grew up with and I don't really have an interest in participating. But, I am very interested in firearms safety and humane (one shot, one kill) hunting. So, hopefully I'll soon be a Certified Instructor.

I enjoy my shooting and will gently encourage others to come out with me if THEY express an interest. It's not something I push, but the offer is always open.

I am a godless liberal librarian working at a university where they don't even let the university cops carry guns. Needless to say, I keep it under wraps, and pretend to be nauseated at the very idea of firearms when my cow orkers are nearby. :)

Actually, this area is pretty rural, and hunting & firearms are a commonplace thing. I suspect I wouldn't be a total pariah if people knew I was into guns. But I still keep it low-key. And, unfortunately, I can't carry at work, because I'd probably lose my job if I were made.
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