"I guess i'll stick to my own study, of what i learned, living with and hunting them"
Bears or government biologists?
Bears or government biologists?
Today, 08:09 PM #82
Join Date: December 22, 2010
Location: Medford, Oregon
Posts: 475
When you consider #00 buckshot in a 12ga. consider that's not all that much different than nine shots from a .32ACP.
"...extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice... moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue..." Barry Goldwater.
Is it true that a bears heart rate is only 1/3 of ours? I have heard this , but , cant find any data to back it up with. If it is true I can certainly see how a gun would get you mauled in an attack regardless if you got nice placement or not.
They have the right to Bear arms, so they must have their own gun store.