Is a second American Revolution impossible?

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Keep in mind, it is about money. If the fedgov quit getting our tax money. Large #s of Americans just decided in certain areas paying taxes ain't hot. It sucks so bad that they'll just ignore the system, and they began to fund things only through local and state governments, it would be the real beginnings of the end for the fedgov when they would either have to send in troops, or discuss terms.

It's about the money. Exactly so. And the money is tied into everything else. Americans have been on a roll--unprecedented prosperity--for sixty years. The likelihood of that continuing is small, given the way both the Government and the complicit consumer have raped the system. Americans have heard the horror stories--wheelbarrows of notes to get a few groceries--but they haven't yet had the experience. Be prepared.
Is another American Revolution impossible?
Impossible in America, we have so many different races, religions,ethnic groups, rich people, poor people, illegals, interracial marriages, gay people, people in America that hate all Americans.
sad but true
who would trust who, i'm not going to trust the man down the road that has a guy for a wife, or the illegal that i've been giving my benifits to, the black guy that is married to a white woman, the muslim the hates all of us, the jew that hates arabs, the criminal that may rob me, the cops that gave me a ticket 5 yrs ago, the Jehovah's that bother me every couple weeks, the politions that have been taking all my rights and money. my platoon sargent that put me on KP and all of this is before the food in the super markets stop as we're now a nation that is dependent of the rest of the world, then things will get real bad, people will be killing their neighbors for a slice of bread.

Revolution no, dictatorship and police state yes.- if we don't watch out.
All you really told me there jeep-2 is that you would be on the side of the white, racist, anarchist, anti-Muslim, anti-military side of the conflict.

It sounds like an odd combo, but in a nation of 300,000,000 I'm sure there are others who would make the same set of rediculous statements you just made.
Wow, jeep-2. Just add a few more people you hate and the list of Real Americans(tm) is going to be awfully short.
Wow, jeep-2. Just add a few more people you hate and the list of Real Americans(tm) is going to be awfully short.

i didn't say i hated anyone,
but just stated thats the way it is in America, no one sticks together, if they did,the politicians wouldn't be trying to take all, our rights.. you can make what ever you want to out of what i stated but that's the way it is in the real world.
I say another revolution is extremely unlikely. I post these reasons from my reply in another thread: another revolution isn't going to happen. Even if the government decides to ban and confiscate all guns, it won't happen. Small pockets of people will resist and ultimately be swept aside, but the larger portion of the public will just complain about it then meekly go along when push comes to shove. Most don't want confrontation or sacrifice anymore. People just want to go home, be comfortable and watch tv or play video games or go to sporting events.

And if another revolution were to occur and succeed, it would be the end of the United States as we know it. There would be too many groups dedicated to self-serving interests sequestered around the continent for there to ever be a united nation again. I think the US would break up like the ex-Soviet states broke up.
I also don't believe people will resist to increasing police states. Authorities will just play the terrorist trump card and people will give in to it because everyone wants to be "safe".

On a side note, I wish people would stop it with the "If you don't like where you're at, move" crap. Some of us are poor and can't move. Some of us had a hard enough time finding jobs where we live now, much less quitting and moving everything we own to another area, in the probable vain hope of finding employment there. It's just not feasible for many people.
A serious and persistent attempt -- for a reasonable time only -- at secession would be good.

A few states, 3-5 maybe (with access to the sea for shipping purposes) could secede from the decadent/balkanized/corrupt/non-Christian/United-Nations BS "Union" and let the rest of the country go to hell as it's bent on doing, just after it exists for a period of time at 3rd-World status.

And if secession weren't allowed -- again -- a shooting Civil War II war would follow -- again.

A few "united states" of real Americans, independent from the sorry rest of the country, seems to be the only way to save the remnants of what America was and should be.

Don't ask me what those values are. If you have to ask, ...

-- John D.
What are real Americans?

Now there's an essay question if I ever saw one.

Well, let's see.

Since the technical definition is too easy, and way too short, let me see if I can propose a profile.

In no particular order:
Speaks English.
Stands by the Constitution as written.
Loves the United States and its traditions.
Is willing to defend the nation with his life.
Learns and teaches the actual history of the USA.
Isn't trying to carve the country up into Balkan chunks.
Is committed to passing the country intact to the next generation.
Believes completely that the Pledge of Allegiance applies to him.

Let's see, did I leave anything out? Racial qualifications? Religious test? Moral criteria? Educational requirement?

Please feel free to improve on that list.
Speaks English. I favor this, I support making English the national language.
Stands by the Constitution as written. No problem here.
Loves the United States and its traditions. Love the US, but the tradition thing doesn't matter.
Is willing to defend the nation with his life. I agree.
Learns and teaches the actual history of the USA. Depends on what you call actual history. I've been studying the real history of the US quite a bit (the history you will never learn in a classroom), and it ain't pretty, so the jury for me is out on this one.
Isn't trying to carve the country up into Balkan chunks. It will carve anyway if there is another revolution.
Is committed to passing the country intact to the next generation. Country won't be intact if there is another revolution.
Believes completely that the Pledge of Allegiance applies to him. This is propeganda to me. Actions prove loyalty, not words. So many people lie today, words mean nothing. Speaking words in a pledge does not prove loyalty one bit.
A second revolution is already in progress.

By 2050, the U.S. will be a Hispanic country, heavily influenced by all things Mexican. In another century, the country will be unrecognizable.

*I am NOT being racist here. I am a heavily 'Hispanicized' Anglo, big time. Believe me, I'm no racist.:eek:
Doubt it, for even though Hitler is the evil personified in the history books, the government at the time was filled with people similar or worse. Most atrocities were designed by advisors to him in similar positions of power (that would have simply replaced him).

No one was in a a "similar position of power" as Adolf Hitler. He alone was the Führer. After he consolidated power in 1934, only the Wehrmacht had the strength and organization to displace him.

The atrocities, i.e., the policy of extermination of Eurpean Jews, were designed and executed at the direction of the Führer. Hitler spoke openly of annihilating the Jews ("die Vernichtung des Judentums"), and he wrote privately of his desire to kill Jews with poisonous gas some 20 years before his SS did exactly that.

German history is not even legal in Germany for this reason. The history books sorta just skip over the whole time period of WW2. They actualy have laws banning anything remotely referencing the nazis or thier symbols.

Forgive me, I lived in germany 20 yrs ago, and must say that your statement is simply not true. The Germans are well aware of their history. German history during WWII is taught in the schools. In fact, it is impossible to go about one's daily life in Germany without being reminded of WWII. You pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV, and inevitably there's the shadow of history. Stroll around the downtown part of any German city and you will eventually walk past an empty lot and memorial stone where once a synagogue stood.

Every action done by the Nazi government was allowed by the German people because it was done for their safety, and thier benefit. The government never publicized concentration camps or any of the wrongs we associate with the them now. If such rumors did exist they would likely have been dismissed as conspiracy theories created by the Jews who were upset at being relocated.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. :barf:
+1 FreedomC. I was in Germany in '98 and visited my company's bookstore, and a whole wall of the store was dedicated to history books on the WWII/Nazi topic.
The reason the Germans refuse to act right now concerning the Muslim populations in their country which threaten to destabilize, and possibly destroy the country comes directly from their history in WWII. And as much as I dislike the possible outcomes related to the Muslim population if they were to become radicalized, I like a Germany in 2070 with memorials where mosques used to be even less.

Post if you wish, but don't post something you don't know about.
Forgive me, I lived in germany 20 yrs ago, and must say that your statement is simply not true. The Germans are well aware of their history. German history during WWII is taught in the schools. In fact, it is impossible to go about one's daily life in Germany without being reminded of WWII. You pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV, and inevitably there's the shadow of history. Stroll around the downtown part of any German city and you will eventually walk past an empty lot and memorial stone where once a synagogue stood.

True, but the references are lopsided. There are all sorts of guilt-ridden books and references but very little objective history.

For example, I believe "Mein Kampf" is banned in Germany. How can a historian write anything objective without knowing this work?

Denying the Holocaust is illegal. This forces people to say things (or with hold their true thoughts) for fear of prosecution. This builds resentment.

My wife is German, I have spent much time in Germany and I am very familiar with the culture. I worry very much that a German populace that is unaware of how the Nazis rose to power, what they actually believed and the very natural resentment of 60 years of censorship and self-imposed guilt will whiplash into a Holocaust sequel.

Censorship is bad. People need to be able to speak freely, even if it offends someone. Open debate, not the government, establishes the truth.
By 2050, the U.S. will be a Hispanic country, heavily influenced by all things Mexican. In another century, the country will be unrecognizable.

Hardly. According to present projections maybe a quarter of the populace will be "Hispanic." Let's say it's a third. That wouldn't make it a Hispanic country, even if the power is evently distributed--which, frankly, I doubt it would be.

And of course what's "Mexican" isn't going to be the same either. Mexico is becoming slowly but surely Americanized in ways big and small. To be "American" is to be modern, technological, things-rich, open to liberty. Hard to resist.

But ANY extrapolation out to 2050 is folly. Anything is possible in that span of time, especially given the asymptotic pace of change since WW II.
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"By 2050, the U.S. will be a Hispanic country, heavily influenced by all things Mexican. In another century, the country will be unrecognizable."

That's close to what I have been saying:

"America by 2050: Brown, Islamic and gay...and third-world."

You're right, we'd never recognize it.

Hence my argument for secession while there still are people to populate the seceded states.

Merry Christmas,

-- John D.
You're a real good American aren't you? As long as they have US citizenship, I don't care what the face of America is by 2050.

As long as they have US citizenship, I don't care what the face of America is by 2050.


You might want to think that through slowly. Take your time.

If we had lost to Hitler in WW II, the face of America would likely be very different today. And the people running the country would, of course, have US citizenship.

You will still be alive in 2050, in all likelihood.

If the country is taken over through a process of infiltration (or through outright conquest), and the legal system in 2050 is, oh -- just grab something -- say, Sharia law, life as you know it, as an American, will be over. The "American" way of life would be very different. Of course, the people running the country would have US citizenship.

The diversity that is so prized today would, in all probability, be eliminated under those circumstances.

Don't get so hung up in the exercise of the freedoms we have today that you forget what needs to be done to keep them.
We are not in any way in danger of becoming a Muslim country!

If you didn't hear that, I'll say again, We are not in any danger of becoming a Muslim country.

But, that does not mean we cannot become a third world cesspool.

About Europe we cannot necessarily say the same thing. It probably will be a Muslim stronghold in 2050. Granted, the brand of Islam that will dominate Europe is hard to tell. It could be moderate Islam. It could also be Shari'a or anything inbetween.

As for the US, I think that we could split along certain lines. The brown people from south of the border don't have common cause with today's liberals other than as a voting bloc. Once they have the voice though, they can go against all the things they don't like, which includes gay marriage, and abortion.

As for Conservatives, if they do regionalize in a very strong and easy to see way, well, the country could split. But it will be a process. It will take time.
Yes, I'd say it is possible, but it will not be fun or "glorious".

Revolutions have many causes, but the principle ones are brought about either by economics, or arrogance by those in power.
Man, Arfin, ever take into account of my post as possibly being a knee jerk reaction to cloudcrofts post?
Sorry, Joshua

In that case, never mind.

I did wonder about that.

Oh, and by the way, welcome to The High Road.

Looks like you've made yourself at home.

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