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Dec 24, 2002
sowest pa.
I'm not certain that I agree with the entirety of Mr. Smith's piece, polemics as some might describe them, however I'm willing to have readers draw their own conclusions. In any case, he raises some interesting points, it seems to me.

Contemplating Mass Murder in Omaha
by L. Neil Smith
[email protected]


It's just a sign.

They have one painted on the entrance to our local Blockbuster, and there's another on the glass front door of my doctor's office, as well. The notice usually reads "No Firearms Permitted" or something to that effect, and is often accompanied by a graphic: the outline of a pistol or revolver superimposed by a big red European "forbidden" symbol.

As surely as a baseball cap turned around backwards, it is a sign of unadulterated stupidity at work. It might even be funny, if it weren't responsible for the sudden, violent deaths of eight innocent individuals this week at a shopping mall in Omaha, Nebraska, not to mention countless others in the recent past and many more in the future.

On countless occasions, I have challenged various proponents of victim disarmament -- known in the common, inaccurate vernacular as "gun control" -- to put a big cardboard sign in the windows of their homes:


For some reason, nobody has ever taken up the challenge. Could it be because a sign like that is an open invitation to robbery, rape, and murder and that the lying hypocrites I challenge know it perfectly well?

The signs attempting to prohibit personal weapons within public places, however, amount to the same thing. Many decent individuals, respecting private property and the rights of its owners, will obey them. To those intent on harming others, they say something else altogether:


The only good thing about all this -- about all the murder and mayhem such signs have caused over the past few years -- is that more and more people, right across the political spectrum, are beginning to understand what's really going on here: that empty-headed ideologues are willing to see their customers writhing in pools of their own blood on the faux granite floors of the nation's shopping malls rather than know they're carrying with them the means of preventing it.

The breakover point was the attack on a college campus in West Virginia, where personal weapons were banned and a measure introduced in the state legislature meant to overturn that policy had just been defeated. For once, the media were full people willing to recognize the fact that gun laws are only obeyed by the law-abiding, who are then offered up as human sacrifices by ideologues, to monsters who won't.

But there's more -- much more -- that members of the public have to learn about incidents like this, and it won't be a bit easier to convince them than it was with regard to the importance of being armed.

Ordinarily, when this sort of thing happens, I tell those who want to know why that there is no reason, that the responsible parties were evil or insane, and there is no rational way of accounting for anything they do. It's more important to learn what made such a thing possible (an entirely different question) and the answer is usually that government has deprived people of the proper means of defending themselves.

But they say there's an exception to every rule.

Consider for a just moment: in 1992, when Robert Hawkins -- who killed himself this week at the age of 20, after shooting eight other people to death -- was only five years old, U.S. Marshalls and agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation murdered Randy Weaver's wife and son and not only got away with it, but got commendations and promotions.

Nobody could avoid hearing about it. it was all over the news.

In 1993, when Hawkins was six years old, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, along with the FBI's "Hostage Rescue Team" massacred an entire churchful of innocent individuals -- more than eighty of them, including two dozen helpless little children -- in broad daylight, on national television, and got away with it completely.

And again, it was all over the news.

In 1995, when Hawkins was eight years old, the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City was destroyed, 168 people were killed, and more than 800 were injured in an explosion that military ordnance experts have testified could not have occurred in the manner asserted by the government, and which some scholars claim the government knew about weeks in advance and let happen anyway, purely for political purposes.

Once again, nobody could avoid seeing the horrible images,

In 1996, when Hawkins was nine years old, the President of the United States had a sleazy affair with a White House intern, and responded to his critics by bombing a pharmaceutical plant in the Sudan.

Standup comics made jokes about it on TV.

In 2001, if the government is to be believed, Muslim terrorists retaliated against decades of American interference in their part of the world (the government claims that it was because "they hate our freedom") by hijacking four airliners and flying three of them into the Pentagon and the twin World Trade Center towers, killing at least 3000 people -- although controversy continues concerning the veracity of the government's account. The government's response was to invade two countries that had nothing to do with the incident, an act that has so far resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

We continue to hear and see it every day.

At the same time, the current administration began illegally detaining people, "disappearing" them into secret prisons for indefinite terms without trials or legal representation, and torturing them.

They don't want us to know it, but we do.

One cynical reason offered for the invasions is that they were more concerned with securing petroleum sources and pipeline routes than with the World Trade Center. A crude t-shirt slogan exhorts the government to "kick their ass and take the gas", to use force to get what we want, even -- or especially -- when it belongs to somebody else.

So when Hawkins decided his life was no longer livable, and that he should "go out with style", what example did he have to draw upon? You want something? You hate somebody? You don't like what they're saying?

Lock and load.

But that isn't the worst.

Here it comes.

Get ready.

Incidents like the one in Omaha and those that preceded it are simply too damned convenient -- to the victim disarmament crowd -- for them to be accepted any more as merely the random work of individual psychotics.

There it is. I said it, and I'm glad.

More and more it appears to even the most neutral observer that, just when Congress, the state legislature, or even a city council is debating a new law that infringes the right of the people to keep and bear arms -- in this case it's the U.S. Supreme Court taking up the question -- some lunatic comes along, using whatever gun the liberals currently want most to put political pressure on, and kills a bunch of people.

It almost never fails.

I wrote about this phenomenon twenty years ago, myself, although I only half-believed it then. But after the all-too-convenient killings in Dunblane, Scotland that gave Parliament what it needed to outlaw all privately-owned guns in Britain, and after a similar atrocity in Tasmania produced similar legislative results in Australia, I stopped doubting.

Go to:

How many more Robert Hawkins will be sacrificed -- along with their innocent victims -- until the enemies of freedom finally have their way? If that's too conspiratorial, if it sounds too weird or hysterical, remember what's at stake. It's equally hard believing there are people who see a positive value in the extermination of as many of their fellow human beings as possible. And yet each generation seems to produce enough of them to mess the world up for everybody else.

The Ottomans. Hitler. Stalin. Mao. Pol Pot.

Every great slaughter in history has been preceded by the mass disarmament of those who are to be slaughtered. Australia is ready for genocide now. So is Great Britain. Is America being softened up the same way? Would those evil, crazy, or corrupt enough to kill millions even hesitate to arrange something like what happened in Omaha this week?

Go to:


There may be a way to stop this evil process. What if everyone affected by the Omaha shootings sued the mall? What if anyone who ever left a gun in his car and had it stolen because they weren't allowed to carry it inside, sued the mall? What if anyone who was ever robbed, raped, or hurt at the point of a gun stolen from such a car, sued the mall?

Is there a liability lawyer in the

"Men cannot be governed and remain men. Domesticate the wolf and he changes both physically and mentally. His muzzle shrinks, his teeth diminish, he loses size, speed, and strength, He grows spots. His ears flop. His brain withers. He becomes a dog. Men are on the verge of becoming dogs -- the changes are underway already -- unless we do something to stop it."

-- The Ceo Lia Wheeler, Phoebus Krumm, forthcoming

Four-time Prometheus Award-winner L. Neil Smith has been writing about guns and gun ownership for more than 30 years. He is the author of 27 books, the most widely-published and prolific libertarian novelist in the world, and is considered an expert on the ethics of self-defense. His writings may be seen on the following sites:

The Webley Page:

The Libertarian Enterprise:

The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel, Roswell, Texas, and TimePeeper (August 2007):

LNS at Random (blog):


(Find other articles by L. Neil Smith)


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Severe editing is required.

Even the best writers benefit by good editors/editing.

He should have quit at the first couple of paragraphs and resumed with the last few.

The material in the middle is irrelevant to his main point:

Sue the bastards.
In 1995, when Hawkins was eight years old, the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City was destroyed, 168 people were killed, and more than 800 were injured in an explosion that military ordnance experts have testified could not have occurred in the manner asserted by the government, and which some scholars claim the government knew about weeks in advance and let happen anyway, purely for political purposes.

I'm sorry, but any good points he may have made were mitigated by tin-foil conspiracies like the quote above.

I wonder who "some scholars" are - Rosie O'Donnell?
Tin foil helmet? More like an iridium body suit needed here. Umm, so , every time the gun control idiots want to pass some anti-gun legislation, they go out and seize control of some poor bastards mind and force him to go on a shooting spree? Sure, uh, yeah, hand me another reefer, dude, yeah, like, that's how they do it!
Hardly a conspiracy, Ruby Ridge and Mount Carmel were started by the government. Randy Weaver was intrapped by another "informer" who had been coerced into the service of the government. His son was shot in the back after he had returned fire from two officers, unannounced, who had shot their dogs. Vicki Weaver was shot by a government sniper while she was holding a baby unarmed. And we know what happened in Waco. They could have arrested David Koresh on one of his regular trips out of the compound, but they instead planned a big commando raid and invited the press along. Why does the government get to plan arrests in a manner which endangers those supposed to be arrested? I don't think the government knew prior to the Oklahoma City bombing, but after three days, they and the press sure took advantage of it, didn't they? All of a sudden, every guy in camo was a crazy militia guy, and evry religious group, another Branch Davidian. 9-11 was preceeded by the mysterious explosion of TWA Flight 700, which blew up minutes after takeoff from New York. I am still not sure, but it was months before the explosion was attributed to the 747's airconditioning system. Airport security was revamped when the exact cause was still a mystery, but as we have seen, most inadequately. The intelligence community and a data mining program run by the Department of Defense, had some real clues to the possibility, but organizational barriers were put in place by the administration. As can be seen, the government doesn't do much of anything very well. There IS a conspiracy to end gun rights, but not to the extent that the writer proposes. It is quite obvious, that the ATF is constantly looking for ways to keep guns out of the hands of citizens. When they screw up, like they did, BIG TIME, in Waco, there are always politicians there to defend them. And it is no secret that the United Nations want your guns!

Yes, these mass shootings happen but only where the potential victims are disarmed.
It was Flight 800, and a "spark in the fuel bladder/tank" was blamed, but otherwise...the Gov't is a Conspiracy.
What is it with these pro-gun folk? JPFO, NRA, GAO, doesn't seem to matter which organization, the all set their hair on fire and start pounding the keys. Their rhetoric is no better than the Brady Bunch's bovine excrement. The Chicken Little School of Journalism isn't serving "our cause" well.

I see many well-thought-out opinions and impromptu "essays" on this and other forums, so I know there are intelligent writers in the gun community. It irritates me to see these mental-midgets publish poorly-writen articles that supposedly represent the pro-gun community. How can we influence these wing nuts? I have to edit the GOA "recommended letter" when I write my congress-person (ours is female) and my senators, not just for typos but for content. Pretty sad when a former engineer can improve the prose written by a journalist...........
I need to correct something, the ATF did not burn down Waco,the FBI was on the scene when that happened, I thought I would fix that before things go OT and it gets locked....soon at this rate,
Do I think the government is behind these incidents? No. No way. Do I think elements within government attempt to capitalize on them to disarm us? Oh yeah.

Implying or outright stating that the govt is behind these shootings is neurotic and paranoid, IMO.
With respect to my remarks about editing, I did not want to comment on the validity of the consipiracy claims --I have an open mind on those questions.

And the hair on the back of my neck rises frequently, too.

I was commenting on the poor choice he made in bringing up the conspiracy stuff in the middle.

He made some valid points regarding the gun-free zones at the beginning and, toward the end, about sueing the behonkers out of the mall owners/operators.

However, the hardest part of writing is cutting your beautifully-crafted crap so that you stay on point.

I'm surprised JPFO itself did not blue-pencil that center section.

Cut, cut, cut!

(Zelman, are you listening?)
L. Neil has gotten shrill and whiny. It was hard to choke down the last fiction book of his I read because of the preaching.

He's also said things to a THR member that were disturbing in another venue.
Glad someone mentioned TWA 800, I was surprised the guy left that out. Rather than risk being labeled a conspiracy theorist, I suggest that anyone interested go over to and form your own opinions. If you do visit the site, make SURE that you look at the pdfs of the original eyewitness accounts, it is pretty startling.
Quote: What if everyone affected by the Omaha shootings sued the mall? What if anyone who ever left a gun in his car and had it stolen because they weren't allowed to carry it inside, sued the mall? What if anyone who was ever robbed, raped, or hurt at the point of a gun stolen from such a car, sued the mall?

The malls would eventually close, and then they could be converted into really awesome paintball courts, or super indoor ranges.:D
The greater point about the .gov being a poor role model as far as resorting to violence to perform CYA maneuvers has validity, I think so much that it's hardly necessary to resort to tinfoil hat examples to prove the point.

+1 on some editing.
Eyewitnesses to aircraft accidents are effectively worthless.

If someone says the plane, "just missed their house" or "was no more than 50 feet up," it almost always turns out they were wrong by a factor of TEN TO TWENTY.

Investigators have a database of previous reports and can SOMETIMES correlate "eyewitness" reports to terrain of similar events for an approximation.

Add in the usual errors and after the fact changes eyewitnesses make alone and in groups, and the desire of people who weren't witnesses to be part of the story, and attempting to judge an event by the "eyewitnesses" without proper supporting observations, scaled photographs, etc, is a waste of time.

I speak as someone who has cleaned up after USAF accidents, who is married to a combat/forensics/evidence photographer and works with a a variety of artists who do detailed work with color analysis.

Any conspiracy nut website about any incident ever is worthless crap. Some of them are better fiction writers than I am--they very carefully cherry-pick the techie-sounding but meaningless factoids that make things look scary.

Compare to the allegations of Bush "draft-dodging" and the "suspicious" scans of his records, which, speaking as someone who served several years as a shop chief in the Air National Guard, are utterly mundane, boring and without any significance or suspicion whatsoever.

So, no, I'm not going to click any link and "form my own opinions" from tertiary sourced and unsourced out of context, poorly documented drivel.

Think about it. Do those sites EVER show ANYTHING that contradicts their position? Not 99% sure, they're always 110% sure. That's almost always a mark of BS just by itself.
explosion that military ordnance experts have testified could not have occurred in the manner asserted by the government, and which some scholars claim the government knew about weeks in advance and let happen anyway, purely for political purposes.

Oooohh...WHICH "experts"? I'd sure like to know.

And yes, Smith not only believes the US military is in Iraq to rape, pillage and drink beer after the fact, but that we deliberately had our own pilots suicide to blow up WTC and our own HQ at the Pentagon.

I've expressed my opinion of him publicly. I think he's no longer a helpful ally, but an embarrassment.
One thing for sure, gun control is for real. I don't have to critique his article to agree that the general public is being stripped of their ability to defend themselves. That is a real problem. Any place that does not allow CCW loses my business for good. There are other businesses that welcome my money, and have no problem with CCW. That part is pretty black and white.
I agree with bearmgc, but I'll add that the Congress and the legislatures are the ones who rob us of our individual freedoms daily.

This issue goes way past Gun Control IMO. I believe it is time we take back some of the privileges that come with being an elected official.

It should be a volunteer job. With SHORT terms.
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