Machete Control already taking hold in the US

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For purposes of this section, “machete” means “a heavy knife at least 18 inches in length and having a blade at least 1.5 inches wide at its broadest measurement.

Uh oh. Here comes the National Machete Act. If I saw it off to 17.75 inches, is it illegal without the stamp?

Any individual who requires a machete for the purposes of cutting vegetation shall register the machete with the local police department on an annual basis and, upon payment of an appropriate annual registration fee as determined by the local granting authority, shall be issued a permit authorizing him to possess the machete solely for the purposes of cutting vegetation.

"And how do we know, Mr. Jones, that you 'require' a machete for the purpose of cutting vegetation? Can you provide proof that you have vegetation that needs to be cut with a machete? That's not good enough Mr Jones, permit denied. Turn in your machete or you'll be arrested."

:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:
"machete” means “a heavy knife at least 18 inches in length and having a blade at least 1.5 inches wide at its broadest measurement.

So the machete market will be divided into the pre-pan 18" or greater
and 1.5" or wider and the post-ban 17.9" or shorter and 1.4" or narrower
Assault Blade Weapons (ABW).

Don't forget the 2x4 and tire tool Attitude Adjuster Weapons (AAW).

We have laws against bad behavior with weapons; if those are not or
cannot be enforced, laws defining things as illegal are useless window
dressing by foolish legislators who have no clue as how to do any good.
So, is there gonna be a run on machette's before the ban happens?

Are they gonna outlaw sheet metal also? If you cut sheet metal in the wrong shape, they'll throw you in jail for illegal manufacturing.
They just found a new source of income.

Any individual who requires a machete for the purposes of cutting vegetation shall register the machete with the local police department on an annual basis and, upon payment of an appropriate annual registration fee as determined by the local granting authority, shall be issued a permit authorizing him to possess the machete solely for the purposes of cutting vegetation.
What did they do with axes after the Lizzy Borden Massacre?

swampsniper, please tell us that Massachusetts machete bill is a joke
form the Cobert Report or MAD TV.
NJ Machete Attack

"And in Greenville, N.J., during a Jan. 20 argument over a borrowed drill, a suspect known as "Shy" slashed an apartment resident so severely with a machete that the victim's shinbone broke."

I sure hope that wasn't a hollow point machete in NJ!!!
Uh oh!
I guess that the next step would be to designate the Khukuri as a "Machete Magnum".:uhoh:
Machetes should be treated like any other weapon. When it is on a belt or being used for some lawful purpose, no problem. When it is being brandished or swung at another human, time to intervene. We dont need new laws for this.

When you make a well paid profession of law-making, you end up with lots more laws.
Aren't they confusing us with *insert African country here*? Silly critters. Laws are for-dang-it! Can't finish the pun!
Aren't they confusing us with *insert African country here*?

I would have agreed, except the problem with those countries was not the weapons.

Rampant ignorance, extreme poverty, no leadership, and evil men willing to gut you for a dime have played a bigger part than the blades and bullets.
Disarm everyone and they just go at it with rocks and fists.
I'm the only guy in this room, that I know of, that's professional enough to handle a machete.

Shouldn't that be, "I'm the only guy in this room, that I know of, that's professional enough to handle a ma-AAAHH!!!"?
A funny thing; I actually do collect souvenier machetes. I've got one from Trinidad, one from Belize, another from Cancun... I guess there's one in every crowd.
>>>I'm the only guy in this room, that I know of, that's professional enough to handle a machete.<<<


I'm the only guy in this room, that I know of, that's professional enough to handle a machete.
"I aim to misbehave."
Not according to your sig :neener:

Any individual who requires a machete for the purposes of cutting vegetation shall register the machete with the local police department on an annual basis and, upon payment of an appropriate annual registration fee as determined by the local granting authority, shall be issued a permit authorizing him to possess the machete solely for the purposes of cutting vegetation.
You must NEED (and somehow demonstrate said NEED) a machete before they will GRANT permission to own or use one. Substitute "machete" with the name of any other tool and we see where this is going.

When I think back to my shool days and realize how ingorant I was to believe that the United States of America was the land of freedom, I feel like a fool! :banghead:
I was once pulled over for speeding in Beverly, Massachusetts in 1997 with a machete in the back seat. The State Trooper saw it and asked me why I had it. I said, "it's a martial arts training aid." I got off with a warning.

I guess it would be a different story today! Man, I'm glad I got the heck out of there!
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