Maybe I should stop carrying a gun...

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I carry a compact at the appendix area, and a full-size when I'm in the woods or just feel like it :)

It's good to have a couple different guns for different situations. For lunch, you can always carry a compact, something quite small, like a small .38, Bersa Thunder, or micro 1911, in a small smartcarry rig, and nobody will be any the wiser.

Seriously though, I've been carrying for a couple years now. At first I had some serious printaphobia, but now I don't care at all. I print like mad with a full-size 1911 under a t-shirt and it doesn't phase me. If you live in an open-carry state, give that a try. I've carried open a couple times in the woods on hiking trails, and it never seems to bother anyone, and the trails are full of granola-types whom you'd think would be stressed by that.
So, instead of shooting a violent person who is intent on harming me with a broken beer bottle, I should let him stab/cut/maim me with it because he is probably drunk and his judgment is impaired? No thanks. I'll take "carry the gun and protect yourself", please.

If you take the risk to occupy the same space with unpredictable drunk punko's than you need to consciously ACCEPT the risk and leave the gun at home. If you can't, then stay out of the bar. All we need is the a story of a drunken gun fight to get blown up in the media. Then we'll have all kinds of San Fransiscos popping up all over. Carrying a gun is about personal protection, but it also is about responsibility. Carrying a gun into a bar is not very responsible at all.
Maybe I should stop carrying a gun

Even though I have a CCW (known here in Texas as a CHL), I'm not allowed to carry into any place that derives 51% or more of its income from the sale of alcoholic beverages. Nor am I allowed to carry in a hospital or church and a few other places. So, I don't carry in those places and take my chances. However, I carry every other place I go.

I understand the pros and cons of carrying in a bar and accept the risk. However, I live in a small town and there has never, to my knowledge, been a violent incident in any of the bars in town. That doesn't mean it can't happen, but I'm willing to accept the risk and go out occasionally. And since the two places (neither a real bar, but both derive 51% or more, etc., etc.) we usually go to are both in prominent, open areas and are not frequented by the type who is given to violence, we feel pretty safe. Again, that doesn't mean something couldn't happen, but we accept the risk, just as we accept the risk of driving on a crowded highway. Where, of course, you are a lot more likely to get hurt or killed than in a bar.

My wife also has a CHL, but has decided since getting it that she will not carry. Her rationale is that since I carry every place it's allowed, and I'm retired and we go every place together, she doesn't need to. I've tried to convince her that the one time that we don't go somewhere together will be the one time she needs her weapon, but she says that she'll accept that risk.

As far as weapons and carry methods, you will have to try them all and find the one that suits you best. I've tried carrying on the ankle and found it difficult to get to the weapon quickly. Inside the waisband would probably be O.K., but the gun is much more likely to print there than in some other locations and it can be pretty uncomfortable when you're sitting down. And in most areas of Texas it's too hot four to six months of the year to wear even a light jacket. That eliminates a shoulder holster from consideration. So for me, pocket carry is best. With the right weapon (I have both a S&W 642 and a Kahr PM9) and holster, printing isn't a problem.

I know that none of my friends is anti-gun in general (hey, it's Texas!), but I'm not sure how all of them feel about CCW. Some of them know I carry, some don't, but none of those in the know has had anything negative to say about it. If they did, I would politely explain to them the risks of not carrying, that it's an individual choice, and leave it at that. If they continued with their negative comments or insulted me, I would find other friends. But here's a suggestion: DON'T every tell anyone that you have a CCW or that you carry. If they learn about it some other way, so be it. But if you tell one person, he or she will tell another and eventually a criminal will learn and you have just become a target. It has happened before!

As far as girlfriends go, I can't really help you there since I've had the same "girlfriend" for over 40 years. I might suggest that you visit a Cowboy Action Shooting match. There are quite a few ladies there and the folks are very friendly. Most of the ladies are "attached," but once they find out that you are single, I'm sure they'll go into the "matchmaking mode" and hook you up with a lady who has a positive view of CCW and guns in general.

Sorry this post is so long, but since I've had to give a lot of consideration to carrying/not carrying, which weapon, etc., I thought I would run through all the things I've had to consider....

As always, YMMV.

Tequila Jake
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