Molon Labe Mathematics 101

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Would you be so sure that we would be up against every national guard/army/marines/etc? Some of these people I'm willing to bet are pro 2A and come from families who feel the same way.

Also, our weapons wouldn't be so badly out matched. The first thing to do would be organizing and acquiring better weapons. What comes to my mind is raiding the local armoury and destroying what you can't take with you.

What are they going to supply the guardsmen when all the weapons are gone? Broomsticks?
I think we should remind ourselves that this is a hypothetical future we are talking about. Some people are getting a little carried away.

I believe that there will never be a widespread open revolt in the United States to overthrow an oppressive and tyrannical government and restore a constitutional government. There just aren’t enough people like that left, and each day there are fewer.

If there ever comes a time when people of character, convictions and fortitude (Americans worthy of the name) openly defy a future government that has provoked them to such radical action, they will quickly and quietly be put down. They will be derided and mocked in the media and the common person will change the TV to a rerun of “Friendsâ€.

On the other hand, were a government to put a stop to entitlement programs (instead of violating rights) we would see instant widespread civil unrest.

What this says about our country is disconcerting to consider.

Tread on me wrote: "That is certainly a good idea. BUT, I seriously doubt anyone will get even close to anyone of power - period. DC is defended like you wouldn't believe (if you haven't been there) and god only knows what other security they have that we don't know about. Also, in the event of armed rebellion, the leaders will be on high alert and will not be accessible by the public. I think it will be next to impossible to even get 1 of them."
Yes, there will be attempts to defend them. But some will fail. Those that work will give the rest pause. If they didn't think so, they wouldn't be trying so hard to disarm and surveil us.

As well, these officials also have homes, businesses, family.

Can you imagine what a campaign season would resemble? ;)

The more troops it takes to defends these, the fewer there will be to accost citizens.

I don't agree.

Who said there would be elections at that point. It depends on how wide spread or severe this would all be.

I recomend a book to all of you, it is called "The Real Lincoln" by Thomas DiLorenzo.

Everything, and I mean everything we talk about tyranny has already been done. It happened already. Past news. If anything we experienced a rebirth of American liberties and ideas since then. Perhaps because of mass media, technology and other things.

Lincoln suspended elections, imprisoned congressmen, even the Supreme Court Chief Justice, he imprisoned anyone with dissenting opinion, shut down the newspapers and printing presses, confiscated firearms, and ran a campaign of fear and terror.

If you disagreed with Lincoln, you faced imprisonment or death.
The analogy fails. There are not now any politicians or government officials with the courage, vision, intelligence or will of Abraham Lincoln. :p
heres a wild idea,

the place goes to hell, and the midwest, mountain west, and the south write off the left coast, new england and rust belt and start over?
How come the minions of the state haven't been able to clean out Richmond's open-air drug markets? Looking at the statistics, I know they aren't outnumbered, even counting the 13-year-olds with guns and driving stolen cars. I don't know that the military would much better unless they were allowed to shoot on sight.

RE: "...defend the Constitution over obeying a tyrannical civilian gov."

Something similar has been tried at least once.

Lincoln 1, CSA 0

if a real revolution were to happen, firearms for us would not be a problem. a large part of the black market is guns. i bet we could also get other countries to help us. countries like cuba whom the US govt is against probably wouldnt mind helping us if it meant destorying the current administration.
Forgive me for not having the quote handy, but I think it was Solzhenitsyn(sp?) who questioned how long the State Security apparatus would have continued to operate if every night they went out, they knew that 1, 2, or a dozen of them would not be going home.:scrutiny:
I would question a couple of things in the original estimate. The resistance would not be up against all of that LE + NG. You discounted numbers for those that wouldn't obey the government, but forgot that most of LE would still be involved with the rest of enforcing the laws of the land. They would still need traffic cops, etc. Since the NG appears to be an integral part of our foreign adventure force, I would wonder if they would available, also.

I also think the estimate of Iraqi resistance is probably low, same reason we consistently underestimated resistance in Vietnam.

For those of you that think it would be a good tactic for the "freedom fighters" to go about knocking off mail carriers, ag commission clerks, park rangers, school teachers, and city hall janitors (not to mention Forest Service hydrologists :what: ), well if you are going to advocate anything that evil, you are never going to have the popular support you need, and the general population is going to be happy to see you all get burnt up in your compound.
When I wrote the line about the "campaign season," I had Lincoln in mind. What do you think of the rest of the theory?

My point was simple. Engage the regular troops only when the opportunity is too good to pass up, or when it can't be avoided. In both cases, the engagements must be short and ex-filtration from area the must be swift.

The real targets are those who pull the strings. And if you can't find those targets, you go after something of value to them.


Anyway -- the Solzhenitsyn citation --
And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, polkers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you'd be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. Or what about the Black Maria sitting out there on the street with one lonely chauffeur -- what if it had been driven off or its tires spiked. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!

If... if... We didn't love freedom enough. And even more -- we had no awareness of the real situation. We spent ourselves in one unrestrained outburst in 1917, and then we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure! ........... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
The Solzhenitsyn quote referred to "every Security operative." I was responding to this statement by RileyMc:
They 'seek and destroy' (assassinate) any and all government personnel they encounter. The higher value, the better. They look for anyone, anywhere connected to any kind of government agency, local, state or federal, and kill them.
People that say things like that just give us all a bad name and get us all lumped in with the Tim McVeighs of the world.
the math is interesting but it sure doesn't account for many factors.

if armed conflict breaks out, i'm almost positive it would go the way of the people.

all soldiers swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. the ones smart enough to realize this WILL talk about it enough for the word to be spread through the military.

Perhaps units will defect or go AWOL?

After the first several LEO shootings, the media will take care of spreading that batch of news. As more and more people die, more and more LEOs will reconsider what they are doing if they haven't already. How many LEOs would want to continue their door-to-door job knowing that any day might be their last? That they could be taken down as they step out the door of their home with their families right there? (edit: there is some Nazy SS quote about this that i cannot remember that some of you may know of).

The military and LEO will NOT last in this situation, because it is a guerilla war against their own people in this situation. These are the people they have sworn to defend.

And lets not forget other countries that might potentially take advantage of the country's turmoil to make profit (selling weapons to resisting civilians) or taking direct military action to finally settle the score with us (although less likely).

I'm sure you guys could come up with many more things we have yet to take into account.

edit: i thought one up myself - if each of those 65,000 "fighting" gun-owners shoots and kills just one person, that's 65,000 deaths - FIVE times the country's annual homicide count in just one day or one week, or however long it takes. That's mathematics that can't be ignored :D
After the first several LEO shootings, the media will take care of spreading that batch of news.
Who might predict that the media talking heads might be taking headshots?

Isn't "Insurrection Theory" fun?

They 'seek and destroy' (assassinate) any and all government personnel they encounter. The higher value, the better. They look for anyone, anywhere connected to any kind of government agency, local, state or federal, and kill them.

People that say things like that just give us all a bad name and get us all lumped in with the Tim McVeighs of the world.

If you'll read the original postulate, you'll see my hypothetical response is to a government gone berserk, deploying military forces against it's own citizens, with orders to arrest or kill simply for possession of firearms. In that context, I consider my strategy to be reasonable. My purpose would be to make it so costly for the government to violently disarm its citizens, that it would abandon that activity.
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The federal and state "Government" is a faceless entity, the people of gov we interface with daily are like most of us, "just trying to do my job sir". The ones we don't see in the back are the ones sending out the letters saying if we don't pay the registration fees plus penalties, they will turn it over to the Department of Taxation. Who in turn "attach" your property for non-payment or non-compliance. It's how the government works on a daily basis, paperwork passed to the next person and on to another department/agency. Spread the authority around, dilute amongst many and there is no one person accountable. It's YOUR responsibility to comply. Thats the gov.

Should they (they meaning a politico with public money and power) want to outlaw .50 cals, they regulate ammunition suppliers and tell you to turn them in, give you say 2 years to comply and life goes on. FFL's aren't able to help you without losing their business. So you don't turn them in, there is no legal ammo for it, what you gonna do? Its a club.
In the meantime the indoctrination classes are over for the next dumbed down generation of politcos and government employees, they graduate and begin to work through the system learning to just their job.

I don't think there will be an instance where a large scale confiscation will take place. It will be a grinding of the wheels through gov's frustratingly slow action towards anything resembling a positive outcome for RKBA. In the meantime we the people go postal a few at a time. Some make a stand somewhere like Freemen. Others just minding there own business get tied up in accusations of conspiracy to commit whatever and lose it defending ourselves in court. Some are just erased.

All done by folks in gov just doing their narrowly scoped jobs. And everyone asking how can they do that? Well, it's the law. Yet no one knows how that law came about.

They do that by one switch, one caliber, one feature, one license and one individual at a time. On many fronts.

What Harry Tuttle said about taxation is 100% on the mark, dead center bullseye.
Taxes, fees, surcharges, excise, user, bond measures, insurances and various other methods of achieving "compliance" of the masses are working. Tax it out of existence, make it too costly and fewer will make the sacrifice to secure or purchase that gun.
When was the last time you went to your city council meeting? Do you know which of your city council thinks or doesn't? Who on your council is pro-gun? Pro-business? Who on your council is almost always ready to up a fee or raise a tax?

Is your city a member of the League of City's?

The State Reps and Senators meet with your city/county council's and go back to Washington with inputs and make law. The council is the pulse.

Your tax dollars went to my city in the form of RDA funds. We bought and invested $2.4 million of your money into a bldg. then sold it for $700,000. Is that a deal or what?
Didn't know about it until it was a done deal.

And therein lies the problem, unless we tend to our local politicos, we won't know until it's a done deal.

The council directs the city departments, police, water, building, planning etc. The noose is local.

I think any forced compliance will come from the local level. The feds cannot come down and take'em, it will be from within your community. The feds will merely pull the strings.

Of course that's just my opinion,

I don't think there will be an instance where a large scale confiscation will take place. It will be a grinding of the wheels through gov's frustratingly slow action towards anything resembling a positive outcome for RKBA.

Exactly. It will be as it has been, death by a thousand cuts. It will accelerate, though, as our culture is captured and destroyed by the enemy within.

This has to be the most frightning thing Ive ever read..and ridiculous.

Agreed. The entire premise is ridiculous, as in "ain't never gonna happen."
There is that word again: "never". So the US is an eternal entity? For all time this nation will endure in a peaceful form? No government will ever go so far, in the next million years, to push the citizenry over the edge?

The fact is it WILL happen. Sooner or later, for one reason or another. It may well not even be any reason we currently see as important. But sooner or later something will be too much. Some admin will go too far. That or we will defy all the lessons and evidence of history.

Excuse me for finding that rather difficult to believe.
2nd Amendment

There is that word again: "never". So the US is an eternal entity? For all time this nation will endure in a peaceful form? No government will ever go so far, in the next million years, to push the citizenry over the edge?

The fact is it WILL happen. Sooner or later, for one reason or another. It may well not even be any reason we currently see as important. But sooner or later something will be too much. Some admin will go too far. That or we will defy all the lessons and evidence of history.

I must agree. I grew up hearing my father (now about 70) telling me that as a teenager in the 1950's he was a chest-thumping proud American, and told his immigrant father that the USA was forever. My grandfather merely smiled and said, "I grew up in Russia. The Czar was forever - when I was a kid, they had the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, and the power of the Czar was greater than ever. 5 years later they were gone from power, 1 year after that Nicholas and his whole family were murdered. Also, 2 of the empires fighting Russia were also destroyed, Germany and Austria-Hungary. They, too, were "forever." Well, son of mine, no country and no government is forever, no matter how powerful it appears."

I can't find too much fault there. Rome was "forever," too. They were a vastly powerful republic, just like us, and then the temptations of power for a few key people led to the destruction of the republic. After that, they lasted for a few hundred years, but the seeds for destruction were laid when Caesar crossed the Rubicon.

We are no different, since we are just as human as they were, and human nature hasn't changed one iota in tens of thousands of years. We merely live in a different time with different technology. Our republic is in the process of being destroyed from within, just like Rome's was, except that ours is being destroyed slowly and with the wholehearted approval of a large (and historically ignorant) segment of the population. Some day it is likely that some leader will grow impatient (we humans have limited lifespans, after all) and make a grab for near-total power. The first steps will be a confiscation of weapons from the general populace under some crime- or terror-fighting pretext, and it will be done either simultaneously or followed shortly thereafter by stringent controls on the press, media and internet (to the extent possible). At that point, people - including LEOs and those in the military, will have a very hard choice to make - career vs. principles (that is to say, it will be a hard choice for those that actually have principles, which probably eliminated the upper ranks of most urban police forces and some fair number of military officers).

Regarding the original and subsequent posts, I believe that many LEOs and military will be on the side of the Constitution, and that this will be the biggest news of all. Many that don't give a damn will gladly sell military or para-military equipment, plus ammo, to civilians for wads of the green stuff, gold, etc. As to civilian resistance, one factor that hasn't been mentioned is where the vast legions of former military will be on this issue. I firmly believe that most of them will be on the side of the people and the constitution. I also think that the politicians are particularly worried about what former members of various elite units will do - I don't know about you folks, but I wouldn't want to have a former Green Beret, Navy Seal, Ranger, sniper, etc. hunting me, let alone several of them working together. These guys could, probably without too terribly much trouble, obtain whatever weapons, supplies and communications gear that they desired, simply by raiding small convoys or out-of-the-way bases. The Green Berets, in particular, are trained in how to train insurgents and in how to infiltrate closely guarded facilities. This is a real wildcard.

I also have to wonder where the coastal cities are going to get their food and fuel, since I can't think of a good reason why the vast numbers of truck drivers currently bringing them these critical commodities will want to be on the road during a very bad period of unrest. Look at the effect on commerce of 2 moronic murderers in the DC area - despite thousands of LEOs and substantial federal involvement, the panic caused by these relatively unskilled, unintelligent guys without any coherent plan caused many thousands to stay off the roads. Those that were on the roads were subjected to massive delays due to checkpoints. What would 65,000, or even 6,500, well-equipped, highly motivated and fairly well trained people be able to do across the country? Commerce would be at a virtual standstill, which would really be a good thing - because that would force an end to the situation fairly soon.

As is the case with all sane people, I sincerely hope that this kind of a situation NEVER comes about, and that threads like this are looked back at as huge wastes of time and energy. However, trends are not good in this country, and with the burning human desire for more power, I'm not optimistic in the long run. We may defeat Kerry now, but what if Hillary gets in and makes Chuck Schumer the AG? How long do you believe that our gun rights will remain even partially intact? If not the Hillary-Schumer team, then it will be someone else in 4, 8, 12 20 or 50 years who will make the attempt.
I haven't read the whole thread, but had an observation:

No offense meant, but This comment from Don't Tread on Me doesn't fit his username very well:

I will be the first to admit that I will have a hard time saying to myself that I might die fighting off a government that has turned on me, I will give up my family, and start to kill other Americans. That takes a lot of guts.
I'd say what will happen is a bit slower. By the time the Gov does what you say, the gun owners and people with brains will be concentrated into certain areas. Those states will chose to succede. Most likely, the people working on this will decide early that weapons will be needed, and they will make sure that the NG is on their side, and they will be stocking up on weapons to arm the populace at large, those that don't already have the guns. Thus, the government will be facing essentially another nation in arms. Hopefully we won't be stupid and start the fighting, but woe to them that cross the border. I wonder where that border would be...

I agree with the string-pullers. The fools better look out for .50 BMGs and worse flying their way.

I didn't say I wouldn't do it....I was describing what a tough thing it would be to do.

Each person would instantly be taking a crap shoot with their lives. You would have to estimate a lot of unknowns, such as who or what by other means might resolve this all.

If violence has already broken out, it might be a lot easier since you aren' that first "shot" heard around the world.

Anyways you cut it, there will be a lot of brave people. It just won't be as easy as people say it is with words. As soon as you engage in any anti-government violence, you better win or die. And that is fine, since many (including myself) find life under a tyrannical government (much like Lincolns reign) to be totally unsuitable for living - so there isn't anything to lose, but everything to gain.

Like it or not, Waco was the first to fight back. Then...when they failed and were slaughtered....a man named McVeigh learned that upfront confrontation does not work....instead he ran an operation against what HE declared to be a runaway tyrannical government.

I guess it all comes down to where each person draws the line, and where each person has reached their tolerance limit.

He reached his in 1993-4
Don't forget the other two reasons for the Second Amendment: defending the existing, lawful government against domestic insurgency, and defending the homeland against foreign invasion.

I could (somewhat) easily picture the former, and the latter has already been done. Or at least been done in the sense that during WWII the Japanese felt that the US could not be successfully invaded because "there is a rifle behind every blade of grass."

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