My Liberal Girlfriend Loves to Shoot and Loves Guns.

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Jan 2, 2007
We always go out shooting, theres no local range to people go out to some spots in the woods to do all their shooting. Here we were at this one place only 10 minutes from home with up to a 200 yrd. range.:cool: She was raised in a very politically liberal family. When we got together years ago they were astonished to find out I owed guns, but they were really open minded about it and since I was so responsible with them they came to like guns more. Even let me bring guns when I visit on the holidays. They just cant understand why I didn't vote for Kerry:confused: Anyhow until she met me she had never fired a gun at all. Now the AK-47 is her of our first date was to shoot rotten melons with a 44 magnum. She no longer votes for anti-gun cantidates btw. Shes been a true joy to teach to shoot, as I have heard many stories of girlfriends not taking to it. Thats cool and all, but this is one of the hobbies I have that she enjoys almost as much a I do. This week I took her out and taught her to shoot with a scope, she shot about 80% at 70 yards at a Pepsi can. I was really impressed. She can also hit a car wheel at 100 yards with the AK, and that is kinda hard to do even for me with those sights. Heres some pics:

Sniper pic. That isn't our target one the tree, we had a box and a can on the ground on the hill...

First High-Brass, her idea, not I said she is easy to teach, I am thinking of getting her a super pretty 870 20 is much smaller and I would love it for trap shooting. BTW, she still has a bruise. This is right after the first shot.

Here's the reason I chose to get a Ruger MkIII, I wanted our first handgun something we could both enjoy and learn on, and it worked. Anyone looking for a .22 learner gun for a 110 lb. chick, look not further than the Ruger.
"Liberal" can be a misleading term here.

Are we talking "votes Dem because she believes in not hassling people for being different", or "votes Dem because she believes in creating earthly paradise through heavy taxation and jailing dissenters"?

If she likes guns, and thinks that private individuals should be left to their own devices if they're not hurting anyone, then maybe she's actually a Libertarian.

Were both actually libertarian, but what I meant is she was raised in a gun-hating liberal family. Now even they don't hate guns and support my hunting hobby. Her dad even got us 15 lbs of assorted elk meat form a friend.:)
She should be wearing eye protection

I've found the same thing with a number of women. Personally I'm a Libertarian in philosophy.

And yes, she should be wearing eye protection.
My wife was raised by a conservative family, but they're completely gun ignorant and bordering on anti-gun. They believe everything they see on the news. :banghead: They can't fathom why I *need* a gun. This is interesting b/c I was raised by relative anti-gunners. Yet, despite many conversations with the in-laws, they still think I'm a "gun nut". When they found out I'm in the NRA, they seemed to think I was even more of a "nut".

My wife enjoys shooting with me, and she really loves my CZ 75, but she does acknowledge that I have an addiction to a degree that she doesn't understand. :evil: Sometimes I feel like I'm just flapping my gums & she's not listening, but then she'll spout out some great, accurate firearms information and use the proper terminology she learned from me, and it makes me get all warm and fuzzy inside. She's a keeper! :D
Hell, I'm a hardcore Leftist by current standards - a race-mixing, union-joining, single-payer, Watermelon (green on the outside, red on the inside). And I really like guns for pretty much the same reason as those other dangerous libs like Jefferson and George Orwell.

There's absolutely nothing, except for a few historical accidents, that put the gun issue in the hands of the fascists, neoConned, religious fanatics and pickers of crumbs at the table of the multinationals :rolleyes:
As has been pointed out, your girlfriend might be alot more at home with the Libertarians than with Republicans or Democrats.

Hey, I got me a gun girl as well. They are great. ;)
There's absolutely nothing, except for a few historical accidents, that put the gun issue in the hands of the fascists, neoConned, religious fanatics and pickers of crumbs at the table of the multinationals
Which historical accidents would those be? :confused:
My first wife was hardcore anti-gun when we met. After a few years she and I attended a one-day LFI combat shooting course together. She still has her S&W .357 at home in a quick-access safe. Luckily she and I are on good terms. ;)
Eleven Mike & tellner ~

Open a separate thread, in L&P, if you want to pursue that discussion, please. Hate to see this one get thread-jacked. ;)

Want an EX girlfriend

How to get you girlfriend to dump you.

Take an 870 Supermag.
Load in magazine as follows
2 1/2 ounce Turkey Load (3.5")
1oz target load
1oz target load

I really don't recommend this as someone could get hurt. I've never done this, just happen to know someone who did.
Just a thought here...

I'm no tree-hugger by any means, but I don't think it appropriate to put up a target against a living tree and then proceed to shoot the hell out of the target and tree. It's not good for the tree and it's also not good for someone using a chain saw to cut the tree down due to unseen embedded bullets, if that would happen in the future.

Why not put said target NEXT to the tree, in an empty box you can pick up from a convenience store dumpster on the way out to shoot, with a rock or some dirt in it to hold the box in place, then paste your target to the front side of the box?

Please give some thought to other forms of life out there when you go shoot.

-- John D.
I'm no tree-hugger by any means, but I don't think it appropriate to put up a target against a living tree and then proceed to shoot the hell out of the target and tree. It's not good for the tree and it's also not good for someone using a chain saw to cut the tree down due to unseen embedded bullets, if that would happen in the future.

Why not put said target NEXT to the tree, in an empty box you can pick up from a convenience store dumpster on the way out to shoot, with a rock or some dirt in it to hold the box in place, then paste your target to the front side of the box?

Please give some thought to other forms of life out there when you go shoot.

TREE HUGGER! Sorry, just couldn't resist. :D
Cloudcroft, interesting you cared so much yet didn't read the caption by the pic. I agree it is fully immoral to put targets up on trees. We in no way shape or form shot any trees. A lot of locals go out there, get drunk and shoot everything. We are not a part of that crowd. We had a Pepsi can and a small box on the ground, to the right of the tree and on the ground. Also in the other pic you can see a couple cardboard boxes I used to shoot at. I only go to this place because a lot of people shoot there and I don't like crapping up new places. Not only did I pick up my shells and targets, I also picked up 50 or so other shotgun shells and a few cans we found around to balance out the .22 casings which I honestly leave behind. I also removed the targets from the trees so nobody would get any ideas and the place was better for us visiting it.
Thanks for the environmental concern, being a forester I have a great appreciation for nature and wildlife, that in a big part is trees. I know that pic looks as it does, that is why I tried to make it clear we weren't shooting the tree.
BTW, you described all of our target besides the 6 pack box and can we found(recycled). In the bottom pics you can see my rock filled boxes..:) The box we were shooting is about 3-4' down and 4-5' over from the target, its a little orange dot at 70+ yards with the camera, the pepsi can is 6" to the left of that. Look close and you will see the angle of the rifle and the little dot.

Yes, you are 100% correct...I did not catch the caption on TOP of the pic, I only saw the one UNDER the pic.

And yes, the tree sure does look shot-up from earlier times.

As for my "environmental concern," I also pick up my trash when I go out to the local desert here to shoot...even my .22LR cases. As for picking up OTHER people's trash I admit I do not because there is so much of it out there from illegal dumping.

My apologies to are more civil than I first thought.

-- John D.
Not all liberals are anti-gun.

Not all conservatives are pro-RKBA.

Very well stated.

Where I live in Mass, most gunowners, who fully support RKBA, are Democrats because they believe in the original Ideals of the party. They are plenty pissed about the new leftist that control the party. But they rather be Democrats with a voice in the party politics then just pack their bags and leave the party.
Cloudcroft, thank you. I was a little irritated 'cause I try to be environmentally friendly every time I shoot, unfortunately not every one feels the same as you and I, which is why I am sure you were irritated. It is people like those who put those targets on trees who ruin it for the rest of us. I always try to leave a place better than when I came, I figure if everyone did that there wouldn't be a bunch of trash everywhere.
I suspect that a LOT of gun owners are _really_ turned off by the hard-core "conservatives." Most of whom were defectors, or the children of defectors, from the democratic party when the "religious" folks switched from Democrat to Republican back in the seventies.
I love to shoot with women.:) There alot easier on the eyes than my gun buddies.;)
Nothing wrong with hugging trees every now and then :D They need love too.
RemFreak, have your GF lean a little more forward into the recoil in future photo ops. She'll probably have more fun that way.
Regarding the 870 20 ga. in another thread... I'd still go ahead and buy it if it has a bit shorter barrell.

Oh yeah, eye protection... always wise.

Liberal is one thing. Social statism another. Our founding fathers were good liberals, some of whom actually liked to go a-shooting... Nothing wrong with that.
RemingtonFreak870 said:
one of our first date was to shoot rotten melons with a 44 magnum.
How romantic! (J/K :D ;) )

I envy you for having a woman who likes guns. The women I've dated have tolerated my guns but have never really cared for them.

Oh yeah, there's a big difference between being libertarian (kudos to you both for being such!) and being "liberal." In fact, since libertarians are the only people who believe in conserving (or restoring) this country's original founding principles, I daresay we are the only genuine conservatives left. The neoconservatives currently dominating Republican politics have turned conservatism inside-out.

For an example of a true-blue conservative whom many might mistakenly (or maliciously) label as a "liberal," look no further than Ron Paul of Texas:
Hell, I'm a hardcore Leftist by current standards - a race-mixing, union-joining, single-payer, Watermelon (green on the outside, red on the inside). And I really like guns for pretty much the same reason as those other dangerous libs like Jefferson and George Orwell.

"Liberals" and "Leftists" are two entirely different things.

While I have no knowledge of Orwell's political inclinations, Jefferson was a "liberal" by the definition of that day and age.

The term "liberal" (along with "Progressive") has been co-opted by Leftists to the extent that it is almost meaningless....or at least, frequently (and often intentionally) mis-used.

Jefferson never espoused Social programs, wealth re-distribution, gun control or other modern Leftist positions.

single-payer, Watermelon (green on the outside, red on the inside).
Sorry, mate, I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about....
I love to shoot with women. There alot easier on the eyes than my gun buddies.

I agree completely! And a lot less competitive. :)

But he seriously needs to work with her on her shotgun shooting. Classic scared female stance there -- weight on back foot, head far away from stock, terrified of recoil. As Dick Vitale would say, "Flinch city, baby!" Not good.

Hey Remington Dude -- get her some light target loads, get her leaning slightly forward in a more athletic position with her weight on her front foot, stock mounted firmely on shoulder, cheek firmly on stock. DON'T FIGHT THE RECOIL -- just relax and let it happen. Oncer her body learns how to naturally absorb recoil (it won't take long), she'll be able to shoot all day without soreness or bruises.
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