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Noticed CCW Printing At Lowes

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Hey Scooter.

The only time here in Cody that we see people a little freaked out about open carry is the tourists on their way to Yellowstone Park. Some are inquisitive about it and others act as though they are about to be shot. The propaganda served by the media in much of this country has been swallowed hook line and sinker by much of the population who don't understand that we have a constitution and what it stands for. These are the same sheep who will believe anything if you say it enough but yet won't take the time or spend the effort to find out for themselves weather its right or wrong just like a horse wearing blinders.
If you had told me I was printing I would have said "So"?

Printing isnt illegal in SC. I see alot of folks with gun buldges. The average joe thinks either everyone is unarmed or only bad guys and cops have guns.

I would have kept my mouth shut and minded my own business.

But hey, thats just me.
But hey, thats just me.

No, it's not just you.:)

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should start with two supreme guiding Principles: MYOB and ****.
If you got enough guts just say that hey your gun is showing. That would have worked.. Where I live, we have many Rosie O'Donnell types and if someone calls on their cell phone that the guy has a gun, help.. This guy could very likely have a bunch of fearful cops with guns pointed to his head to ruin his day, handcuffed and brought in a patrol car, perhaps losing his CCW. It sucks , but that is how it is in my state. If you can see clearly I have a gun, I much rather you tell me, then a police officer telling me to put my hands up. I wish they would abolish these draconian laws.
Everyone in the "who cares" crowd, excuse my rudeness, needs to wake the heck up. Sure, you might be the "Constuh-too-shun is mah right to carry so mahnd yer own buhizziness" type on the internet, but out in the real world we need eachother's help.

In OP's state, Open Carry is illegal.

Thus, if the guy with the concealed weapon gets busted for it and goes to jail, it reflects negatively on all of us.

Who cares?

I care.
Valid reasons have been provided in this thread for not approaching a person who's printing.

Assuming people are hicks just because they disagree with you is childish and undermines your credibility.
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People who would approach the guy seem to be assuming that the guy printing is a good guy. They also seem to be assuming the guy printing is carrying legally.

What's the basis for your assumptions about a total stranger? Does he have to look like you? Does he have to be white and clean shaven? What's the basis?

Since you're actually in the dark about the guy printing, is it better to assume that you don't know if the guy is good or bad?

The assumptions in this thread are odd considering the worst criminals sometimes look like honor citizens. It's like people here see a guy printing and suddenly feel like they have a camaraderie with the guy just because he has a gun. That just seems really naive to me, no offense. I'm not saying that I'd assume that a guy printing is a criminal. I'm just saying that I don't know either way, and I proceed accordingly.
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Possible he might not be aware of the terminology.

"Printing" -- could also be a sexual innuendo if taken out of content.
People who would approach the guy seem to be assuming that the guy printing is a good guy. They also seem to be assuming the guy printing is carrying legally.

What's the basis for your assumptions about a total stranger? Does he have to look like you? Does he have to be white and clean shaven? What's the basis?

Since you're actually in the dark about the guy printing, is it better to assume that you don't know if the guy is good or bad?

The assumptions in this thread are odd considering the worst criminals sometimes look like honor citizens. It's like people here see a guy printing and suddenly feel like they have a camaraderie with the guy just because he has a gun. That just seems really naive to me, no offense. I'm not saying that I'd assume that a guy printing is a criminal. I'm just saying that I don't know either way, and I proceed accordingly.
Well, I'm no FBI analyst, but I'm pretty sure the big time crooks don't take their wives to knockover Lowe's.
That's where the big money is at!
By your logic we should call the cops on the guy, since he's probably an armed criminal who is too dangerous to approach. Wouldn't it be on your conscience if you could've prevented him from acting?

Nevermind that last paragraph, though, I'm just being an ass/ yoking.

Easy for you, I guess. What are the odds you'll ever see someone printing in CA?

Besides, even if he does turn out to be a bad guy, you still have him at a disadvantage.

You know where his gun is, and he knows absolutely nothing about you, other than the off chance that he might know that you know that he is carrying a gun because he knows the same terminology you know but you don't know that he knows it in this instance. [/tongue lightly in cheek]
I would have just minded my own business. If the guy causes a problem because his weapon is visible, it's his problem. I would just use it as a reminder to make sure that my weapon is always hidden.
King Ghidora

I agree with you one hundred percent! That's the way it is here and I wouldn't have it any other way. Call me a hick but I would rather work a hundred cows by myself than live in the big city and deal with five jerks. Now don't get me wrong if you live in the city, there are many good folks there also but in the big city you just have a bigger chance of running across the jerks but living in the small towns people look out for each other on a more regular basis.
I wouldn't say anything. I'm not taking the chance of any confrontation with anyone, especially someone packing who doesn't seem concerned with showing his weapon.
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