open carry...should or shouldn't?

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um ...not sure what happened but here it goes:

I am getting my CCW permit anyday now.
Of course i plan on CC. Georgia also allows Open Carry as long as you have a permit.(according to

Would you open carry if you could legally?
Do ya'll think their are any advantages or disadvantages to open vs concealed?
Just so you know this has been Discused Before .

However its allways good do to it again. I prefer Both, Depends on the Situation and weather.

By the Way Whos thread is this?
I would. I do, and I think there are advantages for both. If you just have the gun on you then you are ahead of the game in my opinion.
Why the fascination with open carry, I don't get it? I would rather conceal. Open carry just because you can......or is there another reason?
I open carry about 95% of the time. Instances where I don't are like meeting a new girlfriend for the first time at the daycare that she owns. Just thought the whole situation added up to good reason to conceal - new girlfriend, didn't want kids there to make a deal about it. As soon as we left the daycare, I exposed myself and I must say things have taken a much positive turn ever since! :p

I open carry because:

#1 The "element of surprise" has historically been an offensive strategic advantage. Visible detterence has historically been a defensive strategic advantage. I would rather deter something from happening to me than defend myself against something in the process of happening.

#2 Public example and education that it is perfectly acceptable for an American citizen to possess the means to protect themselves.

#3 It's just easier. I don't have to make any wardrobe adjustments to fit any particular method of carry. I just carry. If a shirt is tucked in, it's open. If I get cold and throw a coat on, it's concealed. I just don't waste any time or effort on it.
Depends on the situation, out here in the country open carry isn't a big deal. More like wearing a tool, like a set of pliers (I wear those too;)). Now when I'm in the city I wouldn't, just too much attention drawn. I'd rather maintain a somewhat anonymous profile.

When I'm hunting I almost always open carry a 10mm, or .44mag
here we go again...

i would at times if i could. i think it would be a great option, and i second the reasons given by navyLT.

there are many here who will foam at the mouth to tell you why you would be WRONG to do so. use the search function for a mountain of discussion on this topic.
My preference is concealed as open carry tends to upset people. I don't need the additional hassle, although I've done both.
No, no, no, NO!

If you carry openly, the bad guy will just shoot you first!

If you don't believe this, notice that the police carry openly, and you can't hardly walk down the street for all the dead policemen lying around.:p
nice responses....for the guy who wonders about the facination....there is no reason I just wanted to hear others know just a question.

I definately see pros and cons of both sides of the fence when it comes to open vs concealed.

thanks again!
If you open carry, you are asking for trouble IMO. Me personally I don't want open carry, although it should be legal, it's just not for me. I also think there might be a little cowboy or John Wayne mentality also to open carry, maybe seen one too many westerns....which we all know those were historically accurate.
I also think there might be a little cowboy or John Wayne mentality also to open carry, maybe seen one too many westerns

Its interesting that you compare open carry to "fantasy land" yet you make the argument that CC is safer, which has been proven to be completely false everywhere that both carry types are legal.
...ColdDeadHands - "Would you open carry if you could legally?"

I can carry openly here in Idaho, if I wish.

In the city, I don't carry openly merely because I don't want to. I always carry concealed.

I am not in the group that believes that a bad guy will try and rob a man who is openly carrying by just gunning him down first without warning and then search his pockets for a few dollars.

When fishing and out in elk/deer camp, doing all kinds of chores around camp where I can't conveniently carry a rifle, I always open carry my handgun. There are Black bears (an occasional Griz might wander around although rarely), Mountain lions, and Canadian grey wolves around and about. (Also I never discount the possiblity of two legged varmints coming into camp.)

I could not possibly care less if others want to open carry. Fine with me. Concealed carry only? Fine with me. No carry whatsoever? Fine with me.

Different strokes for different folks.

Review my post, I never said CC is safer......

What exactly are you saying then?

Your exact quote:

If you open carry, you are asking for trouble IMO.

What is this "trouble" you talk about? I know you say it is your opinion, but what formed that opinion?

I am genuinely curious because I see that all the time, yet there are no crime stats that show it to be true in any way.

People tend to forget that open carry is legal in VERY many states already and it's not shown to stand out in any way in the crime stats.
I could not possibly care less if others want to open carry. Fine with me. Concealed carry only? Fine with me.

Different strokes for different folks.

This pretty well sums up my thoughts on it too. I don't open carry because I work with the mentally ill and some of them would cause a scene. My wife is pretty anti so she's likely cause a scene too. I'm working on her, but it takes time and patience. Open carry is more comfortable I think, so I would have no problem OCing at the grocery store, etc. just not at my job. Do whatever you're comfortable with.

Like Leanwolf said, different strokes.

If you carry openly, the bad guy will just shoot you first!

If you don't believe this, notice that the police carry openly, and you can't hardly walk down the street for all the dead policemen lying around.

A couple of things need to be mentioned...

First, criminals try not to shoot police if possible because they know they will likely be killed or beaten severely when they are apprehended.

Second, if you look at reports of armed robberies by criminals willing to kill, armed guards are often shot and killed in the opening moments of the crime. If a criminal is truly willing to kill, then he will kill you if he sees you have a gun. If he isnt willing to kill, then you don't have much to worry about anyway.
Second, if you look at reports of armed robberies by criminals willing to kill, armed guards are often shot and killed in the opening moments of the crime.

Unarmed but uniformed guards tend to be killed first as well. How do you tie that fact in with the gun argument?

Maybe it's just the uniform and the gun has nothing to do with it?

All I am saying is that there has been NO proof in states where open carry is legal that any of this "you're a target" stuff actually happens.

Like i said in my post to Grassman, I am not trying to argue, I'm trying to understand where this idea that you're a "target" comes from since it doesn't really happen.

When the debate comes up and people pull that "you will be a target" argument it's very easy to refute it with facts, but their "gut feeling" remains the same and I'd like to find a way to deal with that.

I prefer concealed when possible, if someone freaks out and calls the cops, it could be a hassle or even dangerous.

Now, THIS one actually happens often, no question. But that's mostly a perception problem.
I live in Va.
Here a person who can legally own a handgun can open carry it, but you have to have a permit to conceal.
I open carry every time I leave the house.
Whether or not you should, is a personal decision.
I have the ability to conceal, in most occasions I choose not to.
I consider myself an advocate of open carry.
I never leave the house looking shabby, I am usually in jeans and a polo.
I am the nice guy who opens doors, gets the toy off the top shelf of the store for you, always gives you a smile... a please... a thank you.
I just happen to have a nice sized pistol on my hip when I do this.
People seem to have an issue with guns... the people who carry them have some kind of issue, they are paranoid freaks who shoot people.
The nice friendly guy with the gun throws them for a loop.
I OC and so does my wife.
If people dont open carry, how hard do you think it would be to try and take that right?

couple of things need to be mentioned...

First, criminals try not to shoot police if possible because they know they will likely be killed or beaten severely when they are apprehended.

Second, if you look at reports of armed robberies by criminals willing to kill, armed guards are often shot and killed in the opening moments of the crime. If a criminal is truly willing to kill, then he will kill you if he sees you have a gun. If he isnt willing to kill, then you don't have much to worry about anyway.

The point has been made that unarmed and uniformed guards are killed, too.

But how many times has a gang assulted a Brinks truck when the streets were filled with armed citizens?
I Didnt Realize It Was Cut And Paste Time Again So Soon

This Is A Bad Debate


I am done W/ this thread. The only thing threads like this do is separate members of THR. Nothing new comes up & the insults start flying ,usually before the end of page 1.

If you feel that OC is inappropriate to your situation by all means don't do so. but please don't call me an idiot because I choose to. Full stop end of statement.

If you live in one of the free states and you have need ( or simply choose to do so) to OC go for it! please don't act "More RKBA than thou" because I choose (really my method of dress chooses) not to 90% of the time.

Try "search" please don't dig this dead horse up again
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