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SKS= Rifle of the Future

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Gator Monroe

May 10, 2007
Oak Run Ca.
As More states adopt PRK (Peoples Republic of California) Draconian Gun laws and more weapons attain banishment status in more states the first to buy are the lucky ones ! AR AND AK and FN-FAL Variants and their lesser known cousins become verbotten (Yes the Happy times will end soon enough) The last bastion will be the lowly SKS,but it too will be Litigated into Never Never Land ! But long after AK's are only a fading memory in places like Texas and Alabama and Utah . (And dont even think that Kel-Tec or Ruger mini 30 or Springfield M14's will be Available as long as The SKS)
I stood by when the '94 AWB was instituted and so did a lot of other gun owners. Ever since then we have stood our ground and made the government think twice before passing any laws.

Get active with your local government and get the pro-gun people in office. I happen to live in Utah where we have a plethora of gun freedoms but we have had threats against these freedoms.

The point here is that you can go out and buy all the guns you want that "may be banned" and someday they may even be taken away from you. Or, you can get the right people in office and not have to worry about it. :cool:
money is also the life blood of politicians. Support the pro-gun ones.
Gator Monroe,
read my sig line...
Just because California does something doesn't mean the free world will follow suit. And California still has OLL AR and AK rifles. I see things getting better-soon the baby boomers will not dominate the political scene.
Yeah, but the M1 meets all the same criteria, and it's Amurican. :)

(and honestly, I think kungfuhippie has the right of it.. things have been moving our way for years now, and more people than ever have EBRs... and ain't gonna give 'em up without a fight. )
(And dont even think that Kel-Tec or Ruger mini 30 or Springfield M14's will be Available as long as The SKS)

The SKS with detachable magazines is specifically called out in HR1022. If states adopt the legislation as a base, your SKS may not make the cut either.
The antis are smarter today than they were back then ... expect the next AWB to ban the SKS and M1A by name.
I severely doubt we see one. There just isn't the support for it. If anything we seen a number of new progun politicians take office in the last election. Most Democrats and even the party platform haven't mentioned firearm bans since 1996. Now if we could just get rid of the guys who sneak it in other legilsation like Trent Lott things will be better.

The one thing you have to watch out for is the oldest trick they use. It needed to fight gangs. It was done during prohibition. Reagon did it against the Black Panthers and turned California into what it is today. The same occured during the civil rights struggle and again with growing gang problems in the 80s. They also like to tack it to other bills like what Lott and company have done for the past several years.
I see things getting better-soon the baby boomers will not dominate the political scene.

Me too. Any product of the 60s basically needs to be booted out of office... you know... "it's for the children" and "to better protect law enforcement officers".
well according to some your SKS would fare no special treatment.

quote;Now, how would one disarm the American population? First of all, federal or state laws would need to make it a crime punishable by a $1,000 fine and one year in prison per weapon to possess a firearm. The population would then be given three months to turn in their guns, without penalty.

First of all, federal or state laws would need to make it a crime punishable by a $1,000 fine and one year in prison per weapon to possess a firearm. The population would then be given three months to turn in their guns, without penalty.

Ha! That will not, under any circumstance, happen to me. If that ever happens, my guns are going in the ground, along with a suitable supply of ammo.
get active talk to everyone you know, the internet forums are easy, try talking to family, friends and co-workers, anti or pro... good luck guys.
THe next AWB may not even name rifle makes. It might simply outright ban magazines over X rounds, (10 most likely), or it might ban semi-auto centerfire rifles across the board.
THe next AWB may not even name rifle makes. It might simply outright ban magazines over X rounds, (10 most likely), or it might ban semi-auto centerfire rifles across the board.

that would be my guess - on both counts. and my other guess is there won't be any grandfathering.
Anybody else think a serious AWB may destabilize the country? Just a thought. As far as I can tell at least 51% of America thinks the RKBA is constitutionally protected, what happens when the politicians alienate the majority?
Yeah, but the M1 meets all the same criteria, and it's Amurican.

1) If we keep to it, the AWB II won't happen. There are more EBR's out there than even lil' old Feinstein can dream of now.
2) The Garand will be exempted (you can still even take one into Canada--it is exempted specifically as is the Enfield).
3) Garand owners would be emboldened to serious political action--banning the M-1 would be political suicide. Notice how the m1a got a pass in cali, too?

The mini-30 won't be banned because (even Cook County) everybody forgets about that model!!!
If that ever happens, my guns are going in the ground, along with a suitable supply of ammo.

How's the old saying go? When it's time to bury them, it's time to dig them up...

Something like that.
Anybody else think a serious AWB may destabilize the country?


As far as I can tell at least 51% of America thinks the RKBA is constitutionally protected
How many think "assault weapons" are constitutionally protected? I think you'd be disappointed at the numbers.

what happens when the politicians alienate the majority?
Pretty much nothing. People whine and cry on the internet, but really, they don't do anything of consequence. Remember all those people who were going to go to Canada if Bush won? Looks like they are all still here. All talk and no show. Right now, Bush has alienated about 60-70% of the population, depending on which poll you look at. Yet, you don't see the average Joe taking to the streets.
Put a fork in us because we are just about cooked!

Having seen first hand California's creeping socialism and multiple state and city gun bans come to life it sickens me to think these are now some of the same people who are now trying to run the show.
WAKE UP everyone!
Get to know to the facts they will never stop and would ban all firearms even a hunting rifle with a scope or a .22 semi auto.
We must all stand together or surely we will all hang seperately.
Their goals are easy to see, encroachment of our rights and eventual criminalization of your right to own any firearm they see or label as a threat.
Many who stayed in Californistan became felons for owning something they bought and registered legally when they initially purchased it.:fire:
Vote, donate time and money, teach those who will listen and get involved in any way you can even if just signing up a buddy for GOA or NRA.;)
It CAN happen here it has happend in other countries look at how much we have already lost over time.:fire:
The freedoms we enjoy have been being paid for by blood sweat and tears of all who have served and all those who still serve in our military and in law enforcement.
Get involved and make a difference, vote with your dollars vote with your friends and if all else fails vote with your feet and leave the liberal cess pools to implode on their own.:cuss:
Is it just me or would a small little .223 rifle with 10 round en bloc clips be pretty neat. I wouldn't want to be forced to use it, but it would be pretty neat. Basically a small Garand in different calibers. :)
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