So, another What Would You Do in This Situation

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No need for personal attacks here.

It is obvious that Minnesota Shooter is new here, and has a question about how to deal with a potentially dangerous situation.

While his first instincts are pretty far off the mark, atleast he has the common sense to come here and ask those who know better. He is showing a willingness to learn.

Now, Minnesota Shooter, really, your first instict really is off.

You cannot, in most states, point a firearm at someone just because they are on your property. While they are trespassing, the threat from you is much more severe than the crime they are commiting. Now, if that same person has a weapon, and starts threatening you, and is able to force himself inside, than now you have a good legal reason to display your weapon, and probably use it.


Your best course of action is to make sure you have solid door locks, good exterior lighting, some way of locking your windows, a cell phone in addition to a landline and a good a calm cool head.

If the person is standing on your doorstep late at night, uninvited, by all means, call the cops. Stay in your home, don't allow yourself to get involved in escalating the situation by confronting the person. Only bad things can come of it. I personally know one person who spent a few years in jail for shooting someone on his front lawn with a shotgun. Not a pleasant experience.

If the person breaks into your home while you are waiting for the cops, deal with that person with the required amount of force.

Some other observations:

I am assuming that you are young? Probably 18-22. I am going to say some things as someone only a couple years older, since I am just 26.

You seem to have a little bit of a temper. Remember, this is the high road. We generally refrain from cussing on these boards.

You need to grow up, mature a little, lose the temper. It will only cause you problems in life.

What are you doing getting into "a fight or 3" with this guy? What is the motivation? I don't get it. I know I used to get in my share of fights (actually, much more than my share), but then I hit adulthood, and I realized the legal ramifications of getting into a serious confrontation. I also learned that there were very few reasons for fighting voluntarily, and that if someone wanted to fight me, chances are I did something to egg them on. (Random acts of violence are excepted ofcourse)

Was the fight really worth the headache that you are having now dealing with the potential situation you have on your hands? Is it worth killing or dying over? Worth spending time in jail for? I hope it was worth it.

Hope this helps.

A little reminder..astericks still offend Art's Grammaw....She's pretty sharp about understanding that you're trying to cover up your use of foul language. It's not permitted here.

I was too snappy. I apologize for being an old fogey crackpot. I could have made my points in a better manner.

Of course, they were excellent points. :)

We are here to learn. Doing this


is not useful. :) I should know better.
Cell Phone, call the police. Gather the family in the process and locate them in as a secure place as possible, preferably a closet or bathroom with no windows. Join them, firearm in hand at all times. Wait for the police.

Going outside is just gonna get you ambushed. If this guy is crazy enough to stalk you/family at home, he is capable of anything. Going outside of the safety of your door just asks for trouble.

You want to remain on the telephone with the police until the officer arrives and make him give you a code word that you have given the dispatcher to identify himself BEFORE you unlock the doors and disarm yourself

Good luck!
Why doesn't anyone look at the state law?

Since I assume Minnesota Shooter is in Minnesota, he'd be covered under Minnesota law, like me. He's not in any other state guys.

The standard in the state of MN is "great bodily harm" or "about to cause great bodily harm".

Three guys standing out your door is simply trespassing. Call the cops and have the cops tell them to leave and ticket them with trespassing. At least you have them on a police report then.

If you confront them, you basically brought it on yourself.

If they are trying to break your door in, saying they are going to kill you, under MN law, you could PROBABLY fire, for sure pull your gun.

Remember, if you fire, you'll most likely go to jail for at least 72 hours and have a $10k attorney bill. That's if your innocent.

That's Minnesota law folks.
Don't any of you own a dog?

I believe in a layered defense.

First, I have good locks, solid doors, and an alarm system.

I have 3 cell phones in case the lines get cut or damaged.

Also, I have a LARGE german bred and very well trained rottweiler. She is a large, black mass of teeth and muscle...and she loves her family. She don't much care for anyone else though.

Then, and finally...I have my arsenal.

My "screen" door is a wrought iron security door. I would simply open the main door so the dog could be seen, and let TWYLA VON PUPPYMONSTER go into crazed killer rottweiler mode (teeth bared, lots of slobber and biting and clawing at the door).

Knowing that very few of our inner-city-youth-type-hip-hop brethren are fond of large canines...the problem would solve itself before the Glock Solution had to be implemented.
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My "screen" door is a wrought iron security door. I would simply open the main door so the dog could be seen, and let TWYLA VON PUPPYMONSTER go into crazed killer rottweiler mode (teeth bared, lots of slobber and biting and clawing at the door).

That's a great response - I'd like to see what the BG's think of that! :D
..I'D call the police then silently wait for the tresspassers to make the next move...if they decide to break in and enter,they would regret doing so very quickly.

leveling any gun at them outside the home can warrant any one of them to file a complaint after retreating to the nearest police station..then your gun gets confiscated,new criminal record and so keep it hidden...even punks know what they can get away with and how to play the system.
Trespassers? I'm not so sure that they are even trespassers until you (or maybe the police, potentially your agents in this matter) tell them to leave. You should certainly be physically ready for anything, and there is ordinarily nothing wrong with getting your shotgun ready INSIDE. The rest is calling the cops, waiting while still on the phone, and keeping your eyes open.

Best learn a little more about the law. Course by Ayoob?
With all due respect, and because as noted above, discussion is good; but you might want to turn down the drama, examine the potential biases, take an NRA home protection course and study some basic self-defense laws. Be safe.
Forget 911
Call the Police/ Sheriff Dept. direct.

Make a pot of coffee and get the Chocolate Chip cookies out. Wait for the responding officers. These fine folks probably would appreciate some courtesy and snacks while taking the info for the report of suspicious activity, trespassing...etc.

I have the defensive structure to my advantage, a brain, and patience.
irrelevant reply

gem stated

2. 160 lb people can easily take you apart. Learn this, if someone of any size wants to fight you, they can kill you. Look at the NY Times story today of a little guy who killed a 360 lb bouncer by cutting the artery in his leg. Thus, the weight was irrelevant.

when i was in the navy i met some seals ( i wanted to be one for like 5 minutes) its funny most of the ones i met were like 5'6"- 5'8" 150-170 pounds
there like small wiry deadly little guys
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