So my neighboor just got raided by SRT

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That link should really get Sans going...

The War on Drugs is a failure. You simply cannot argue that if you look at the facts - which in relation to gun control is what we tout here. Many aspects of current drug prohibition are the same as gun control...and we all know how well that works.
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Sans Authoritas, I will gladly say that I believe you are wrong.

Do you approve of such insane and irrational people? You seem to support them.

I don't know if your question is specious or just ignorant but I'll answer it anyway.

Yes, I believe that police are justified in holding a gun to my head if I'm committing a serious crime and they have reason to believe that I may resist or that they may need to defend their lives.

Are you saying that someone would be insane or irrational for doing their job? If they are arresting someone for marijuana there's a good possibility they may have to draw their weapon. If they are fighting someone who has illegally modified a weapon and wants to fight back yes, they should draw their weapon.

That's asinine law-worshipping. Laws should prohibit things that actually harm other people.

I have yet to see something that approaches asinie law-worshipping outside of a History book. It seems that you are saying that if you disagree with a law that you are justified in breaking it. Now I would definitely say that is asinine. If you desire to be a "free" man and not be hindered by these laws please go buy a little island where you can practice your lifestyle without any rules to hinder you. In this country we value the rule of law. That's not "asinine law-worshipping", it's civilization. If there are laws we disagree with we change them legally.

It is true that there is a historical ideal that an unjust law is no law. Most of the laws we have in this country are just. The Civil Rights laws struck down unjust laws, they did it through courageous action by a committed people doing something right in the face of wrong. Certainly the drug laws are agreed upon by the majority of the people, so complain about them all you like but change them, obey them, or shut up about it when the police smack you down for disobeying them. Like it or not, there are thousands of lives being ruined by pot. Just because you don't believe it doesn't make it so.

I'll call them thugs with no business doing what they're doing. Thugs whose job title has nothing to do with the actions they are supposed to be undertaking. In the same way, I won't give use the honorable title of "policeman" for anyone who performs such actions. Because they're not policemen. Just garden variety thugs who happen to have government approbation.

You are clearly aggitating for a country you don't have. This country doesn't have everything I want, but I accept it for its benefits and its faults. If you can't do that feel free to change it or leave.
I'm having a hard time understanding why the OP was posted in the first place. Would he have posted it if it were two houses away? Five houses? A half mile?

Is it gun-related just because OP grabbed his sidearm and then concealed it when he saw all the Officials outside?

Was it gun-related just because OP knew the neighbor had a 7.62 X 39 arm?

Oh, by the way, there was a drug bust in Denver yesterday.

As soon as I heard it on TV, I grabbed my sidearm.

Then I concealed it again when I saw the images of the SWAT team truck.
If it was a "meth" lab the odds are you would have noticed the odor. As to whether "pot" is dangerous, take a look at what it did to Bill Clinton, and he never even inhaled!

Before you take a stand on legalizing a substance you might want to spend some time talking with the people who work with substance abuse on a daily basis.

Problem with "pot" is the high becomes too mild then you move on to something else.

Me? I get high on seeing the sun come up each day - that and not seeing my name in the obituary column.

Charlotte, NC
Alaska, aye. I've seen more people ruin their lives with alcohol. Let's be logically consistent. Are you in favor of banning it again, too?

-Sans Authoritas
There is a valid discussion here about laws. Some of them directly relating to guns, gun ownership, and illegally modifying guns. I see no reason to lock this thread just because it has taken a different turn. I'll agree that either we need to open a new thread to continue this discussion in a new thread or that Azizza needs to open one to keep us informed about what's going on.

briansp82593 said:
Can I request for this to be locked, Too much off topic posts and arguments,

If we need to move to another location that's fine, but why call for a topic to be locked because it contains argument? We have a disagreement of ideas. It is being done in a respectful way, there is no name-calling or childish behavior. Sans has a point of view he is presenting. I am disagreeing with him. Others are contributing their ideas. If it crumbles into a juvenile poopyheady-type of discussion that would be one thing, but the free exchange of ideas is a healthy thing. I may disagree with what sans has to say but I will defend his right to say it.

Laws, law enforcement, law-making, these are all gun related topics. If things are so strict around here that we confine EVERYTHING we say to too narrow a scope we lose out on much of how our society functions. I agree that things should be kept civil. I can PASSIONATELY disagree with Sans and still remain civil.
Problem with "pot" is the high becomes too mild then you move on to something else.

Marijuana is not a gateway drug. What does happen however is that people discover they have been lied to. Well weed isn't bad, I guess heroin isn't either. You will find these people drink alcohol as well.

Certainly the drug laws are agreed upon by the majority of the people, so complain about them all you like but change them, obey them, or shut up about it when the police smack you down for disobeying them. Like it or not, there are thousands of lives being ruined by pot. Just because you don't believe it doesn't make it so.

There is no true open dialog about substance abuse in this country. These decisions have been made by legislators who are afraid to speak up against the wasted tax dollars, the clear evidence that prohibition is a failure, in an effor to not appear to be soft on crime and drugs since the idea that drugs are bad has been driven into our brains since the Just Say No days. The battle has escalated every year since the 80s. Lives are not ruined by pot - they are ruined by the laws surrounding pot. for Saying that someone's life is ruined by pot is the same as saying that gun is the killer - not the person wielding it. A person makes BAD decisions. You don't think it's silly to ban a plant?

Look it's very simple - prohibition of marijuana is the same as prohibition of alcohol was. How silly it would be to even consider banning alcohol again isn't it?! The mere fact that alcohol is legal - yet there is clear indisputable evidence that drunk driving is a scourge, death resulting from alcohol is common and there are entire support groups that surround it - makes the War on Drugs even more ludicrous. You see, it's because when used in moderation (or just in your own home if you are getting wasted) you don't run that risk of hurting someone else. Just like lighting up a bong would be.
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Let's see...we've got a police action of some kind in the idea what it was about...coulda been that it?
Sans Authoritas wrote:

I was speaking about an oath to uphold "laws" such as, "It is illegal to smuggle slaves to Canada on the Underground Railroad." Laws against certain material substances, including prohibitions against certain firearm configurations, fall into this category. Because something has been legislated against (or for) does not make the enforcement of such laws moral. Nor does such legislation necessarily morally bind anyone. Do you deny this fact?

So you are going to decide what's moral? Not for me you're not. The majority determines morality. And you don't make the laws. We elected representatives and empowered them to make those. If we don't like the laws then we go through the channels, no matter how difficult or painful to have them changed. Not trash the ones we pay to enforce the laws. And to answer your question, yes legistation does morally bind everyone since a majority determines morality and a majority, in one form or another enacts legislation, until a majority overturns that legistation its is morally binding!

I wouldn't have any morals if I, as an alleged peace officer, took an oath to do anything but protect the individual lives, liberty and property of individuals. I wouldn't have any morals if I arrested people for having a substance that is less dangerous than alcohol, or for having a firearm that didn't pass some politician's muster on "acceptable." I wouldn't have any morals if I upheld such "laws:" oath or no oath.

Then if it goes against your beliefs no one is asking you to take such an oath. But for society to survive we have to have laws and they have to be enforced. If you don't like them call them immoral, object to them, disobey them, whatever. The next time I hear that a NRT has raided a home and it happens to be Sans Authoritas home and I hear that poor old Sans Authoritas died for what he believed in, I'll say a prayer for you!

I'm not lord and master over anyone else, Grizzly Adams. Feel free to mock the ideas I propose. Feel free to ignore them. I won't hold a gun to your head to make you obey my will. But there are plenty of people who would think nothing of holding a gun to your head because you possessed a substance less dangerous than alcohol. There are plenty of people who would think nothing of holding a gun to your head for the "crime" of having a rifle with a barrel of 15.5'' long. Peopel who would think nothing of putting a gun to your head for carrying a firearm without a slip of paper saying the government is magnanimous enough to give you permission to defend your God-given life with the best means in existence. People who would think nothing of holding a gun to your head for anything, simply so long as it was classified as "illegal." Do you approve of such insane and irrational people? You seem to support them.

I don't have to worry about someone holding a gun to my head. I don't use drugs, all my guns are legal, I carry legally. In other words I obey the law. Do I agree with them? NO! Do I try to get them changed? YES!

Do something? Such as convince my fellow men not to give their support to arbitrary and foolish laws and those who enforce them? I'm on it.

How? By hijacking every new thread that's posted and posting the same tripe over and over?

I don't feel the police and government (or their criminal impostors) are "out to get me" in particular. That's like saying a 3-year old with a bulldozer is "out to get someone." He's not. He just doesn't have the maturity, logic and level of consciousness to see and comprehend the damage he's doing. Just because people don't see how damaging their actions are does not mean their actions are not damaging.

So now you're saying that the antis in congress and the Brady Bunch, etc are really out to take our guns away because they "don't have the maturity, logic and level of consciousness to see and comprehend the damage they're doing?" That's interesting. Now here all along I have been thinking that they just didn't like guns and didn't think anyone else should have any either. I'll have to readjust my thinking about that!

Sorry, but I have no respect for someone who would help throw a non-violent person in prison for 5 to 10 years for having a 15.5'' barrel on a firearm. Do you, Grizzly? Please answer that question. Does the mere fact that they are "following orders" cut it for you? That's not protecting anyone's life, liberty or property. (Real policework.) That's asinine law-worshipping. Laws should prohibit things that actually harm other people. Period. Anyone who uses violence or the threat of violence to enforce anything besides those laws has made himself a violent criminal.

You don't seem to get the fact that the LEO doesn't "throw" anyone in prison. And the law won't put anyone in prison either if they obeyed the law! And no, just following orders doesn't cut it for me. If I were a LEO and didn't like an order or an order was unlawful, I would resign rather than follow it. There are LAWFUL and UNLAWFUL orders and you are not obligated to follow unlawful orders!

Laws should prohibit things that actually harm other people. Period. Anyone who uses violence or the threat of violence to enforce anything besides those laws has made himself a violent criminal.

Interesting definition. Is that according to Blackstone or Sans Authoritas
There is a valid discussion here about laws. Some of them directly relating to guns, gun ownership, and illegally modifying guns.

Nay I respectfully disagree?

The discussion you refer to was an offshoot of speculation engendered by the fact that not even the OP knew what was going on in the raid... which wasn't gun-related except, again, by mere speculation...


At least when I post an off-topic thread I label it as such.
Grizzly Adams wrote:
The majority determines morality.

You finally came out and said it. "If enough people think it's moral, it is moral. People are able to make certain actions moral." Owning another human being was moral, Grizzly?

-Sans Authoritas
Sans Authoritas wrote:
Anyone who uses violence or the threat of violence to enforce anything besides those laws has made himself a violent criminal.

rainbowbob wrote:
Which laws, Sans?

The laws that protect only the life, liberty and property of individuals from aggressive or fraudulent actions on the part of other people.

-Sans Authoritas
The laws that protect only the life, liberty and property of individuals from aggressive or fraudulent actions on the part of other people.

Would that include busting the meth house next door to you? (hypothetically)
its amazing with all these bold warriors ready to man the barricades that the evil "man" has been able to keep his boot on our throat so long. but then again there are no barricades or anyone on them. aside from the internet baricades. hey i heard theres a sale on cheetos
Rainbow, the act of making or selling meth does not pose an immediate threat to anyone's life, liberty or property, any more than refining oil into gasoline does. (If the meth lab were in a rental property, the owner would have every right to evict the current tenants.)

-Sans Authoritas
Bob, in other words, we could pass a regulation that says "No one may sell venetian blinds with dangly cords," and intend it to protect the lives of children who may strangle themselves with them. Such a law would not prevent an immediate threat to anyone's lives. You cannot use violence to stop someone from making venetian blinds. You can use violence to stop someone who is about to strangle someone with venetian blind cords. The issue is immediacy of threat.

-Sans Authoritas
"I almost remember back when this thread was on topic."

Never was on a gun-related topic.

Me go now.
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