So will Front Sight leave TFL alone now that's it's going inactive?

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Dec 24, 2002
Always wondered if Ignatio would want to push the issue further over on TFL. Now that it's going dormant, it'll help take the wind out of his sails, right? Not that I've heard much of late...
Front Sight's strongarm policy of coercing bulletin boards...

If there was something disagreeable with Front Sight head honcho Ignatio Naish's sensibilities, he used legal action to hush those who would speak ill of him and his business practices. Glock Talk ended up removing references to Front Sight and their Scientology leanings under threat of legal action. Rich was quite adament that he would never capitulate to such tactics. Here's a sampler that caught my full attention:
I just read an e mail from GOA. It contained more discounts to FS if your a life member of the group. It was deleted! On the TFL thread I said I would wait and see. Sorry but I think I made up my mind. No way, Not going.
Considering what I've heard, it wouldn't surprise me if he claimed TFL shut down because of him.
I love Rich's post on that thread:
Now hear this:

Your posts at TFL are your responsibility. That said, I will NOT remove any post here, short of a Court Order, unless it violates Forum Policy or known laws.

TFL is not GlockTalk and I'm not trying to keep up with the mounting medical bills faced by Eric. Mr Piazza has already been provided address for service to TFL in regards to a related threat. If he chooses to continue his actions against those who take issue with his operation, he may have at it.

If HCI couldn't shut us down, I doubt Naish (or any related organization) has the resolve to do so.
Molon labe indeed!
I'd wondered about the FS situation and the sudden death of TFL. I'm sorry but it still seems on the "coincidental" side...and I don't believe in coincidence. Regardless, it doesn't matter now I suppose.

Don't think they'll get all irate about this little thread, do ya? Note the small violin playing in the background if they do. :rolleyes:
I think Rich's strong stance caused Dr. P. to drop the issue. Rich will not be cowed into submission.
Drjones, there was/is a parody site that looks a wee bit like HCI's web site. When the flipping maroons (quoting B. Bunny c. 1943) found out about the site they threatened to sue to shut it down. Since Rich and, by extension, TFL had something to do with the site, Rich and company told them to go pound sand.
FS has been doing a lot of campaigning recently. GOA, JPFO ...
Others have theorized that this is damage control. Maybe due to a thread or two that ran on TFL and elsewhere?
Wasn't there some little attorney vermin from FS making noise on TFL?

Now, please note that I didn't say all lawyers were vermin so keep your shorts on.
Front Sight/Piazza never had any kind of case, and they gave up the moment Rich told 'em he wouldn't back down, as far as anyone can tell. That's when they stopped posturing and threatening, anyway.

Wouldn't surprise me a bit if Piazza, the VPC, the Bradys and Al Gore each took personal credit for causing TFL to shut down. Doesn't bother me a bit. People who know will know better and pay no attention.
Why is anybody puzzled over somebody deciding that four years is aplenty? Lordy, if I'd been a moderator at TFL's L&P forum for four years, I'd have been a candidate for a rubber room! Rich had to worry with the whole ball of wax!

After dealing with members and staph for over four years, folks in the world of twittery such as HCI, et al, are as a sneeze during a hurricane. :)

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