Something to Think About

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Feb 26, 2004
First, please DO NOT take any of this to mean that you shouldn't continue to call like crazy...don't stop calling until all the votes are in tomorrw.

Now, here is something to consider: IF the antis manage to get either the AWB renewal amendment passed, or the "gun show fun hole" amendment, more leftists WILL then support and vote yes on S.1805. This will likely then assure its passage. Then, later, in the House, those amendments will likely be stripped out. SO, if effect, the antis will have supported a bill only because of amendments that will never make it out of the HOUSE.

Now, even with this being the case, it is, of course, not the best case scenario. Best case scenario is that, tomorrow, THOSE AMENDMENTS ARE KILLED. Then when it goes to the House (if it does pass...still a good chance it will even without the bad amendments), then comes back, they will have trouble voting against it on the up or down because it is basically the same as the one they already voted on.

If the first scenario plays out and the House has to remove the amendments, when it comes back, they will then have an excuse to vote against it because it is different and doesn't contain their cherished AWB renewal and the gunshow amendment.

In conclusion (doesn't that make me sound like a leftist professor clown), if the amendments get shot down tomorrow, we get rid of the AWB AND we get the Gunmaker's liability protection also. If they pass, we will still (cross fingers) get rid of the AWB, but we might not get the protection against b.s. lawsuits.


Thank You, Professor Obvious Ph.d. (piled high and deep)

The only thing that has to happen for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing.
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