There's one in every gun store...

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If you think it's rough just being a customer, imagine what the guy behind the counter puts up with. Of course, that's his job. A gun store worker should post his "best schizophrenic loser babblings at the gun store" list. How is it every mildly-insane guy in a camoflage shirt who still lives with his mom knows so much about Vietnam, the M16 rifle, and why the Nazis were so great?
There are some guys who just hang around the store because they're friends with the staff. I've got a few of those, and they're often quite helpful.

One I remember was a veritable sage (and really nice guy), and I had been known to ask him for clarification on really obscure stuff. He'd been a big-game hunter and lifelong shooter, and I often enjoyed talking with him after I shot.

The unpleasant types are the Time Zombies. It sounds like walking arsenal has encountered these. They're not in your shop to do business. They're there because a) they're unemployed and bored and/or b) in desperate need of validation. They're contemptuous of anything not made since the "old days," and they inflict their opinions on other customers--often in a crass and you-don't-know-what-you're-doing manner.

The free-roaming Time Zombie claims to be capable of feats that would give Ed McGivern pause, but he always has some reason not to back up his claims with proof ("I've got arthritis now...I don't have my usual gun with me, etc"). He claims to be an expert in operational situations, though when pushed on the matter, he's never done a day of military or law-enforcement service. He got his carry permit by "knowing somebody."

Whatever gun I brought to the range is crap, unless it's the same make he has. In that case, my particular model is known to undergo quantum flux and fail utterly. If I have the same MODEL, it's in the wrong caliber, and therefore stinks.

The Time Zombie doesn't work to further the 2nd Amendment because "this country's already in the toilet," and he's certainly not going to spend money in your place because your staff doesn't know as much about a particular, specialized subject as he does. He's not going to buy that gun because he saw it somewhere else, in better condition, for five dollars less.

If this sounds familiar, that's because these guys are Mall Ninjas all grown up. At some point, they undergo a marvelous chrysalis and metamorphasize into the North American Time Zombie.

The Time Zombie is worse than the usual kind, because you can't legally shoot them in the head to dispatch them (the law may differ from state to state). I've learned to avoid them, but they have a sneaky way of appearing competent to the unsuspecting.

I ran into something similar a week or so ago at the local Sportsman's franchise. The lone clerk in the pistol area was helping an apparently new-to-handguns customer, and I pulled up to spot-check whether the place might have the black Walther PPS on hand. From out of nowhere, a big guy slides next to me -- uncomfortably close -- and starts making comments to both the customer being helped and the clerk. "I'm an armorer," he says more than once in a span of five seconds or less, "and I know what I'm talking about."

I'm not impressed, but I am forced to move out of the way because the guy's body odor is as obnoxious as his demeanor and his ignorance of personal space with strangers. I move to the other side of the customer, still scanning the handguns on the wall, when the "armorer" starts in on how Glocks are the only pistol to own, an apparent slam at what the clerk is suggesting to the impressionable customer. It's not a horrible suggestion, you understsand, but it was an uninvited one as far as I could tell. The clerk and customer try to ignore the "armorer," but it's getting difficult because the guy is so loud and persistent. So I finally say, out of sheer boredom, "You couldn't give me a Glock." (Note: The statement was not true. You could give me a Glock. You still can give me a Glock, in fact. A Glock is not on the top of my Christmas list, but you could give me one.)

The "armorer" does not like this comment. "Why would you say that? What makes you say that? The Glock is the finest pistol ever made, period. Bar none. You must be crazy to make a statement like that. What qualifies you to say that anyway? I'm an armorer, by gawd, and I know my guns." This is delivered in a rapid-fire, but-wait-there's-more-coming, gushy squack, his voice and complexion rising with each word.

Failing to see a Walther PPS in stock, I turn and walk away and consider it a good day at the local gun warehouse. But I would not want to be a store clerk there. :) Who would?
searcher, you could start reciting all the worst of the Glock jokes available, just to watch his face:

Tupper-Ware Warrior: Someone armed with a Glock.

Bombastic Plastic: Any Glock model handgun.

Glockhead: A Glock nut. Someone who has nothing but "Glock" on the brain

It goes on and on.....

Bart Noir
Most people just look at me funny. I am 20 and skinny. Most people my age go into a shop with their parents (from what I've seen).
I politely tell them "If I wanted your opinion, I would ask for it, now will you please leave me alone?" I have gotten the blank look every time, Like I just kicked there puppy. It works.
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