This gets so old so fast, but I may have over-reacted.

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you did him a favor pulling over...he deserved to be let out while it was still moving :p
I'd have driven ahead and met him at the door with his bags and told him to get his commie a** back to SanFran and don't speak to me again until you grow an effing brain.

But I'm an a-hole.

+1 on that, as I am an a-hole as well.
He has obviously enjoys playing Counterstrike.... maybe pretending he was you. He's just mad you havn't let him shoot it yet.:D
The quickest way to get to walk home instead of me driving you is saying you should walk. Hey I'm an easy man to get along with and aim to please what can I say?

The second fastest way is to piss me off.

There are a few people I would exempt from this....but by and large he would have fulfilled both ways to get some exorcise so he woulda been walking. I've dropped people off and let them walk home for less
You did great; good for you! Yours sounds like the typical American family to me. At least with you, it's your brother; with us, it was our son who did a lot of walking! :D
Ha! now that ther's funny.
I have my hands full watching them in my own house, They are all around me:scrutiny: It's a kind of halfway house for troubled assault weapons except I get no Gov. assistance. They are not bad just misguided, send them to my home and I will take good care of them.
Yep. You missed a great opportunity to enlighten your brother who obviously is in the dark about the 2nd Amendment and The Right Of The People. Way to go.
please. His brother doesn't want to be enlightened when he is acting like that. Remember when you were a kid and threw a tantrum? While doing so, were you ever enlightened? No, you weren't, and neither would have his brother. You can try and enlighten him later when he is not acting like a toddler, but at that moment, booting him out of the car was appropriate.
He said, "Great! So you own assault weapons now! " and I said, "I suppose if you feel you need to term a normal semi-automatic rifle painted black, that isn't much different than rifles you recently could buy at Walmart.... yes."

Nope, not until that baby's paid off. :D
I might add, antis don't care about the boring facts. They want to feel morally superior to you.

I know I was immature and over-reacted. I probably should have talked it out more with him instead of just letting him out of the car like that.

Oh no, immature and overreacting would have been to pull a screeching U-turn, go back the LGS, pay the remainder on that rifle, bring it out to the car, and then take him and the rifle home with the stereo turned up to max volume so you don't have to hear him whine. :evil:

Might I suggest that you open carry your handguns when you are at home for the remainder of his visit? ;)
please. His brother doesn't want to be enlightened when he is acting like that. Remember when you were a kid and threw a tantrum? While doing so, were you ever enlightened? No, you weren't, and neither would have his brother. You can try and enlighten him later when he is not acting like a toddler, but at that moment, booting him out of the car was appropriate.

Booting a dumb-a&@ brother out of your car because he is ignorant and had a tantrum is ridiculous...even if he asked to be. Definitely inappropriate, if not dangerous.

And yes, I was enlightened on many occasions by my older brother...because he had the patience to deal with me when I was young and dumb.

Now, if he demanded it more than once in a reasonable voice, then yes, by all means...pull over.

But come on, dont be as ignorant as him. It is obvious that it was a knee jerk reaction on the kid brother's part and should be treated as such. I dont really think your kid brother would ever look up to you again if you did that...assuming he did to begin with.
I dont really think your kid brother would ever look up to you again if you did that...assuming he did to begin with.

This is where my being an a-hole comes in. If this were my kid brother, and he were 22, I couldn't care less if he looked up to me. He is a man, capable of his own views and opinions. He is old enough to know my boundaries, and If he can't respect those boundaries without acting like a moron, then he can walk home I know that 22 is young, and a lot of dumb things have been done at that age. That doesn't excuse turning red and shaking like your having an embolysm or something. Young and dumb or not, at 22 years old, you are an adult and need to act like one. Sorry, Creature, you and I are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
Sorry Creature, but I must disagree. Family or not, you NEVER treat another in such a manner as to throw a hissy fit over thier personal views and hobbies - ESPECIALLY when they are doing you a favor.

I have an old high school buddy that has recently decided to be as red commie as they come. I often read this site at work, and tend to like to do so without some loud announcement to the room of what I'm doing. After two nights straight of very rude and loud comments over reading this forum when he's shown up for his work shift, I put him in his place.

I've told him in the past that he has every right to not like or want guns in his house - just so long as he doesn't try to force his views down my throat, or deny my my right to own them. After the second night of being loudly proclaimed a warmonger looking for someone to blast, I cornered him and let him know that I did NOT appreciate his comments, and that he needed to cease immediately. His recent actions have done plenty to put alot of strain on our friendship. I haven't been over to his place since helping him put a new engine in his wife's car. The last time he was over at mine, was to help put a new roof on my shed. Even at that, he's the one that volunteered to come over. I did NOT ask him to.

Now, if someone who doesn't like guns wants to talk civilly about the subject, I'm more than willing to debate the issues. Outright disrespect however, is something that I have no use for, nor the time to put up with - family or not.
I have to disagree with you as well Creature.

If someone is an adult and they tell me to let them out of the car, they better have on comfortable shoes-- even if they are acting like a child.

And that includes my wife if she ever threw such a fit. And yes... it happened once in our early power-struggle days. Our relationship is very strong and healthy these days-- without emotional blackmailing and other childish crap.

Far be it from me to be accused of kidnapping when Mr. or Ms. Emotional Rant decides to become Idiot With A Cause.

-- John

hes walking actually my brother and i woulda had a lil dance class before the walk.i made my sister walk 2 miles home for throwing trash outa my car it was the 70's wouldn't do it today
I just feel that this situation is a perfect example of where patience, reason and logic could have prevailed over emotional and uneducated assumptions.

My experience has been that reasonable people are not bred..they are educated. And the better part of education happens in the family dynamic, whether it's in the car or at the kitchen table...

But thats just me.
I would have done to him the same thing I did to my mother in law when she wanted to throw a hissy fit because I didnt want my 3 year old to play outside by himself or go to the park in a downpour. I invited her to go for a ride and drove her to the airport and told her she shouldnt come back until she grows up.
hey guys.

Things are FUBAR to say the least. This has turned into family feud. It feels like I'm 10 again.

It's quite ridiculous.

I dont really think your kid brother would ever look up to you again if you did that

Well, I'm not particularly worried about that. You see, due to certain circumstances, my brother has been raised as quite the elitist. He grew up believing that he is better than most, including me. He hasn't looked up to me ever since our parents put him in an exclusive educational institution and left me where I was because I was too old at that point to transfer schools in their opinion. That's a whole separate story.

There is a long backstory to how things got to where they are with him. Maybe a novel one day. I could title it, "My brother the blue-blood."

anyways, I wouldn't even know where to start and there's no need to make the thread feel like group therapy.
Most people need to come up hard in order to have a chance to be a well-formed adult. Struggle and responsibility builds character and integrity -- ad astra per aspera, and all that good stuff.

Sounds like your brother is on the 'ad knee-jerk liberal per trust fund' route, but perhaps it's not too late to cut him off, kick him into the street, and see whether he turns into anything respectable.
Well, hopefully he'll at least learn not to whizz off his brother when said brother is giving him a ride. Although in this case it seems like your brother got whizzed off at you for no good reason, and you considerately let him exit your vehicle when he tactlessly demanded that you do so. After all, he is staying with you, which makes his "stand" on the issue illogical and hypocritical, isn't he?

On another note, how close are you to walking out of the LGS with that AR-15?
Most people need to come up hard in order to have a chance to be a well-formed adult. Struggle and responsibility builds character and integrity -- ad astra per aspera, and all that good stuff.

I don't know if I wholly agree with this statement either, although I agree that to grow up and be a well-formed adult, you need to learn to deal with challenges, success, and failure. I have known some people that have grown up hard that are complete jackholes. Sure, they could work me to a fine red mist on their worst day, but as people they are horrible. My best friend happens to be a rich guy, and although we disagree about a number of political and philosophical issues, overall he is a pretty stand-up guy that any of you would enjoy talking too.

Creature, I am really not trying to pick on you or anything here, but given the description we got of Economists brother, where would logic and reason play in? He was not being logical or reasonable, whereas Economist was apparently both in answering his brothers questions. Of course, none of us were there but Economist and his brother, but given the information we have, It seems clear to me that his brother was acting like a spoiled little girl.
Sorry about the strained family situation, but you did nothing wrong, IMO. Your brother was way out of line. It is always shocking to me to see how effective liberal propaganda and indoctrination have been; especially with family members and close friends.
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