This is so sad it's funny!

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Why are leftists as a group completely unable to articulate ideas without psychotic-wild-eyed-foaming-at-the-mouth-spittle-flying hatred and anger?
I could care less as long as they aren't felons. I've been trying to get them out to the range for years.

(but what White Horseradish wrote was what I was really thinking! :D )
Eeeexcellent, Smithers. The plan is working, once they get heir hands on guns, they won't be able to resist... </Mr. Burns voice>


What they don't realize is that we're not afraid of them getting guns. We already have guns (lots of them) and know how to use them (effectively). What's funny is that once they start down this road THEY become US :neener:
From the DU "rules" page. Am I the only one who see the irony of these two sections? :barf:

We welcome Democrats of all stripes, along with other progressives who will work with us to achieve our shared goals.

This is a "big tent" message board. We welcome a wide range of progressive opinion. You will likely encounter many points of view here that you disagree with.

We ban conservative disruptors who are opposed to the broad goals of this website. If you think overall that George W. Bush is doing a swell job, or if you wish to see Republicans win, or if you are generally supportive of conservative ideals, please do not register to post, as you will likely be banned.

If you have been banned from Democratic Underground, you are not permitted to log on again using a different username. Previously banned members will be immediately banned, regardless of behavior.

People who repeatedly and willfully break the rules, or who generally engage in rude, antisocial behavior, will be banned. It doesn't matter if you are a progressive or a long-term member of this board.


Do not post racist, sexist, homophobic, ethnic, anti-religious, or anti-atheist bigotry. Unambiguous expressions of bigotry will be deleted, and will often result in the immediate banning of the individual responsible.

If it is not clear whether a comment is bigoted, we will generally give the benefit of the doubt and assume the least-bigoted interpretation. However, individuals who repeatedly post borderline-bigoted comments will be considered bigots and will be removed.

When discussing race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or religion, please exercise the appropriate level of sensitivity toward others and take extra care to clearly express your point of view. This will help avoid misunderstandings and undeserved accusations of bigotry.
They forgot:
"LEFTIST bigotry is allowed, even encouraged, however, in keeping with the basic tenet of hypocrisy that has allowed us to come so far." :rolleyes:
That's a great idea, Ken. Register as "LeftyinAlaska" or sumpthin'.......dare 'ya :neener:

Alaska, do it XD. Set up a group buy for Browning Buckmarks or something (would have said Ruger MKIIs but Mr. Ruger hates guns)
By the way, notice how they all talk about gays in the third person? Kinda makes you wonder if any of them have ever met a gay person, or a minority for that matter. They seem to think that being different is a big deal, while most conservatives and Libertarians I know just shrug and say 'so what?'.
RileyMc said:
Why are leftists as a group completely unable to articulate ideas without psychotic-wild-eyed-foaming-at-the-mouth-spittle-flying hatred and anger?

Don't tell me, let me guess.

Because leftists ARE wild-eyed-foaming-at-the-mouth-spittle-flying psychotics who are consumed with hatred and anger?

Did I get it right? :D
WildAlaska, I Dee-Double-Dog-Dare ya.

Sounds like you'd make some good money. For some reason, the DUng'ers like the idea of buying guns...

For those who don't care to read the thread, here are some choice nuggets.

-Guns are too expensive!
-No they're not, you can get a Yugo SKS and a couple boxes of ammo for $100 (a THR troll in disguise?)
-You can lots of rifles and shotguns for under $400.
-Is an SKS a machine gun? Lots of guessing about full auto vs. semi follow.
-Machine guns are too expensive! (lists current prices (another THR troll?)
-Wait a minute, gays should get guns! (Later someone refers to Pink Pistols and JFPO)
-Some discussion about 1934 NFA, and the paperwork required to purchase machine guns (no one mentions some states ban them.)
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