un informed FFL holders make me crazy

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How in the world can a FFL make 50.00 on a transfer? I charge 10.00 just to be competive. If I tried to soak a 10% surcharge the customer would tell me real quick were to go.

BTW I am mailing out two FFL's today on transfers. This fax thing does not appear to be catching on yet.
Hotpig, I think it depends on where you are. I charge $5 just because the main reason I got my FFL is that all the stores around here charged $25-35 and I thought that was silly.

I have shipped guns to Cali, and customers from there have told me that they pay $50 at every store for 50+ miles. It almost sounds like all of the stores got together and decided on the same price.

I ordered a gun from a place in Washington a couple weeks ago, and attached to my invoice were the store policies, which are:

1. $35 for paper work for each gun received. Multiple guns in the same shipment will be charged for each gun.
2. They only accept incoming guns from other FFLs
3. If you order a new gun and have it sent to their shop, there is a punishment fee for finding a better deal, which is 10% of the value of the gun or $35, whichever is greater.
4. "Please check with us for our availability and pricing, we can usually save you money!"

Well, after you add in the punishment charge and your $35 fee for incoming guns I'm sure you can! I do understand though. There is no way a gun store paying for real estate in Cali. can compete with my prices, selling out of my house in Texas. They have to make up the difference somehow, plus from what I understand they have a lot more paperwork to do there.
whew,lol,lol....you lol guys,lol are tough,lol...

wow, I lied on the internet..whoo, that never happens, eh??.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

as for taking m buisness elsewhere, thats exactly what I did...I got my Pistol/shotgun that saturday, and went Trap/Pistol shooting,lol,lol,lol
Tory wrote:
Personal attacks are not allowed on THR.

Later he replied to another thread:
The aptly eponymous Lobotomy Boy declares thusly...

So which is it, Tory? Are personal attacks not allowed, or are they only allowed when you are the attacker?
I wish I was a hick

i am from nyc and currently living in Reno, lot's of "rednecks"
& "hicks" here...GOD bless them, I am sure learning alot from them.
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