Unleashed dogs vs guns for protection

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Leatherneck - A LOT of things that were accepted 30+years ago will land you in jail now, whether or not schools are involved. :(
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Leatherneck--and for the benefits of today's Austinites--I and my friends used to "hunt" all along Shoal Creek, from the 24th St. bridge on up to 32nd St, with our BB guns.

On weekends, we'd go by bicycle and carry our .22 rifles out to my grandfather's farm and spend an afternoon plinking and "hunting". Folks would see us and think nothing of it.

And if a dog bit a kid, shame on that dog. It was a one-time event. But, it was common for neighbors to ensure no truly hostile dogs resided in a neighborhood. "Peer pressure" seemed to work better, then, particularly when backed up by a 12-gauge.

I can certainly understand a jogger-lady wanting some four-legged protection along, but they must understand they have the responsibility to obey the leash law as well as for the liability from any harm done by Darling Puppy.

"Responsibility" seems to have been dropped from too many dictionaries.

1st do no harm to yourself by capping one of the pooches or negatively interacting with an owner.
2nd call the Austin PD and make a few complaints. If you know when the worst offenders will most likely be out there causing a problem give the PD that info and ask them to go stake out the place. It's their job:)
3rd if you get no satisfaction....call the local TV news station that does special interest episodes on this kind of thing.

Smear the PD a bit but get them to show footage of the problem with FACES of the trouble makers.

Dog attacks have been and are a media hot topic right now.

You might cure all these problems with a few stategic phone calls.

Equal force.

This happened several years ago when my 10 and 13 year olds were considerably youger, probably 6 and 9.

My black lab, Ted -- loveable goofball of a hunting dog -- was tied on the back porch, watching the kids play in the backyard. Our version of a security system, as his bark is loud and ferocious, despite his gentle personality. And yes, I was still checking on the kids regularly.

Well, I was just inside the door, and heard Ted bark like I've never heard him bark. I raced out the door to see an enormous mutt/shepherd/lab cross advancing across the yard. I don't know if he was just going to give my kids a sniff, or to eat them, but Ted intercepted the dog -- who stood almost twice as tall as him -- bowled him over by ramming him chest-to-chest, and held him down by the neck in the dominant-wolf position. I've never seen anything like it from my beloved, gentle hunting dog. I hollered for him, he released the mutt, which ran like hell out of the yard and across the road into the woods.

Though it appeared he wanted to kill the other dog for getting near "his kids", Ted didn't have any blood on his muzzle, and the kids were just standing there in shock. Even though he and my springer are both house dogs, I make sure when they're let outside on the rope that the rope is strong -- but not too strong.

I love dogs. Okay, I love anything furry... except women's legs. I don't even mind dogs wandering about without leashes. Most of the time they ignore me, and when they do "confront" me, they usually just want to be pet.

With the hundreds of unleashed dogs that I've encountered, I only found two that wanted to hurt me. One was a doberman that wandered out of a house. I used my bicycle to hold him off.

Later, a rottie didn't like the way I smelled (I'm not sure that I did either), so I pull a bottle of OC and yelled "Call off your dog!" I got no response from the owner about 50 yards away. "Call off your dog, or I'll spray him!" THAT got his attention. He ran over saying "Aw, he wasn't going to hurt ya. He was just playing." Why do dog owners always say that? I've seen playful. Snarling, baring teeth, and barking is not playing.

It's an individual thing. If your dog is well-behaved, there's no problem. If he's prone to attack, he is. It's like guns, if you have disobedient, mischevious children, lock up your gun, if not, there's no problem.
"Snarling, baring teeth, and barking is not playing."

How do you know ?
I bet if you asked the dog, he was having a great time.
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