Virginia, BATFE & hidden cameras?

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Apr 25, 2004
The latest from VCDL, who recently announced the disgraceful behavior of the BATFE and local police at a Richmond gun show

wherein it was reported that the BATFE/State Police/Local Police "checked" on some prospective gun purchasers by visiting their homes and those of their neighbors, now includes a new allegation (which I'm sure the apologists and disbelievers will handle adroitly (this can be viewed at, VA Alert Archive):

ACTION ITEM: Time to contact Congress about BATFE incident / new

In the NRA's Cam Edward's interview of the reporter, a
new allegation came out: the BATFE had planted hidden cameras at the last few Richmond gun shows and lied to the building owners saying that the BATFE had permission to do so from the gun shown owner, Annette Gelles!

Smile, you're on candid camera. :-(

Trouble is that it was illegal since things like filming are controlled by gun show management.

Annette learned by accident, when a similar attempt in NoVA was
brought to her attention by building management. In that case BATFE
was sent packing.

I am getting tired of shaking my head at the shameful actions of BATFE.

Roy B. Scherer has been going after information from Richmond and the VA State Police.

Richmond Police officer Major McCoy acknowledged Richmond having 8
officers at the show, but didn't mention the patrol officers who were dispatched to people's houses.

VASP representative Corrine Geller acknowledged the task force, but
said that the State Police did not go knocking on doors.

We still haven't heard from Henrico, who also had their hands in this mess....

Fine. Defund the B.A.T.F.E. Slap those federal trough feeders into uniform, issue them arms and ammunition, and send them out to defend the nation's borders.

Most of them have probably never encountered real criminals in their lives. Might be exciting for them.
Never mind that, abolish the ATF and imprison these traitors for perjury and treason.

Another blatant assault on our rights, yet nothing will be done about it. This government is downright shameful.
You can bet your next 2 years salary that if someone shows up at MY door wanting to "interview" me about my gun purchases, etc, the vid-cams WILL be on and VCR rolling in Record mode.

One in plain sight, and at least 2 hiddens, all going to different VCR's.
Stories like the Richmond gun show take time to develop. Each news cycle drips out interesting factoids. I personally want to know more about "residency verification" which the bATFE said in the NRA's press statement said it (bATFE) would no longer do. Did the bATFE just admit to having its hand in the cookie jar and was caught? I believe what happened at Richmond is merely what we know happen; it is not all that happened. More will come out and it will take time to develop.

...I personally want to know more about "residency verification" which the bATFE said in the NRA's press statement said it (bATFE) would no longer do...

Someone made the point in a post on the other thread that the BATFE did NOT say they were doing away with such verifications, merely "suspending" them.

I am getting tired of shaking my head at the shameful actions of BATFE.
Me too. For a while, it was more difficult to speak ill of them in current terms. Even on this forum, I have been scolded for calling them F-Troop and such because, despite their past behavior under Clinton, they had (appearantly) been behaving lately. Now I see that they were just temporarily restrained and given the chancewould again show their true colors.

Where is Henry Bowman when we need him?
I'm right here. let's roll.

Never mind that, abolish the ATF and imprison these traitors for perjury and treason.
Not going to happen. This is too small an issue for Bush to notice. Ashcroft is gone and Gonzoles is on their side. Congress doesn't care (at least most don't). Deep down, they kind of like the fact that some "federal cops" are protecting them from nuts with guns (not the same as gun nuts). It's not a significant election issue.
Another blatant assault on our rights, yet nothing will be done about it. This government is downright shameful.
As I said,...

If there were cameras, as reported, and recorings were made, might they be available with a FOIA request? Whether they showed anything or not, they would be good evidence of "BATFE paranoia." We need to expose them as "nuts" before they spin it into some kind of "we're protecting America from terrorists" crapola.
Where's the beef? or proof in this latest poopstorm regarding the BATFE? Doesn't "hidden" translate to being out of sight?
Reading all this brought almost immediately to mind the novel Enemies - Foreign and Domestic. The thing took place in northern VA and the main instigators were an out of control BATF.

Wonder if the author knows something we don't? :what:
"Doesn't "hidden" translate to being out of sight?"

Looks like they didn't hide them well enough, huh? Hidden, but not invisible.

why not just move em all to patroling the border? seems they could use the help there.Last I checked, they were grossly under-staffed to do an adequate job keeping the border secure.

should be "resign or be prosecuted" but notta chance, there'll probably be promotions in it for those usual. Incidently, I doubt that theyve been behaving themselves lately..theyve just been busy scheming.
people need to read the FOIA response

It backs up the original story - state police acting on BATFE's orders to go shake down the residence of a prospective purchaser.

Someone at VSP needs to find a dictionary . . .
Much as I want this chunk of border secure, I want someone competent on the job. Noway you sending those jokers down here, clean up yer own mess!

Has anyone made Dave Kopel or Eugene Volokh or some person of 2nd amendment rights or constitutional lawyer types aware of this. I would like to know what someone like that thinks about this activity. I am still amazed that this went on. :what:
Never mind that, abolish the ATF and imprison these traitors for perjury and treason.

I've heard it said that the ATF is one of the most profitable agencies in the federal government. For every $1 spent in ATF funding, they bring in over $30 with their gestapo tactics.

Has anyone made Dave Kopel or Eugene Volokh or some person of 2nd amendment rights or constitutional lawyer types aware of this.

Glen Reynolds mentioned it, well, at least linked to this site with nary a comment.

Has any newsmedia outside of CNS touched this story yet? Google News only links to which is linking CNS.
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I've heard it said that the ATF is one of the most profitable agencies in the federal government. For every $1 spent in ATF funding, they bring in over $30 with their getapo tactics.
My guess is that would be primarily because they're in charge of collecting taxes on Alcohol and Tobacco.
Give me a Bureau of Prostitution, Drugs, Gambling Gasoline and Fast Food in charge of taxing those commodities and services and I'll bring in the cash too.
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