Wanye is out of his mind

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M-Cameron, the gist of it seems:

LaPierre wasn't trying to make a logical arguement, or logically pick apart an arguement. He was using an anti-gunner tactic, making emotional noises that get certain groups of people to listen by pandering to their feelings on certain issues. Older moderates still have a reflexive distaste/ general bad feeling toward violent movies, and middle aged moderates have a certain negative feeling about anyone who plays video games in their basement all day, etc. etc.etc.

This actually does work as a distraction tactic. By appealing to and confirming a target group's prejudices, subtly stroking their ego, we make them feel (not think, feel) that the things that come out of our mouth are reasonable because clearly we agree with them.

In other words, tell an old crank that the world is going to hockeysticks for all the reasons he usually rants about, and his response will be "I've been saying that for years! Finally, someone who makes sense! I like this guy!", and then you sell him your snake oil.
I back him 100%.

Why is it us gun owners are getting all the blame? Let the media go against the Movies, Video Games, Social Media and then we can all join forces to fight back. Let them see what its like to be blamed and looked at like some evil person for having a PS3 or insert movie here. Then and maybe then we can really get more people on our side to fight back to start getting people to blame the problem at hand, the actually nutjob who did the shooting and not some knee jerk reaction
In other words, tell an old crank that the world is going to hockeysticks for all the reasons he usually rants about, and his response will be "I've been saying that for years! Finally, someone who makes sense! I like this guy!", and then you sell him your snake oil.

I suppose that may be the thinking, but it's still a horrible idea. First off that target demographic is small and getting smaller. The "middle aged moderate" is highly likely to either play or be aware of violent video games. And since they didn't make HIM a killer, he's going to be very suspicious of claims to the contrary.

The only people this might reach are older women who simply have never played the games and might have an inherent dislike of violent games. Maybe Wayne things he can distract the women with this kind of sideshow, but I think he's again way out of touch with the times. The older liberal women I know don't like violent games, but they aren't about to fall for rhetoric this out of date or stupid.
Sir, I was exposed. Everyone I know was exposed. We grew up with these games! From the C-64 clunkers to arcade games and Wolfenstein 3D, right through the modern times when a lot of us whip out the old long axe after work to split skulls or get on line to shoot our friends in simulated combat. It's enormous fun, and if it truly made people more violent IRL we would have seen a huge increase in violent crime rates. Instead, they've gone down. The theories espoused by Tipper Gore and Grossman were wrong. We were right. We won. Game over dude!

I think the major difference is that there are people out there who have a complete detachment from reality that cannot discern what is real and what is fake. I also believe there is a "pornography of violence". On some level, someone- let's call them "violence perverts"- wants something more extreme than he is getting and will seek it however he can. The same is true with sexual pornography; there's always a segment of society that wants "more". On some level, the line between reality and fantasy becomes blurred, private leaks out into public.
The NRA has become the Chamber of Commerce for the weapons industry.

Who is going to make billions in a market strictly of revolvers, pump guns, and muzzle loaders? Nobody.
Sam, she talks about 3-15 hour/week doses of game playing. Games are designed to addict the player, make him of her not want to stop, forget to eat and sleep so you can keep playing. People play them to the exclusion of everything else--that's the problem.

She also talks about visual acumen, visual discernment, multitasking, etc. All of these things could also be developed by more direct and focused computer time that doesn't involve killing people with automatic weapons, or by playing real sports with real opponents.

I'm not going to try to make video games go away. I'm an advocate of freedom. But I can express my views about the uselessness of 1P shooter games, and I have done so.
The addiction is real.... They play these VG's to the point of dying from blood clots formed in the legs from not moving out of their seat for days.
Sam, she talks about 3-15 hour/week doses of game playing. Games are designed to addict the player, make him of her not want to stop, forget to eat and sleep so you can keep playing. People play them to the exclusion of everything else--that's the problem.

3-15 hours a WEEK?

Okay, there's 168 hours in a week.

Let's count 56 hours of that for sleep (8 hours for every 24 hour period).

Count another 56 going by a 9-5 work schedule.

That leaves another 56 hours per week to do anything else, and 3-15 hours out of that is an addiction to the exclusion of eating and sleeping?
I have to say that I was a little disappointed in the long-awaited statement by the NRA. Hopefully, though, this was just the first chapter. NRA has the resources to do the work we need done behind the scenes in D.C. However, an extra $20 from each of us could help. Sent mine three days ago.

Any organization that the liberals hate as much as they seem to hate NRA, has got to be doing something right!
If we're going to put an armed guard in every school across America, we need to first mandate we house every mobile American in a grounded faraday cage first. Your chances of being struck by lightning is about equal to being a victim of a mass school shooting.

We have lightning rods on many homes, I don't see a reason why not. I also think we view lightning as an act of nature, vs. a shooting with a person.

Have kids? I do. And I'm all for the guard in every school.
We need to not worry so much about what he said about video games, and concentrate on the cause / effect relationship, ie: weapons did not cause the murders. We may not all agree on the causes, but that doesn't matter right now. An "AWB" will not stop the CAUSE of these murders.
napalm, you should be a member, anyone owning guns should be. Why make excuses, pay the membership.
He must have said a few things right, he's really ticked off
CNN and most others in the media.

They can't stand the truth.

I've heard that CNN went to a commercial break during his talk.
Wayne LaPierre never blamed video games as the root cause of violent behavior in mentally ill people.
What he did say was that easy access to media that glorifies violent behavior may be influencing mentally ill people to commit acts of violence.
He used the same tactic anti gunners use to demonize guns and gun owners.

Saying Computer Programmers in California and video game manufacturers in China and japan are to blame for violent acts leaves a bitter taste in your mouth does it???
Sam, she talks about 3-15 hour/week doses of game playing. Games are designed to addict the player, make him of her not want to stop, forget to eat and sleep so you can keep playing. People play them to the exclusion of everything else--that's the problem.

3-15 hours a WEEK?

Okay, there's 168 hours in a week.

Let's count 56 hours of that for sleep (8 hours for every 24 hour period).

Count another 56 going by a 9-5 work schedule.

That leaves another 56 hours per week to do anything else, and 3-15 hours out of that is an addiction to the exclusion of eating and sleeping?

You misunderstood, and maybe I just wasn't clear. The speaker in the video Sam linked talks about those benefits being seen in 3-15 hours a week of play. I did not say that 3-15 hours was anything close to an addiction, nor did she. I said that people play to the point of addiction and then can't step away. Clearly a person playing 3-15 hrs/wk is not the person I was speaking of, and that's why Sam's link doesn't serve to disprove my point.
We should not allow the government to abridge our second amendment constitutional rights because of insane people who aren't getting the mental health care they require. Just say NO to gun control and get to the root problem of mental illness treatment.

No compromise on the 2nd amendment!
So altho it's been suggested that Wayne L was suggesting that the NRA pay for armed guards/cops in schools, that is not the interpretation I'm hearing on several news channels.

That means it would be more taxes for everyone.

My suggestion, before any action, would be to see if armed guards and cops in schools actually prevents violence. Of any kind. Many high schools in this country already have them...and metal detectors.

Let's get the data and see if it's effective. And then let parents and school boards figure out how to pay for them....without hitting up the rest of us.
The NRA couldn't say anything to please the gun-grabbers except america needs to turn in ALL their firearms, that would have been the only thing that they want to hear, if they would have said that their members would have crawled all over them, No Win either way for the NRA.
Make no mistake, they want YOUR guns. I look at it these way, if you bolt a so-called "assault weapon" to you car and you get behind the wheel and runover someone and kill them it without ever firing the gun it would still be the guns fault, this is the mentality of the people we are dealing with.
A "evil black gun" ban and "assault magazine" ban is only the start.
cosmoline, you are very vehement in defending the video games. Good for you. However, the mention of them by posters and people from the NRA and media are saying it affects players who are mentally disturbed to begin with. Nobody is saying that it causes violent people unless they are sick to begin with. Your anger towards those who are attacking video games seems very hostile. Chill out. Nobody wishes to stop you from playing your video games unless you are already mentally disturbed.
I didn't read all 9 pages of posts ,but I'm curious if anyone has mentioned Lt. Col. David Grossmans book "On Killing", great read on the psychological study of taking a human life. He mentions the desensitivity to killing due to movies and video games
I was actually embarrassed to be an NRA member. I almost scraped the sticker off my truck. They need a change of guards.....This totally killed us.
So altho it's been suggested that Wayne L was suggesting that the NRA pay for armed guards/cops in schools, that is not the interpretation I'm hearing on several news channels.

That means it would be more taxes for everyone.

That's necessarily going to be the case.

My suggestion, before any action, would be to see if armed guards and cops in schools actually prevents violence. Of any kind. Many high schools in this country already have them...and metal detectors.

Let's get the data and see if it's effective. And then let parents and school boards figure out how to pay for them....without hitting up the rest of us.

Already been done in Texas and Virginia. It works. Time to do it.

Your taxes are already being used for "stuff" you do not get. At least this is a worthy cause. Surely you have family that would benefit at some point from it.
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