What constitutes an Arsenal?

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In contemporary news media usage, "arsenal" is an alarmist term used to paint an overall negative portrait of nearly any person owning firearms. In such general news media usage, I believe one handgun, one rifle (any style), and a half a box of ammo for either would qualify as an "arsenal."

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I would concede that an amount over 10,000 firearms by a private collector may be considered an arsenal. Luckily it is still our Constitutional Right. Continue to arsenal on everyone.
I think an arsenal is what every family (individual or group of people living together as a social unit, regardless of legal or biological relationship) should have.

I think an armoury is what every home should have.

I may be an outlier. :)
Enough to supply a small army should be considered an arsenal.
As in a minimum of 5k

A cache, meh 50-100
I would concede that an amount over 10,000 firearms by a private collector may be considered an arsenal. Luckily it is still our Constitutional Right. Continue to arsenal on everyone.
If it takes 10k arms then I am going to seriously pick up the pace.
I'd say that gut instagramming his 100+ gun collection might count, assuming he's got the ammo to match. Of course that's probably just envy. Short of that, idk, matter of opinion.
Arsenal is a fear mongering term. Like assault rifle. You could have a few single shot .22s in a cardboard box with a brick of ammo and it would probably be an "arsenal" on CNN.
If an arsenal is defined as... number of guns = years of age, I'm in trouble. To few guns and to many years and to small of a SS check to balance it out...... But, I am trying. :)
Arsenal is a fear mongering term. Like assault rifle.


Arsenal used in most news article when describing a gun owner or criminal tells me the author is: pushing the usual anti agenda, lazy, ignorant. Not the type of writer I depend on for "news".
The MSM would really get all wee'd up if they had any proof that all the ammo disappearing off the shelves was in reality an organized grass roots ammo collection program with the sole intent to redistribute equally to a Continental Militia.
A police officer once accused me of having an arsenal for being in possession of a 10/22, two shotguns (one being stored at my house by a buddy who was traveling) and a 1911.

While she ran serial numbers, her partner asked my about the 870. Said he had never shot one until the academy, and thought they were pretty cool.

I'd say based on "4" bring an arsenal, 90%+ of THR members must have HUGE caches.
I got into it with a gal reporter that wrote an article on a shooting where a nut had a 9MM, 2 magazines, and a knife and she wrote that the man had an arsenal on him. I wrote that in that case, I have an arsenal every day when I am carrying...
I think of (at least) a large room FULL of weapons. I would say enough to WELL arm a minimum of 50 people.
Also, I want to add that it's funny how people (especially anti-2a folks) react to the word "arsenal" but don't even bat an eyelash when they hear the word "armory."

Springfield Armory=Not a big deal.

Tula Arsenal=Evil stockpile of death.
In California I've seen 3 rifles a pistol and a shotgun glorified (horrified) as an "arsenal"
But, that is agenda driven.

Before the great "boating accident" my collection of 29 arms would cause a great disturbance in the "farce" here. :(
people here are blaming the MSM for distorting what constitutes a arsenal but the worst are the "rabid pro 2nd amendment" police where after arresting a guy for not mowing his lawn put out a H&R single shot shotgun a bolt .22 along with a box or two of ammo and call it an arsenal. I have seen that many times
To some, an arsenal is "A Gun" and as such, a baaaad thing.

For others, an arsenal is a "nice little collection" and a darned good thing to own (or steward, since the arms in question only belong to us for a little while).

Technically, we know what an arsenal is defined as. The connotation of the word however can be used, heck, IS used, in a negative light in the media.

C'est la vie.
It does seem strange (though not within the context of the anti-gunners agenda), that perhaps a generation ago the U.S. was considered the Arsenal of Democracy, and that it was a good thing.
My definition of an arsenal is weapons in a locker at a military armory or installation.

I think the Lame Stream Media (LSM©) has a sliding scale definition. Could be a firearm + air-soft + BB gun + kitchen knife + bike lock with chain ..... Use your imagination.
An arsenal to me would be racks and racks of weapons. Ive heard the media refer to two pistols, a rifle, and a shotgun as an arsenal.
The local Cops last week apprehended a Drug Dealer with the "Goods", lots of cash and a stolen(reported) Glock with two rounds in the mag.
My hope is that the perp gets treated like he had an arsenal.
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