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What presidential candidate are you leaning towards?

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I can't lump him with Benedict Arnold, but I certainly see your point.
Either way, the man will never get support from me for any public office.
Either way, the man will never get support from me for any public office.

That, we do agree on.
I'm leaning towards a conservative who favors smaller government and lower taxes, and will mostly leave me alone.
Untill one comes foreward, I suppose I like Newt Gingrich. Dr. Paul seems to have a bit of an aversion to taking the fight to our foreign enemies.
Well if Ron Paul runs I will vote for him. If he doesnt then I will vote for whomever the Liberatarian candidate is. If there is no Libertarian candidate then I will vote Green Party.

I may not like everything that the Green part stands for but I would like to see more choices than Democrat or Republican.

I will never vote for a lib because they can have to much impact on the Judicial branch... The politicians come and go we can handle that. The judges are around much longer, and their rulings are much harder to overturn.

Jeb Bush Positions

Use a Gun and You’re Done

During the commission of a crime:
(1) Pull a Gun-Mandatory 10 Years
(2) Pull the Trigger-Mandatory 20 Years
(3) Shoot Someone-25 Years to Life (whether they live or die)


(4) Concealed carry OK; supports instant background check

** Supports the following principles concerning guns:
(5) Maintain state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms.
(6) Favor allowing citizens to carry concealed firearms.
(7) Florida visitors should be permitted to carry concealed weapons if they have permits from other states.
(8) Bush says, “I support an instant background check for all guns purchased at a gun show.”

Lots of broken stuff here.

Big problem with (1)-(3). Sentencing enhancement laws are evil. "Gun Crime" and "Hate Crime" are suddenly a special ("heinous" on steroids) class of crime.

Remember, today's normal behavior is tomorrow's crime. Today, it's legal to hunt rats outside of town. Next week, it's against the law. You shoot a rat, someone complains, and suddenly you're going to jail because shooting in that area is now disallowed. And you're going to do a lot of hard time. For an infraction which ought to, at most, be a misdemeanor fine.

Yeah, the example sucks, but use your imagination: trust me, the prosecutor will.

(5) = Restrictions on purchase & possession?? ***?
(6) & (7) are fine
(8) sucks.

This "restrictions" thing, along with "instant checks" at gun shows will do nothing to keep guns away from bad guys. But it will screw up the lives of the law-abiding.

In this order:

Other non-McCain/Giuliani/Romney Republicans
Richardson (Only if he's running against McCain/Giuliani/Romney)

No way on Earth I'm voting for Hillary, Obama, or the three RINOs.
Maybe by then Pat Paulsen will announce he is running again ...

I think he's dead. So, I will vote for Richardson, but not if he's Hillary's running mate.
I am watching Tancredo but frankly I don't see a President as pivotal or all that dangerous in regard to RKBA. It is the 2008 Congressional races that will make a real difference. If you keep bad stuff off a President's desk, doesn't that relieve the concern? What is critical in my view is a constitutionally conservative majority in Congress, certainly in one of the Houses, sufficient to block any funny business. The best shot is regaining a Republican majority in the Senate. The best way to screw that up is to propose that it is not important to vote Republican.
it seems ironic that most of us put the emphasis on voting for a pro gun candidate, rather than creating a reasonable government where we wouldn't feel the certainty that guns are needed (other than personal protection, and recreation).
this past 6 years has not been as "anti" as some, but when something like the patriot act can be passed, while we still bear arms, then what's the point.

Certainly after 8 long years of George, you don't seriously want another Bush in the Whitehouse.

what they said, only i feel that it is the president's men that are the real policy makers. cheney and others have held themselves in the background for so long so that they would be immune to the 8 year restriction. cheney went for vp to set himself up for running, but i think his health will be remembered. possibly rumsfeld has distanced himself to gain some political momentum. either way, the limits should apply to those behind the scenes as much as the figureheads.
Certainly after 8 long years of George, you don't seriously want another Bush in the Whitehouse. Lone_Gunman

There has been intellectual intimidation on that point everywhere you turn. The media is desperate to discredit him at any opportunity. It is supposed to be PC to bash Bush, but I don't buy it. It is just an attack from the isolationists who want to spend that money on black America and other lower income, socialist programs, especially those that win votes and increase power.

I support President Bush and especially Dick Cheney. Watching Congress line up as anti-war because it is politically correct and key to their re-election makes me want to puke. The only ones who don't have to compromise on integrity and doing the right thing are Bush and Cheney. What I would concede is that it would be best to be honest about why we are in Iraq. It is obviously just one of a series of dominoes to be knocked down, and rightfully so in the grand scheme of things (peaceful international commerce). That's why we get the same story on Iran and Syria.

There won't be any withdrawal if Cheney can help it, because it cost 10 billion dollars to deploy to Afghanistan and then on to Iraq. Bring everyone home and they would have to start over, including finding a new premise.

The only real problem here is the tribal and barbaric Muslim culture (in that region)...that and the short attention span of the American public.

Being mad about how we got to Iraq and the story we are being fed doesn't mean we shouldn't be there.
Ron Paul.

He's the strongest supporter of the Constitution and the Second Amendment in our political system. It would be nice to have such leadership for a change. Problem is that most people don't appreciate someone who will stand up for the Constitution every time.
It is supposed to be PC to bash Bush, but I don't buy it. It is just an attack from the isolationists who want to spend that money on black America and other lower income, socialist programs

Racist much, Realgun? :scrutiny:
Ron Paul.

The only thing that could make me vote Republican (that seems like a real possibility--Jefferson coming back from the dead would do it too, but seems rather less likely) instead of Libertarian.
Hillary in the primary, Paul in the election.

Before you bash me, if Hillary wins the primary, the Dem's will be easier to defeat in the end.

I kinda like Condi for VP.
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