What's your Favorite Pistol Caliber?

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.22 LR

Easy to find at just about anywhere, doesn't break the bank or make new worry how
Each pull of the trigger costs me. Plus shooting a 1.5 inch target with open sites at 50 yards can be pretty challenging and fun.
Before I bought my Ruger SR9-C, I loved shooting my XD-40, thought it was great.

Since I've owned the SR9-C, the 9mm is absolutely my favorite cartridge, the gun is a total joy to shoot and very accurate. 9mm reloads at $6/box are nice too.

I still shoot the XD-40, but not nearly as much. The recoil is quite a bit more stout, even with light target loads.

If I had to let one go.....its bye-bye XD.
Hands down .22 Mag! IMO the most versatile round and I have a 651 S&W to compliment my Ruger 77/22 MK II, but I want to try a PMR 30 too.
Don't get me wrong I like the .32 H&R in my sp101 and my S&W mod 10 or 65 with .38s are crazy accurate, but the one that goes everywhere and is on each range trip is the .22 Mag. I just dont get how it came to be as expensive as 9mm.
Without a doubt it would be the .41 magnum. Any answer other than this only shows you shouldn't be allowed to handle firearms.
To make sure I've covered this as it seems to have been intended:

Semi-auto: .40S&W. Balance between power and magazine capacity. It has lots of nay-sayers, but I don't care about that.
Revolver: .357Magnum. It's all been said. Flexibility is the key to a revolver round, and this has it on everything else.
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a pistol is a small firearm made to be held and fired with one hand.

a revolver (called a "revolving pistol") is included in this definition.

synonymous with "handgun".

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Favorite? 22 Long Rifle. Can just do so much with it, and for so little dough. If I was restricted to one handgun only, it would be in that caliber.
murf.... really ?? I thought that too for many years I and found out I was wrong :mad:, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pistol#Action "A PISTOL is handgun with a chamber that is integral with the barrel"
anyway I vote 44mag you can get them in a pistol ,revolver , singel shot, auto rifle and in leverguns , , you can load them as shoot shells , ball , cast ,HP's , ect ect ,,,, Primers like- large pistol , large pistol mag, larg rifle and large mag rifle all work and load data for 44mag covers everything from small game to biggame and it is well known is a man stoper .
Usually I'd say .45acp as that's what I shoot (and reload) the most of. But lately I've been shooting a lot of .44 Mag reloads and just having tons of fun with it.

i don't always believe what i read in wikipedia. i got my info from the websters dictionary.

If only one? G20 10mm. Do my own loads so availability is no issue and price is cheap.

10 mm in something... Mines Glock

i don't always believe what i read in wikipedia. i got my info from the websters dictionary.

I don't . but I do check there sources , I was just trying to be helpful ,years back I remember going to guns shops and gunshows and calling one buy the others name and being told I was wrong ,and nothing wrong with being wrong as long as no one gets hurt and you learn from it . anyway were getting off track
my vote is for the 44mag
I have never seen a "PISTOL" in 41mag
Never seen a Contender or Desert Eagle???

"Pistol" is a term much older than automatics and Sam Colt marketed his lovelies as "revolving pistols".
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