Who is your favorite gunfighting guru?

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I have a few gurus I studied.

I have read Jeff Cooper, and Massad Ayoob. I am hoping that I can get instruction from LFI, it is too late to take a class with Jeff Cooper. I try to learn what I can from reading, but I really hope to take some classes someday. Also, I learned something from my elders, they have taught me to avoid a fight if I can, but if it cannot be avoided, to resolve the situation with all necessary means.
Family Blood


My Brother In Law, Ernie (Tusi) Haleck .. LAPD 27yrs.

An extraordinary Human-being in the fight against the BG's

And in life in general, as a Father, and a trusted friend (to many).

LS :)
I have read Jeff Cooper, and Massad Ayoob. I am hoping that I can get instruction from LFI, it is too late to take a class with Jeff Cooper.

Agreed on both names -- for different reasons.

Still in mourning from losing the great Jim Cirillo this summer.

Eyesac, I was wondering if anyone would pick up on her real name. Not only was she one of the best shots that ever walked, she did it in style. Not many role models like that today.

Applegate, Fairbairn & Sykes. Also like Mas Ayoob a good bit. He doesn't seem to be afraid of going against popular opinion on various matters (Ruger Mini 14, a gun he appreciates, is despised by many folks). Haven't read as much from him as I have from the others, though - at this time, anyhow.
Especially like Applegate's Kill or Be Killed - since it covers a lot of ground. It's also available for free on the internet, so you never have to wonder where you misplaced the book. :p
I have to give credit to Fairbairn, Sykes, Applegate and especially to the ones that actually used what they taught across this world as they are the basis for what I teach today.
Eyesac, I was wondering if anyone would pick up on her real name. Not only was she one of the best shots that ever walked, she did it in style. Not many role models like that today.


No joke. I still dont know how she did some of the things that she did. I plink around I start to notice the inaccuracies of .22. This somehow didn't affect her: shooting the skinny side of a playing card at 90ft from the hip? Not even benchrested could I do that w/ regularity... Amazing.
Many already listed.

I particularly enjoy where force-on-force and intergrated trainers such as South Narc, Paul Gomez, Gabe Suarez and others are taking things.
Yep Annie Oakley could outshoot everyone in her county at the age of 12. The fact that she was a great shot probably caused us to have the first world war!! By the way Sitting Bull gave her her nickname, Little Miss Sure Shot. I doubt that he was easily impressed.

J B Hickok and J W Hardin (no not Gunkid..)

As for today, Cirillo if he was alive. Most others parrot what they learn from others, Cirillo found out the hard way.
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