Why we need National CCW Reciprocity now!

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Its in a rider attached to a future budget that starts, little by little, to require "sensible gun carry safety regulations".
We can't predict the future. We can only assert that the bill pass the way it is now.

Saying things like "lol congress gonna make concelled carry like it is in kawlifawniastan, dont vote for dis bill" isn't helpful, nor relevant, nor correct. Its speculation.

The only things certain in life are death, taxes, and NY Congresswoman MacCarthy's 10rd mag bill (every freaking year! Get the hint lady!).
Sooner or later, NYC will do something that will make for a poster child case to go to the supreme court and they will lose just like DC and Chicago did.

Nothing illegal or unconstitutional about requiring a permit to carry a weapon. Read Heller.
What is illegal is making it impossible to get a permit.
Reasonable place, time and manner permits pass First Amendment muster.
Whether you like it or not, carry permits pass the Second Amendment.
How did you learn to tell the future?
No, but I feel it in my gut. And that's where the truth lies, in my gut. There's more nerve cells in your gut than in your brain. Now if you read something different in a book that says different, just remember how biased those things are. Unlike my gut, which has been trustworthy for the last 30 years.

The first problem is that congress will set the rules for this and start telling states what their citizens can and cannot do. Why give obama and congressional liberals that kind of power?
Nothing illegal or unconstitutional about requiring a permit to carry a weapon. Read Heller.
What is illegal is making it impossible to get a permit.
Reasonable place, time and manner permits pass First Amendment muster.
Whether you like it or not, carry permits pass the Second Amendment.

So Far! Perhaps with a few more people on the Supreme Court that think the Constitution actually means what it says, it won't always be that way. Certainly Congress has the authority to make the various States honor each others Concealed Carry permits, which is what this thread is about.
The bill can be amended for just that purpose. Interstate commerce, ya know. And it requires one state to accept the standards of every other state's cc statutes. A soverign state has the right to create and enforce its own cc laws, and to do so without federal meddling and preemption.
Agreed, I appreciate his military service but disagree that it somehow places him into a more relaxed category of concealed weapon restrictions. We can argue all day about the fairness, logic or even constitutionality of carry laws in NYC. But at the end of the day, the responsibility of knowing & following those laws still belongs to the individual who makes the choice. Ignorance of the law is not a defensible excuse. Not for the legality of turning right at a red-light (some states yes, some states no) & certainly not for something as politically/socially polarized as handgun carry. This guy made a bonehead mistake. You pay for making them. Little mistakes are cheap. BIG mistakes are expensive. His was a big one.

I agree with your post except at the very end. Yes, his was a big mistake, it should have been a little one.
Reply to Fremmer;
As it also has the right to set and enforce it's own driver's license laws? And it's duty to accept the licenses of drivers of other States? Read Article Four, Section One and Two, of the United States Constitution.

The current National CCW Reciprocity Bill in Congress does not force the various States to change their laws governing the rules that people who carry concealed must obey, it just says that the various States must honor the CCW of other States just like they would a marriage license or drivers license. You, as an out of stater, must follow the rules of the State you are in. Illinois, as the sole State with out any form of Concealed Carry, would not be obligated to honor anyone's CCW license. Hawaii, California, New York and New Jersey however would be required to allow out of State people with CCW licences to carry concealed provided they followed State Law.
Just like Driver's Licenses.

Really, this is not rocket science, or if you believe in RKBA, particularly controversial.
It is only the ones who want to limit gun ownership and the bearing of arms, who have any reason to object.
Actually, i can object and still be pro-2nd. You are comfortable with an anology of interstate travel and the authorization to cc as being the same; im not. You are willing to allow the federal regulation of cc; im not. You prefer federal preemption while i do not. But thats ok :)

And if the great state of kansas wants its own laws about qualification to cc, it should (and does) have the power to regulate the same without federal interference.
Actually, i can object and still be pro-2nd. You are comfortable with an anology of interstate travel and the authorization to cc as being the same; im not. You are willing to allow the federal regulation of cc; im not. You prefer federal preemption while i do not. But thats ok :)

And if the great state of kansas wants its own laws about qualification to cc, it should (and does) have the power to regulate the same without federal interference.
What Federal preemption? What Federal regulation? If you think a State has the right to ban Concealed Carry, you may be right, but if it decides to allow and license Concealed Carry, why should it not honor the CCW licenses of other States just as they honor Driver's Licenses and Marriage Licenses. Or do you think those should not be honored by other States as well?

I think you are operating under a false premiss, that the Federal Government would necessarily dictate to the States the rules they must follow to issue CCW licenses.

Nothing in the current bill before Congress allows anything like that.

Congress already thinks it has the authority to allow who can have guns, and what types. Fortunately, the NRA and gun owner backlash against the gun banners in 1994, has the current crop of Congressmen and women scared to aggressively pursue gun control. Now is the time to act! Get it passed now, and it will be much harder to take away in the future.
This has nothing about the Federal Government deciding who gets a CCW license or not, or setting the rules. It is about making the various States honor their obligations under the Full Faith and Credit clause of Section one, Article Four, of the Constitution of the United States.

Evidently you have not read the Bill, Post #40 contains a link to the Bill. I suggest you read it.
Only those who do not want people to have the ability to carry concealed have any rational fear of this Bill.

Irrational fear is something else.:banghead:

If Kansas wants to limit or restrict which Kansas Citizen can have a CCW, it may have that right, just as we currently do with who can get drivers licenses and Marriage Licenses, but why should Kansas refuse to honor the Licenses of other States? What if Kansas should decide not to honor driver licenses of New York, or New Jersey? After all. we all know what lousy drivers they are?:rolleyes:
Because driving is different than ccw. And kansas has the right to require its own standards for ccw which can be (and are) different from other states. The fact that states recognize other states' drivers licenses has nothing to do with their regulation of ccw, which has traditionally and legally been a matter left to each state.
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Because driving is different than ccw. And kansas has the right to require its own standards for ccw which can be (and are) different from other states. The fact that states recognize other states' drivers licenses has nothing to do with their regulation of ccw, which has traditionally and legally been a matter left to each state.

I take it then that you are against Nation wide CCW. You are entitled to your opinion.
I however support the right to CCW. I suppose you also support weapon bans, gun registration, and out right bans, because States have traditionally done such.
No, i just object to the federal government telling every state what it has to do. At least as applied to this narrow issue.
I dont understand what part of the constitution kansas is violating by not recognizing nebraska's cc license in kansas. Please explain.
I dont understand what part of the constitution kansas is violating by not recognizing nebraska's cc license in kansas. Please explain.

People who don't understand the Full Faith and Credit Clause will point to that. They're wrong, of course.
The ONLY power Congress has vis-a-vis the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms comes from the Fourteenth Amendment and that power is limited to telling the several states(and itself) not to infringe the RKBA, and not to enforce any existing laws that infringe the RKBA. Period. End of sentence. Finis. Done deal. All she wrote. Say no more. Etc., etc., etc.

Want to carry from state to state unmolested? Elect representatives, senators, and a president who will pass and sign legislation exercising that power in the Fourteenth Amendment. Our only other recourse is to win Supreme Court cases that quash all those infringements.

Congress has already wasted more time with this national reciprocity power grab than it would take to uninfringe the RKBA once and for all. So, ask yourselves: "Do I want to retain the freedom God created in me, or settle for more bureaucratic quagmire?"

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