Gun Owner pet peeves

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1. Any unsafe activity or behavior with a firearm. I was taught this early.

2. Magnum haters and people who think there's something wrong with using a little more gun than absolutely neccessary. I swear I expect to hear a thread someday about how anything larger than a .22 short for deer is just plain stupid. There is no such thing as overkill and it makes much more sense to err on the side of caution. I have nothing against people who use the smaller calibers, but don't act like someone else is crazy for shooting a .300 Mag. It's their money and their shoulder.
By the same token,don't deride someone who successfully takes deer with a .223 as not using enough gun or not being ethical.
People who, after the hundreds of threads we have on how Wal Mart, Gander Mtn, Dicks and the other big box stores have horrible prices, selection and service continue to shop there and post about it on THR.

The winner!! :D
Here are just a few off the top of my head in no particular order.

1. People who justify gun control with the argument that "nobody needs" to do something or own something. Like rights are dolled out on the basis of need.

2. Guys at a range who STINK of BO.

3. Conspiracy nuts. (mostly 9/11 and Obama related)

4. People who think that the Constitution "gives" rights as opposed to guaranteeing them. I usually will try to tactfully explain why this is not true but they either don't care or don't understand the difference.
I dislike Hollywood and TVs false use of firearms. Example- Colt 1911s don't go click click click when empty.
when someone flags you with a rifle or shotgun and when u ask them to watch where they're pointing the muzzle they respond with "i have plenty of firearms training..." or "chill out dude its not loaded..."
As a gun owner, my only real pet peeve is oxidation.
I hate cleaning guns, and when I hit the lottery I'm hiring some sorority chicks to do it for me. You know, cause they got small hands.... :D

Seriously, all people are dumb at some point in time, myself included. It's the people that won't LISTEN that piss me off. :neener:
How about the idiots who try to shoot their pistols sideways, gangster style. Makes me laugh every time. Poor saps don't have a clue what they are doing or how to hit the broadside of a barn. lol
...shoot their pistols sideways, gangster style.

Are you familiar with the one-handed canted grip? When I shoot one-handed from the weak side, I do best if I cant the pistol in toward my dominant eye.
It drives me nuts when I see somebody pick up a gun in a store and start molesting it, putting their hands all over the barrel, etc. The creme de la creme is when they start dry-firing it repeatedly at the counter.
Gun Owner Pet Peeves...

Range Nazis and goose stepping right along with them Zero Tolerance.

Internet Rambos - you know - the guys that make statements like "he'll be greeted by a flurry of 230gr 45 ACP rounds when <insert silly situation here>"

Benchrest Shooters - hey! I know that makes no sense, is a bit silly etc etc BUT - the OP did ask...
Peeves - oh yeah!

1. If you call it a "Remmy, Winny, Mossy, Springer, Tauri, Bushy, or Shotty" to you're already on my Ignore List. Baby Talk maybe your thing - its not mine!:banghead:

2. If you write "prolly" just once you're gone.:fire:

3. Post an 800 word sentence with no punctuation or capitalization from your cell phone while scuffing down a latte at Starbucks - outta here!:cuss:

I probably (NOT prolly) have the biggest ignore list on THR! A privilege of age.:evil:
When a person asked on an internet forum for opinions between two SPECIFIC calibers or guns and every other responder tells them they should choose another caliber or gun. Example: Question"Which do you think I should choose a 30.06 or a .308?" Answer: "Dude,what do you want with those antiquated old relics. What you need is a .30-3000 whizbag,duh!" (You can substitute your favorite at any position)
"Experts" at the range.

Who give tremendous amounts of advice to all there, usually shouting at the top of their lungs.

And then THEY shoot. Their target looks like it has been shot with a very badly patterned shotgun.
My peeve? People who think stainless is attractive. It really just looks like cheap pot metal or a bad nickel finish. Stainless is not a finish, it's the lack of a finish. Nothing like paying extra for bare metal. :)

"People who don't know the difference between a MAC and an UZI."

"Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun." The other one is a gun.

people who ignore information given to them by more knowledgeable gun owners, I'm not talking about a new shooter who forgets something, but people who have been shooting for a while and completely ignore new information given to them because they think they know everything there is to know about guns.

people who get upset or annoyed because of what someone else likes on a gun, i don't care if they have 4 optics and 7 lasers on their AR, if that's what they like, good for them.

People who ask "why do you need that"

People who complain about hunting related things on gun boards, if there is a hunting section on a gun board, go there and complain, if their isn't just keep it to yourself.
The use of these terms: High capacity and assault weapon or assault rifle (unless used in reference to actual assault weapons)

The people of California, Massoftwoshiats, Hawaii and Illannoy who keep electing the ******nozzles who are threatening OUR rights.
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