Any American citizens of hispanic/latino background here?

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Who the HELL do you think you are? That statement is almost so Nazi-ish in sentiment that I won't even touch it. You're starting to sound like a nutcase.

If you cannot feed them or take care of them...

Americans with self respect and bills to pay do not refuse to work. Said Americans refuse, however, to work for $3 an hour, and I have a hard time blaming them.

Do you see how those two sentences are in direct contradiction?

It's about refusing to make a slave of yourself to make some jackass business owner rich, while not being able to feed yourself at the same time.

Then get a different job. This isn't difficult. Oh wait, we're going back to that "refusing to work" thing again...

It's becoming very obvious to me that you're one of the business owners I'm speaking of. No one else would have such an opinion, I'm convinced.

"Please," you're merely advertising an inability to come up with credible theories.

I think anyone that works in my field would tell you that these people are FAR from skilled.

(sigh) They're obviously skilled enough to replace -- directly -- loads of trade labor. Is that what frightens you?

GED- work level talent? So someone who was raised and born here, but didn't finish highschool - is less knowledgeable than someone who can't even speak the language?

Often, such is the case.

Your logic is incredible.

I appreciate your kind analysis.

I just went in thousands of dollars of debt to complete trade school and learn carpenty. And you'd advocate that I should work for minimum wage, when going salary for someone in my profession is $20 an hour???

Again, the truth comes out. (sigh) Fear, nothing more.

Is someone paying you $20 hourly? No? Then such is NOT the going rate. "You chose the wrong profession, my friend." (Not that I have issues with carpentry, two of my grandparents were carpenters.)

There'd be less competition in, say, "Rocket Science."

I have nothing else to say to you about this. Your way of thinking is so far beyond repair that it's not even worth discussing. You're wrong.

Taking your ball and going home? How disappointing.

I did read EVERY word you've said and have no issue with your opinions: we just disagree.
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Also, the fact that you are a man of color, willing to exploit other people of color, makes you all the more worse of a human being.

Ooohhh, go to the "color card."

(sigh) I've just spent time indicating that I valued your opinion, and you have to screw everything all up.

Are we just a tiny bit threatened? :evil:

Your assumptions are worse then your analysis.
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