Assassination attempt calibers

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I take it, Nasser, that you wish Reagan had been murdered and deeply mourn the killing of Che, who was really quite the brutal man.

Or, are you praising the quick efforts of the Secret Service as they take down old John Jr. and get the president to the hospital?

Do you know which direction a man's head pitches when he is shot in the head? In the direction the bullet came from. Kennedy's head pitched back and to the left.

The way Kennedy's head pitched means the bullet should have come from the back and to the left. The Warren Report tells us Oswald shot from above, from the back and from the right.

A close examination of the Zapruder film indicates Kennedy's head snapped forward sharply, and only a short distance, at the time Oswald's bullet hit him.
A physicist, Dr. Luis Alvarez, recreated the shooting by placing a skull filled with paint on a step ladder and shooting it from behind. A black & White film of this experiment exists and it shows the skull exploding and being propelled rearward, toward the origin of the bullet.
Now of course Kennedy's head was still attached to his torso. It is said that part of Kennedy's reaction was caused by a neurological reaction to being shot, a theory poo-pooed by the conspiracy theorists, but one which actually has some foundation unless one chooses to believe that he died in the space of one fiftieth of a second.
I know a lot of people believe in a conspiracy in JFK's assassination. I admit that I used to at one time consider it a strong possibility, but I no longer believe that. I think Oswald did it and did it alone.
I do think the Warren Commission was wrong about one thing; the timing of the shots. Oswald had more than the 5.6 seconds claimed, it was more like ten seconds.
JF Kennedy was supposed to have been shot by a 6.5 carcano carbine using the full metal ~150 grain military load at less than 2000 fps. I read reports claiming there was a lead smear where the projectile hit the skull as in soft point. In any case the damage done to his head was quite extensive and may have come from something with a little more zip to it. The recovered rifle from initial reports was stated to be a 91 argentine mauser and then later it became a 6.5 carcano. The scope mount on the carcano was loose and a gunsmith was required to shim it so that it could be zero'd in for warren commission testing.

There is not much doubt that RFK was hit in the head by a .22 rim fire. Sirhan Sirhan was seen by creditable witnesses as I recall at the scene and was convicted in a court of law. For JFK's accused assassin never got any court hearing and the transcripts of his interogation by the police were "lost". The only public statement by Oswald was Oswald asking for a lawyer. Oswald never confessed to anything and was shot the next day by a ganster by the name of ruby that ran a strip club. Ruby was apparently ill and died of cancer in prison. A friend of mine at that time had an uncle that was a reporter that had started to look into ruby's past. He had a bad car accident and after the police told him that his brake lines had been cut, decided to do something else. Another friend did know oswald when he lived in new orleans (I used to live in new orleans) and this person was interviewed by the warren commission. They highly edited his interview in a way that he felt was not objective. I could go on, but by now what I or someone else says will not likely change anyone's mind.
"You can fool some of the people all of the time........."

By the way how about the death of Huey Long for famous assassinations.
Mobster's do not always use .22's

On December 16, 1959, just 23 days after his release from prison, Roger Touhy and his bodyguard were gunned down by mob hit men. Touhy and his bodyguard were entering the home of Touhy's sister, Ethel Alesia, at 125 N. Lotus Avenue at about 10:30 p.m. Touhy and Walter Miller, a retired Chicago police detective, were walking up the steps to the home when two men stepped out of the shadows behind them. Touhy and Miller turned, and Miller showed them his police badge and told the men he was a police officer. The two men then pulled out shotguns, and fired five shots. Touhy was struck twice, once in each leg above the knee. Miller was struck three times, but managed to pull his revolver and fire three shots at the departing killers. Miller was taken to Loretto Hospital, where he eventually recovered. Touhy was taken to St. Anne's Hospital, where he lived for an hour before dying of shock and loss of blood
Tommygunn wrote:
A close examination of the Zapruder film indicates Kennedy's head snapped forward sharply, and only a short distance, at the time Oswald's bullet hit him.

Nonetheless, the bulk of his head's movement, caused by the inertia of the bullet blowing out his brains was to the rear and to the left.

Now of course Kennedy's head was still attached to his torso. It is said that part of Kennedy's reaction was caused by a neurological reaction to being shot, a theory poo-pooed by the conspiracy theorists, but one which actually has some foundation unless one chooses to believe that he died in the space of one fiftieth of a second.

The fact that his head jerked forward slightly, neurological or not, does not lend any support to the idea that that shot came from above and to the right. The evidence points elsewhere.

A physicist, Dr. Luis Alvarez, recreated the shooting by placing a skull filled with paint on a step ladder and shooting it from behind. A black & White film of this experiment exists and it shows the skull exploding and being propelled rearward, toward the origin of the bullet.

Yes. And had that shot been from Oswald's position, the brains and bone would have emanated from the lower front left part of Kennedy's head. Not the upper right, as happened in reality.

There's an excellent History Channel documentary on the F.D.R. assassination floating around out on the internet. "The Men Who Killed Kennedy." Watch it. You won't find it on the History Channel anymore, either on the TV or in DVD format.

-Sans Authoritas
I've seen pictures of an Israeli soldier holding a suppressed 10/22, but I'd assume it's for taking out guard dogs without alerting the home owner that they're about to get their doors kicked in, rather than for assassinations, though within 100yrds it would probably do the job just fine.

EDIT: I'm not sure how accurate the info on this page is, but it does have some pictures:
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