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Best weapon for bike riding.

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"Try the bike shop in downtown Winston Salem if you can get there."

You mean "Paul Shwinn's Cycling & fitness"? That's where I got the bike. Good place. The help there is a whole lot better than at Walmart.

"Hope all is well up Walnut Cove way."

It is. Did you try the chinese place I told you about? They support the NRA & I consider that a plus:D .

Is Bear Guard an OC spray? I might get it instead of Foxlabs in case I need a little more power. I won't be CCWing because I'm not old enough to buy a pistol in my state:banghead: . Apparently, I can buy a SAR1 with 30 round magazine, but not a .45 with 7 shots.:rolleyes:
You mean "Paul Shwinn's Cycling & fitness"? That's where I got the bike. Good place. The help there is a whole lot better than at Walmart.

No, although it's a decent bike shop as well. Finally remembered the name, and luckily they have a url: http://ntransportation.com/index.cfm

Didn't get to try the Chinese yet, I've not been in the area.:rolleyes:

No idea on the big-gun OC sprays, I've always had good results out of the weaker stuff. Even the cheap stuff, like "Halt" has stopped dogs instantly for me. Remember that YOU might get a dose of it if the wind is wrong, and if you have asthma like I do that could be fatal with strong chemicals. For that reason I also highly recomend (as gunsmith pointed out) getting an extra one to practice with. (I make it a habit to buy a new OC spray each spring, and use the old one up practicing, keeps stock fresh and helps you know what to expect should you have to use it.)

Ride careful.:D
One of my friends who used to go bike riding and had trouble with dogs used a pice of rubber hose. Cheap, hurts, light, and easy to access, just fold it into the frame.

Just another option I thought I should throw out there.
I've not had much problem with dogs. Truckers on the other hand have been an issue.

Back when I used to ride 200+ mile weeks around western Kansas I had a trucker try and turn me into road kill.

Took to carrying one of these strapped to my back;


Inert of course! Those truckers gave me lots of room then.

Don't think this would work to well on dogs though!

Semper Fi
That, my friend, is the M72 Light Anti-tank Weapon with what I think is the anti-personnel rocket. It's not exactly subtle, but it would definitely stop a dog attack.
Best for bike riding? Well, I've learned that carrying something in a backpack requires ALOT of time for depolyment, especially if you need it right now. After 2 dogs attacked me during my morning run a few years ago, I've carried pepper spray in a fanny pack or on those occassions I'm on my bike, handle bar bag.
V4 how about a TASER - you think there good enough for our military in a war zone, why not you on a bicycle?
Oh god not this again. If you have no advice on what to use for SD while bike riding, go to the other threads. I refuse to get into the taser arguement again.
Gamo co2 compact Sig-clone from China Mart. It fits in a jersey pocket and deploys easy. If a dog is coming at you a hit should be easy enough if you can ride one or no-handed. If you can't do it practice shooting and riding more:neener: Hits can be done easy enough out to 10 yards or more.

Speed is your first choice to get away but that isn't always going to happen and even if I can my wife or friends can't so I'll shut the dog down for them.

Pepper spray works if they are 5 feet away and the wind is right and no one is behind you. That's a lot of limiters.

Gotta watch for pissed off pet owners after you shoot their dog though.

On regular routes if you pepper spray a dog they'll stay away for a few weeks but then they learn the range and start coming at you from different angles. If you shoot 'em with a BB gun they'll stay away for a year or more!
"Pepper spray works if they are 5 feet away and the wind is right and no one is behind you. That's a lot of limiters."

Yeah, I haven't got the spray yet because I'm worried about the wind.

"If you shoot 'em with a BB gun they'll stay away for a year or more!"

Would a Airsoft pistol work? Would that Airsoft pistol require a permit to carry in NC?

"Gotta watch for pissed off pet owners after you shoot their dog though."

Yeah that might be a problem:uhoh: . I suppose that after you shoot the dog in SD, even if the dog isn't really hurt, you have to phone the LEO's? :confused:
Shooting from a moving bike is a low percentage effort and you could wreck in the bargain (some bargain). BB guns or Airsoft have a raft of problems that just start with putting the critter's eye out to "brandishing" charges. While they may not be able to get the charge to stick you would be facing huget headaches.

Stick with what the bike riders use. Sticks, sprays, ammonia in spuirt bottles, and most importantly, knowledge. The bike guys I know out run or simply get off the bike so they don't look like what the dog was chasing, put the bike between them and the critter and yell "NO!" or "GO HOME!"
I carry a small pepper spray clipped in the shoulder strap of my backpack. While in a rural area I had a large German Sheppard (it was barking in German) come running off its porch with a death look in its eyes. In the short amount of time it took me to pull the spray off my strap and release the safety, the dog was three feet behind me and gaining fast. I rotated my upper body, aimed, and put the stream directly in his face. He stopped dead in his tracks in the middle of the road. I hope he didn’t wander around in the street blind, and then get hit by a car, but hey, you do what you gotta do.

The problems I see with depending on a handgun while riding a bike are the time it takes to get to the gun, and being able to make sure any misses that ricochet off the pavement aren’t going to kill someone. I carry my .38 in my backpack, but I could never get to it while in motion.
Any dog that can be fought off with a bb gun can be fought off more effectively by hand, and is likely not a real threat anyway. A bb or airsoft gun is probably the worst idea yet brought up.

The most important thing is to have a weapon that can cause great pain or disrupt the central nervous system. You must also have the mindset required to win a fight. Doesn't matter if its a spray, blade, club or otherwise, they all work. Its like asking guitar players about their pick size, you ask 10 guys, you get 10 different answers. Just have a proper weapon, and have it ready.
Don't forget the most important thing....After you get the dog, make sure you pepperspray the owner for letting the dog loose.
Besides perhaps being illegal to carry loaded, I must again point out that bb guns are not going to stop a stupid vicious dog. If I wanted to kick your ass, you couldn't stop me with a co2 bb gun short of an eye shot. You might be able to beat me down, but that bb gun would be worthless. Get a real weapon, or learn unarmed defense, but under no circumstance should you count on a bb gun stopping a 2 or 4 legged creature.
I suppose that after you shoot the dog in SD, even if the dog isn't really hurt, you have to phone the LEO's?

Are you serious?

After you fire shots in a place like a public roadway or someone's front lawn, do you expect to be able to non-chalantly pedal away? Nah . . . don't worry about calling . . . someone else will help you out and call for you.

I'm in agreement with everyone else about problems with the owner. I don't care if the guy keeps his dog tied to a chain and only sees him to give him his daily Kibbles & Bits. Its still HIS dog, and YOU just shot it. People, no matter how wrong they were and how right you are, get upset when they see their dog dead, even if it were only hit by a car.

You standing over someone's shot dog with a handgun, even if you only "winged" him, is going to really ANGER the owners. Think this thing thru a bit first.

You have a few years before you'll have to worry about shooting a dog while riding your bike anyway.
Remember if you are riding moderately fast, the wind is almost always from the front. Dog chasing you, merely drop your hand with the spray in it and let loose, the dog will run in to the cloud. I use the CTS MK-40 brand 10%OC and it works really well.
If you can find the old style air pump brackets it would be easy to hang a 18 to 22 inch 1 1/8 round baton that would be readily availble. Add a Shimano and an Easton sticker to the stick for urban cred and camo.
While in a rural area I had a large German Sheppard (it was barking in German) come running off its porch with a death look in its eyes.
Voof! Voof! Voof!

...... :scrutiny:
Or... you might consider one of these by Cold Steel....


Guaranteed to get the attention of even the most determined canine.



  • mace.jpg
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both motorcycle and bicycle, in 99.9% of dog chases the dog isn't after the
person but the vehicle I have found that stopping and getting
off with the bike in between you and the dog ends the chase.

In many cases dogs are tremendously threatened by people in non-traditional forms of attire, i would imagine that they have a hard time associating them with the humans that they share a certain concept of shared identity with. I know that when I wear a full-faced helmet that even dogs that I know will *not* recognize me, and will treat me as threat or at least an unknown until I take it off. On a side note this has also led me to conclude that dogs practice facial recognition in much the same way that humans do.
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