Bill O'Reilly comment today

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I suspect his and many folks' comments about "AK-47s" and "Assault Weapons" (including Charlton Heston) assume that they are talking about fully automatic guns.

Of course, that also presumes that there's something morally wrong with owning a machinegun. Frankly, I think the AW fight shouldn't stop itself short. Go all the way for full-autos.
Bill O'Reilly said something good about guns, thats great really. Sorry but it still doesnt change my opinion of him. Bill is a pompus a**, and I wouldnt see fit to urinate on his head if his cheap suit were on fire. But really good for him. To the poster who brought up Micheal Savage :barf: heres food for thought. He has been considering a run for president. Not that he has a shot in hell but still what a scary thought.

I don't agree with Bill O'Riley on many things, but I do respect him because he speaks his mind, and actually feels something is right or wrong. How many times have we seen people give their opinion and it's simply the party line. They honestly couldn't care less, or haven't given any thought to where they should stand.

BAH-HA-HA-HA-HA. O'Rilley is a windsock surpassed only by John Kerry in flip flopping on issues. And anybody that said he was intelligent needs to listen closer. O'Rilley was made a fool of by Colbert of all people on his show, and Bill was also made a fool of on NPR. If Bill cant debate a caller on his show he calls them a nut and hangs up. Bill wouldnt last 5 minutes in a real open debate, not unless they gave him a five minute delay and a dump button.
""Shall not be infringed" means...exactly that."
But that was in an age before guns were scary, an age before guns would get up in the middle of the night to kill little children and puppies.
While I agree with much of what Bill O'Reilly says, he is what I call a "populist" commentator and I personally find him quite annoying. There is little to no intellectual philosophy behind many of the stands he takes, unlike other commentators such as Rush Limbaugh.

I think its obvious that the opinion of ole Bill is that he's a flip-flopper that looks out for Bill only.

I don't disagree with that.

But I don't know if I made my point all that well.

ANYTIME we get people like that going on record (and that is exactly what he did if he said it on the radio) making very Pro-2A statements, we have gained ground. He, whether we like it or not, has a huge following that hears his words as gospel. He just planted a notion in those persons' heads.

I've referred in other posts to my having my education in PR. I suppose I tend to look at many issues from that perspective. Whether we like it or not, we MUST take every positive comment we can get and use it.

We ARE engaged in a Public Relations Campaign. It is our goal to continually gain wider and wider support for our position. In casting our net wider, we WILL have to associate with persons that are dissimilar to us on many issues, lifestyles, and beliefs. We have to use the positive comments they make for our benefit.

I'm not saying that we should give Bill a big ole group hug. I'm saying that it is evidence that our position is gaining ground. Bill may very well flip-flop on the issue. And that means nothing. We have his words on the record-- much like the Brady's are using Zumbo.

We USE his words to advance our cause. If he flip-flops, then it only lessens his own credibility.

Bill's Katrina

I watched a segment of the Bill Show where he advocated armed self-defense in post-Katrina type situations, stating that he wouldn't "mind" if everyone had a rifle in the home...ONLY in the home. (Emphasis on "only" was his.)

He wouldn't...MIND? His elitist arrogance is without with so many others who don't "mind" if we hunt ducks and shoot at paper targets with .22s on Sunday afternoons. I'm greatly relieved that Lord O'Reilly doesn't mind that I have a rifle in my home. It was a real concern that kept me awake nights.:rolleyes:

O'Reilly has a sound, logical thought process on many issues...but he is not a friend of 2A.
I agree with you 1911Tuner.

All I'm saying is that it helps that he just gave air-time that is at least on the surface pro-2nd A. That's hard enough to get in this day and age.

And the impression that he left with a lot of folks is that guns ARE needed. In the terms of the broader strokes, that was a positive for us. I have no doubt you'll never get the man to see other points, but we CAN USE what he put in the public forum.

Its kinda like prostitution. It has nothing to do with love, and everything about getting what we want. :)

Bill O'Reilly's Flawed Logic

Is is disturbing how people such as O'Reilly can face the camera, willing to die for their rights of free speech/expression, yet use that same right to trample the RKBA. Americans' rights are a package deal; all or nothing! O'Reilly has failed to search his heart, his mind and his flawed logic. We all either are or are not defenders of Americans' rights. Bill O'Reilly is not a defender of Americans' rights.
I recall when Bill initially proclaimed he was mistaken about gun control back not long after all the Katrina gun snatching was exposed. The man admitted he was wrong then. So apparently, Bill O'Reilly has been on board for a while. That does not mean he is a spokesman for our cause, but as far as I am concerned, one less person speaking out for us, rather than against us is a good thing.
I happen to be fan of the Factor.

Sometimes it takes an event like Katrina to wake people up.

Even the police can't be there 24/7 to protect folks like Bill.
When you are selling people snake oil, you have to make huge claims to overcome the victims logical reasoning process. If you don't oversell them with überridiculousness then they'll see through your smoke screen. Thus, the bazooka, tank, nuclear weapon argument always comes up. O'Reilly is as sensational as the VPC, he has to be to keep people hooked.

Heaven forbid they actually discuss what "arms" means in logical terms as framed by the Founders.
and since we're going off on tangents...

Just this week as well Glen Beck has made positive 2A statements.

Glenn Beck has been on the right side of this debate for a good while.

I've been listening to him off-and on for about three years and he's got his head screwed on straight on most issues.

I spent 35 years of my life in the broadcasting business. Met some amazing people and learned some sobering truths.

Many talk show hosts, both nationally and locally, are PURE SCHTIK. I worked for years with an extremely popular, conservative radio talk show host who came across on the air as being very much against abortion..and maintained that stance in many a debate.

But when HIS girl friend became pregnant..he was running up and down the halls like a mad man asking "Where can she get an abortion?!"

Someone mentioned "Testing which way the wind blows." It's a fact. What he or she says on the air does Not necessarily reflect their personal beliefs. It's about numbers and the audience is played like a fish.

Their opinions are subject to whatever garners them the largest audience share.
Vern Humphrey said:
Whenever I hear a liberal complain about the Patriot Act or something like that, I simply point out, "The Government is simply driving through the hole you left in the Bill of Rights when you ripped out the 2nd Amendment."

Vern, I have to steal that one from you. Priceless.

Because it's fun to say. BAZOOKA.

Yeah, I honestly don't know what the hell a bazooka is

I believe it came from a popular newspaper cartoon during wwII. Like JEEP came from that cross-dimensional whatsit in the popeye cartoons.
AFAIK, the first Bazooka was a musical instrument. The army anti-tank weapon was named after it because it looked similar though it was played much differently.
I've been listening to Glenn Beck lately and he's been saying great stuff about the RKBA.

He had some official from NYC on yesterday morning (I can't remember who) and it really made me angry. Glenn just asked him point-blank why only a few people in NYC are allowed to own guns, and the guy just wouldn't answer him. He just rambled on for half an hour with a constant stream of vague non-answers. I wanted to call in and tell Glenn that his guest didn't actually answer any of his questions.

Also it's funny how people think a bazooka is a good self-defense arm.

"Don't come any closer! Don't make me shoot you!"
*FWOOOOOOOSH* *misses*
"Okay hold on let me spend 3 minutes reloading this thing with the spare rockets I keep in my pants pock- OH GOD I'VE BEEN STABBED WHY DIDN'T I BRING A PISTOL!!!"
He Just said in his interview with Mike Wallace the other nigth that he supported gun control.. So I wouldn't put any faith in him.

Brother in Arms
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