Bill O'Reilly comment today

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I'll be interested to hear what else he has to say aboput gun rights in the upcoming days if he's really had an epiphany. Other than this one comment, has anyone heard him say anything positive about gun rights? I mean, he's on TV and radio at least 5 days a week.

Whatever I think about him, it would be good for someone with his audience to be advancing gun rights. There might be a small right-wing demographic that respects his views, but which has been so far hostile.
I see the big picture.

O'Reilly is the most popular polictical commentator in the United States. More people watch that show than any other cable news show. He has alot of influence with his viewers.

If he says something Pro-Gun it is good, simply for the fact that it might influence some of the Sheeple that listen to his show.

If his comments change the views of one of his listeners from anti to pro gun then it is a small victory. None of this "The sky is falling" BS that is rife throughout the gun owning community. I like to be positive about these things and can't stand people that are always negative.
If I were going after Bill in his house I would hope he was armed with a bazooka. Having shot these things I don't figure Bill would be proficient. Reloads aren't quick either.
Bill is a former teacher, and a life long liberal, until he found he could turn a buck being a conservative talk show host.
Bill is also a self aggrandizing, narcistic, pompous blow hard, that changes his direction and beliefs, as quickly as the popular culture and political winds blow.
Course thats just my take on the man. :rolleyes:
I totally support the First Amendment, but TV "heads" should not be allowed to own mouths, especially rapid-fire, out-of-control assault mouths.

He supported gun control before he was against it... Now if only we could get some true liberals talk show pundits on our side like John Stewart that man has real power........
I don't trust Bill O'Reilly....he reminds me of a wild animal that's injured....and at any moment might strike out, snarling and biting. I know some folks find his brand of "interviewing" entertaining. But then, I also don't take my political cues from an overweight, windbag, hypocritical, drug addict, radio talk show host just because he's on the right side of many issues. :)

- Regards
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I wouldn't either. Instead, I listen to Rush.'s just that, like O'Rielly, there's this overblown ego that gets in the way of the message with Rush. No wonder the guy needs to get "juiced up"....of course he's gonna take drugs....just to get a break from himself. He strikes me as sort of a whack job...on the right side of many issues though.

- Regards
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A whack job? He needs drugs just so he can "get a break from himself"? That's just your wild, uninformed conjecture, and doesn't mesh with the fact that he has apparently been clean for almost four years now. And he's still on the air, isn't he? Besides, his egotistical comments are just there to rankle people like you. They don't take anything away from the message if you have a sense of humor.

O'Reilly's arrogance, however...
A whack job? He needs drugs just so he can "get a break from himself"? That's just your wild, uninformed conjecture, and doesn't mesh with the fact that he has apparently been clean for almost four years now. And he's still on the air, isn't he? Besides, his egotistical comments are just there to rankle people like you. They don't take anything away from the message if you have a sense of humor.

O'Reilly's arrogance, however...
...well I can see I touched a nerve.
I know he in icon to many. I would guess we are on the same side of most issues, so I will just say it's not the content of his comments that I take issue with.

Like I said...I think we are on the same page.

- Best regards to you Eleven Mike !
It's OK. My nerves remain untouched. I just don't think our common political objectives are well-served by perpetuating left-wing mischaracterizations of Limbaugh. He's not a windbag, a hypocrite, an egotist and he's not even a pill-head anymore. These are slanders used to discredit his political ideas - our political ideas.

Let's not make the mistake of repeating those slanders.
Do we read our own posts!? At least two folks posted saying they heard him say he was a SUPPORTER OF GUN CONTROL on 60 minutes Sunday night. I also witnessed the event. He can't have it both ways in less than one week!
Rush was the 1st to hop on the syndicated conservative band wagon.. and plays the role to the hilt. Of course his ego is's a prerequiste for the job. Like him or not, the show's like a good meal where presentation is everything. The production value alone is worth listening for.

We've all spelled his name right..that's all he cares about..and all that really matters. It's Show Biz. As for his drug use..who's perfect? When massive amounts of acctaminophen started him down the road to deafness (not good in an audio oriented profession) he put the breaks on pain killers.

Zinj that you call Bill a liar, etc but you provide no data whatsoever to back that up.....

Why am I not surprised that some readers from Seattle despise Rush Limbaugh? :rolleyes:
....why am I not surprised that some readers from Ohio didn't read that I don't take issue with the content of his political positions ? :neener:
Sorry.....I just don't want to get into bed with your little fat friend ! :p
I'm pretty sure I hear Churchill's parrots now.

- regards
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Because it's fun to say. BAZOOKA.

Go right ahead Jessica. Go right ahead.:D

You know, if Bill wants a Bazooka to protect his family, all he has to do is ask...Thats what my girlfriend asked for, now she has a 6' 6" 265 lb one to protect her :)
Just to set the historical record straight, the orignal bazooka was a funny-looking (and funny-sounding) "musical instrument" invented by the radio comedian Bob Burns in the 1930s. The troops called the 2.36" rocket launcher the "bazooka" because it looked something like Burn's instrument -- just as they named an inflatable life jacket for Mae West.
Sometimes it takes an event of the magnitude of a Katrina for people to go "Heyyyy...wait a minute..."

The LA riots after the Rodney King verdict made a much bigger impression on me. That should have been the wakeup call for an entire generation. I'll never forget those Korean business owners on the rooftops protecting their stores with so-called "assault rifles". This was after the police department decided that "To Serve And Protect" was more a hollow slogan than a commitment and fled. Many businesses were destroyed, but the Koreans did what they had to and saved their stores. This was also when many Californians were outraged that they had to wait 15 days before they could pick up firearms that they had just purchased. But if people think the LA riots were as bad as it gets, wait til "The Big One" hits Southern Cal.
And here I thought they were called that because Mae West made them all herself.


And on that theme, she isn't responsible for the parachute malfunction that bears her name. A "Mae West" to a parachutist is when a suspension line gets over the canopy and cinches it down into a brassire-shaped mess. Sexy to look at, but requires immediate action by the jumper.
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