Dating and guns...

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Us Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Rothrock types can be fun! I love Tango, the Ballet, nice Italian restaurants -- just because we kick butt doesn't make us butch. You get to know me, there's really nothing to be afraid of...well, except Giuliano and Truddu. :scrutiny: :D
I am digging up my files on match to see how I exacly worded it .. I think i said something to the fact of I have a unussuall hobby and its not something illegal either . i'll let you know when I find it I don't believe this I am recieving something about a class action lawsuit against for residents of illinois..

edit : found it this is what I said ". I target shoot so dealing with a person who shoots guns is a must ,I am willing to teach also ."
I guess I am rather blunt and to the point .
Funny. My Administrator Control Program just told me that Mastrogiacomo's PM box just filled up, and the bounced PM subroutine on the overflow is seriously degrading server performance.


Rules for dating Women

1 Single

2 Attractive

3 Mentally stable

Pick any two.

Note I am not one to give advice on Women
is it ok to talk about present relationships with a new date?

wolf, i know what you mean about cali...

i was engaged to a girl there many years ago. we're talking the "holistic" lifestyle vegetarian (not that theres anything wrong with that) :barf: granola and yogurt, zucchini lasagna, uh meanwhile she was a senior at san diego state and couldn't spell her way out of a paper bag, but she was a phys ed major so i guess it didn't matter. :D

mastro-i'm seriously thinking of april 6 - 10 a.m at s&w range in springfield if you feel like taking a ride. just to hook up and pop a few off, i want to see what they got and might want to try that .50 (compensated please). in case you don't know for $25 they will give you any gun in the case, a box of rounds and some targets, plus you can bring your own toys, of course

this offer goes to anyone else close enough to springfield mass. (not missouri) if you want to hook up at S&W sunday april 6 im pretty sure they open at ten, i will check. we can rent a few different guns and trade around. just show up there i guess or at least let me know you'll be there.

tried this before, not much response the first time...

I kinda don't blame them....

If were close to Boston(I am moving to PA out of the PRK in a month,,Freeee at last!!!), I would too.
you gotta admit..a tough, gun shooting, butt kicking female is hard to resist!
skipping PA

Nah....Pa felt right at home when I went there...

and sides, my GF in Philly would kill me!:D

Wing Chun for five years with some Arnis. Looking to get back into it when I get working including studying Jeet Kune Do. A teacher in my area was certified under Ted Wong out in California, so I'm excited about getting a chance to study privately with him.:)
Personally I think it makes you more interesting. The problem I've encountered is women usualy seem O.K. with hunting but get freeked when they realise I carry and the mention of an AK 47 sends them running.

Met one girl told me she was involved with PETA and a Vegan. Went straight home dropped her on corner.
I was in a good mood I actually used the brakes.

What do ya do?:D
I go to UC-Berkeley. Not exactly prime recruiting ground for a gun-nut libertarian girlfriend. My ex-gf started as a non-shooting communist, and after a year and a half she was a libertarian shooter, however I had to end things in order to stay sane. I have no clue how i'm going to find a girlfriend.


just do things that interest you and be yourself and sooner or later you'll run into somebody that shares the same interests.
get out, do stuff, meet people...
be patient

thats all...


besides, like i tell my son, you aint there for the party, you there to LEARN,,, all else is second to that till you got that pice o' paper in your hand.

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Why not just marry your favorite gun? Or have a harem, for those who can't decide. They never talk back, unless you push the wrong buttons and they are always in the mood for a little fun. :)
I'm a single never been married male who has started dating older divorced females. So far its been working.

Young chics are stupid.

A fellow Berkeley student, huh? I actually graduated a few years ago and am a grad student at UCLA these days. I know exactly what you mean about the girls up there, most, if not all of them, are total left wing liberal nut cases. Yes it's true, the woman scene up there is hopeless, ESPECIALLY if you're an EECS/Chem/Physics/etc. major. All the anti gun BS up there is what drove me and my buddy to form the Berkeley Gun Club, man, that club realllly mad people mad. Of course, what they didn't understand was, the more angry they got at me, the more motivated I was to make the club a reality.

If you can, check out the club, see if it still exists... I'd love to hear that it does but I doubt it's still around.
Plain Talk is Easily Understood....

sorry Bogie but, I repeatedly read your origional posting and I simply do not understand your question. Can you re-phrase it in simpler terms?
A woman into martial arts, canto-pop, martial art films and Beretta guns? I've met a few that can handle the martial art aspect but firearms...I dread what they'll think of me.

What's canto-pop? Cantonese???!?!

Go to Hong Kong, lots of twin-Beretta wielding chop sockey types there :D

you just hope her first name is easier...

besides, for us "americans of italian descent" her name IS one of the easier ones...

you folkies would NEVER get mine right

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