Do you ever do this?

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I'm doing better. Well, not really. I look at it like this: when I'm dead I won't do it anymore and dead lasts for a real long time. So when I compare the time I've done it against the time I won't do it the time I'm doing it won't really matter.

Earlier this year I went on a buying binge and acquired six new pistols in the space of a couple months. After surveying the damage to my bank account I made a solemn vow to buy no more for the rest of this calendar year. It's been difficult, but so far I've stuck to my guns (so to speak). I'm not sure if it's doing me any good however as my list of wannahaves is growing quite extensive and I forsee the possibility (certainty?) of another binge looming after New Years.

Lost in Space

BluesBear said:

Gun collections expand to excede the amount of storage space you have.

Yep...An in so doing, forces you to add onto your house, thus raising its
tax value and adding a proportional amount to its market value. You can actually MAKE money by buying more guns! Neat, huh?:cool:

Next: The reloaders formula for saving money by rollin' your own.

Sometime I will even go a whole 2 weeks without buying something.

Now thats control.

No problem here.

I have a hard time deciding. When we get extra money whether to get a new tattoo or a new gun... both are very tempting... I usually go with if I have more tattoos than guns I get a new gun, and vice versa.
im kinda new to the interesting world of guns. i have to admitt that i have an obsessive persontality when it comes to shopping for stuff. i find myself buying all kinds of stuff, som things being useful, while others are not. this habit transfered over to guns as well. anytime i see something i like, or shoot something i like, i have to check out prices for a potential sale.

plus, with guns there are so many options, its hard to find only one you really like.

I only have three more to buy to fill out my "list" . Then I get to buy the ones I "really" These include the following.....

SW model 19
SW model 27/28
SW model 38
Colt Mustang pocketlite
SW model 625/610
Gov't. Model with all the bells and whistles.....Hmm that Dan Wesson Pointman? in 10mm looks REALLY tempting
.22lr j-frame
Another .22LR semi-auto
Springfield XD 5" in 9mm or a Glock 34
Kel-Tec P11
HK USP 9mm

There are plenty more, but these are all I can rememember right now.


You and many of those who have replied to your post have a very serious problem! You must all seek psychiatric help ASAP. Your over consumption may lead to a shortage of the guns I must have to survive. If I don't get a new gun soon I may have to (ouch) hurt my self. Oops, I said the magic words. Strip cell status for me! My Bad!!!
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