Dog walker shot dead

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If someone then shot at them DAMN RIGHT I would charge them cussing and screeming. now I am dead because some fool with a gun had an irrational fear.

Charging anyone who has a firearm, cussing and screaming is never a good idea. Never escalate a situation, do everything you can to de-escalate it.
But the dogwalker wasn't walking his own dogs, and couldn't possibly be certain of their reactions. He didn't call back his dogs, did he?

Also - something doggy people don't seem to realize - dogs have different reactions to different people. I don't know if I smell funny or what, but the average dog does not like me. I've been charged at and even bitten while walking or bike riding, minding my own business, more than once.

Conversely, I went to a dog class full of rambunctious animals that settled down like magic when the instructor walked in. At the FIRST class, before the dogs knew the guy. He just had some sort of presence that dogs recognized. It's uncanny, but there it is.

If there were 3 dogs charging me, I would most definitely draw and yell. Like others, I don't agree with warning shots and would probably have fired on the dog(s), unless the yelling made the dogs turn away. (depending on time frame, etc)

To then be charged by (what appeared to be) the owner would make me feel very, very threatened indeed. Even if I had one dog down, I would still be outnumbered 2 + 1. Even if the dogs had turned away, the odds are that when the owner charged, the dogs would most likely rejoin the attack. It's what dogs do. They're pack animals, and the owner is the pack leader.

Based on MY personal experience with loose dogs, my only other option would be to stand still and get mauled. No, thanks.

There now. I wondered how others could predict what they'd do, and here I am doing it myself.

Passing lightly over my own hypocrisy in foretelling the future, maybe you doggy people have a magic, doggy aura and so don't have bad dog experiences. But please have a little mercy on us non-doggy people and leash your pet.
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