Emergency Declared After Anti-Nazi Riots

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Nazis "0" Thugs "65" in jail that is. I don't have any use for either group but it seems to me the Nazis certainly proved their point without being arrested or even having to march. Jim.
I grew up in the inner city of Chicago.

I saw first hand the rioting and unrest after Dr. King was killed.

Reports from several sources say the Nazis were marching to call attention to the problem of black gangs that were threatening white neighborhoods. Now I don't have any more time for Neo Nazis than I have for gangsters of any color but, apparently from what we see today, they have a valid point.

You riot because you are a low class, criminal thug, who sees an opportunity to act like an idiot, and you lack the self control and respect for others to resist the urge to act like an animal.

I am one half black and one half Native American, and I will say this about the above quotes:


For some reason, it seems that the Black culture has become a culture of professional victimization, the constant wailing and moaning about not having what other people have, living under the constant expectation of being given breaks and handouts.

Instead of espousing and emulating people of color who have made a positive difference, it seems that young Black people want to live "tha thug life"; rolling in high dollar automobiles, imbibing drugs and alcohol and inventing an entire new language that is unintelligible at best.

Learning proper English usage, spelling and pronunciation is a foreign concept. And, what of the role models?

You seldom see young adults trying to emulate Dr. Martin Luther King, undoubtably one of the most excellent exemplars for children and young adults of ANY race to follow. And, what about Dr. Condoleeza Rice? A DOUBLE PhD, a linguist fluent in multiple languages, attaining high office by perseverance, hard work, and simply being the best person for the job?

No; it seems that for a large part, American Black society seems to wait for the first possible opportunity to rob, loot, pillage, rape, kill and destroy!

I am a Native American.

I am also a Black man.

I am ASHAMED of my people. Why, oh why can we not pull ourselves out of the gutter? Why must we prove the stereotypes correct?


To those animals rioting in Toledo: I abhor the American Nazi Party. I detest everything they espouse and stand for.

But, under the protections recognized by the Constitution of the United States, they have the unalienable RIGHT to protest peacefully.

And if necessary, I--as a Native American/Black American, would give my life to protect that right.

:cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

OK. Rant off.

Someone tell me why we (Black Americans) can't get with the program? Please?
Powderman said:
Someone tell me why we (Black Americans) can't get with the program? Please?

Powderman, I'm not black, but a black man saved my life.

The problem with "getting with the program" is the "program" part of it. It denotes government. The government (and, to be political, the Democratic party) has enslaved blacks. The shackles were tossed off in 1865, just to be replaced by the shackles of "programs".

I also have a problem with the influences of modern culture (music, movies, etc.) which have glamorized punk thuggary.

Makes me cry, no joke.
Powderman said:
Someone tell me why we (Black Americans) can't get with the program? Please?

I don't know, you're going to have to figure that one out for your self. Maybe start with some leaders who aren't race-baiters?
The violence broke out about one-quarter of a mile away along the planned march route shortly before it was to begin. One group of men pounded on a convenience store, and others overturned vehicles. There was a report of a shooting but police hadn't found a victim, Police Chief Mike Navarre said.

Appears to me the natives went on the warpath before the march even
started. Why there weren't enough LE there is beyond me. One should
realize when anything like this is about to occur, you'd want to be sure
of having ample protection for all. The ones who really got nailed here
where once again Joe Public, just minding his or hers own business..

Interesting the Mayor called the Highway Patrol..Must of got
them confused with Cal's Highway Patrol who go to different states
and attack old people who are armed & simply trying to protect their homes.
Memo to Kieth White

The city did not allow the march, they denied a permit; and in the end the Nazis did not march.
Also isn't there a little item in the Constitution about peaceable assembly?
Anyone know how many rioters and police officers were present? Did the mayor or police chief call for backup from other PD's before the march started?

Over here there'd be police officers all over the city if there was just the slightest possibility that the event might turn violent. A big demonstration about controversial issues usually means that there are a couple thousand cops from all over the state in full riot gear in town, just in case something goes wrong.

Powderman said:
Someone tell me why we (Black Americans) can't get with the program? Please?

I'll give you some of the reasons a black woman (PHD in Social Work) gave me in one of my Criminal Justice classes. Welfare programs, though well intentioned, for the longest time encouraged dysfunctional families. Since a large portion of the minority community is poor, it has had a larger effect on the minority community. For the longest time (late 1800s until the 1960s or 70s), if there was an able-bodied man at home, you could not get any sort of aid. So, minority males who were unable to get jobs for various reasons left their families so the family could get food. A couple of generations of this, and it becomes an expectation that men don't stick around. Now, you throw in the glorification of minority people for doing non-cerebral things (sports, music, etc...) and you end up with the "gangsta" culture. You have kids who are convinced that there best way out of the ghetto is through music or sports. Yet, the best way out of poverty is through education.
Take a look at the names (oreo and Uncle Tom) that Condi Rice and Colin Powell are called by minority political leaders, and you see another problem. They denigrate anyone who refuses to play the victim.
For the longest time (late 1800s until the 1960s or 70s), if there was an able-bodied man at home, you could not get any sort of aid.

Edited for politeness. You have your dates wrong. From the late 1800s to the 1960s, there were none of these programs and there were no problems with black families missing fathers or having more children then they could support.

The programs and the troubles they cause started in the 1960s with LBJ. Women were given more money the more children they had and if a man stayed in the home to support them, they lost their support.
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Whoa up, Beerslurpy. Yeah, the dates are off a bit, but that's trivial.

Aid For Dependent Children (AFDC) began in the 1930s as part of FDR's deal. A condition is that the money only goes to a single-parent household. It's not difficult to figure out what ensues when you have this sort of program. those repsonsible for passage of this law, obviously, never heard of the term, "Unintended Consequences".

A part of MLK's message that has been carefully ignored by the Jesse Jacksons and the Al Sharptons is, "Stand on your own hind legs and take personal responsibility for your own well-being." That concept doesn't sit well with the JJs and the white liberals who have defined reality for ALL minorities as being one of dependency on the largesse of others. That definition of reality is given the lie by the accomplishments of the Thomas Sowells and the Condi Rices...

Yeah no argument with that. I encourage anyone who can read to check out Jesse Lee Peterson's book Scam. Even if you find yourself disagreeing with parts of it, I think you will overall find it enjoyable.
CNN was reporting that the rioters were breaking windows and kicking in doors on residences, throwing furniture out and torching the buildings. I can only presume that they weren't the homes of high roaders.

So, if riot is ensuing outside your house and your windows are being smashed and someone is kicking at the door at what point do you open fire? I mean it is easy to imagine a lit torch or a molotov cocktail being thrown through an broken window.
Hardware, sitting on one's front porch with an extended-mag 870 can be salubrious.

I'm reminded of the story of William Cowper Brann and the KKK, back in the early 1900s. He published a newspaper, "The Iconoclast", and had written some scathing articles about the Klan. They visited his house, one night, intending to burn a cross. He stepped onto his front porch with a double-barrelled 12-gauge, open and with two shells.

"Gentlemen! I'm not given to fisticuffs. (Thoop) I shun violence at all times. (Thoop) But I and my friend here (clack) are quite willing to lead us all in a chorus of "Come to Jesus."

:), Art
powderman perhaps you should write that as an letter to the editor for the Toledo Blade ?
I can't BELIEVE that anybody would even faintly suggest that one should open fire on those poor victems of white oppressive racism just because they are EXPRESSING THEMSELVES by rioting, looting, and burning down other peoples homes!! (I gotta be careful here or my tongue will get permanently stuck in my cheek!)
If I ever see a neo nazi parade, I'll be hard pressed to avoid getting out my best Mosin, securing a rooftop and blowing their faces through the backs of their heads. Laws aside, nazis have no right to breath air and should be killed on sight. Just because the government can't do it doesn't mean it's not the citizen's obligation.

From the reports I read, the nazis didn't have the guts to march at all. But the counter protestors *thought* they were and that the police were protecting them. Still, I don't really see how trashing their own neighborhood helps matters. Better to use a rifle.
If I ever see a neo nazi parade, I'll be hard pressed to avoid getting out my best Mosin, securing a rooftop and blowing their faces through the backs of their heads. Laws aside, nazis have no right to breath air and should be killed on sight. Just because the government can't do it doesn't mean it's not the citizen's obligation.

From the reports I read, the nazis didn't have the guts to march at all. But the counter protestors *thought* they were and that the police were protecting them. Still, I don't really see how trashing their own neighborhood helps matters. Better to use a rifle.
And does anyone wonder why some people are so afraid of gun owners? Cosmoline, how are you any different than a Nazi? I like to voice my opinions and vote for change, not murder my opponents. I guess that is just me.
TrapdoorBilly said:
Meaning? You make it sound like their was some type of plot against blacks in NO.
Of course not. Just that I feel their may be more to it than a rally of Nazi's and maybe it not a local problem.
Modern Nazis have pretty much zero connection to the variety you see in movies. Some assclown decided to post a nazi party manifesto on one of the gunsnet forums. It read like a typical "the federal govt is too big and powerful" speech that might have been popular in the early 90s. A typical Democrat will hear this and say "racism and small government! they must be republicans! how terrible!" without really thinking.

This is nice and all, but the nazis were not a party of small government. If you put aside their massacring of the jews, they were actually just a slightly heavier booted version of the FDR years. They were both pro-war, keynsian economics buffs who beleived in a strong central state. Ask anyone in US broadcasting from 1930-1980 if they lived in a free country. Ask the Japanese-Americans in the 40s if they lived in a free country. Ask John Stewart if he lives in a free country. We dont have so much freedom that we can afford to criticise others IMO- thank FDR for that.

Before war broke out between us, America and Germany of the early 20th enjoyed largely friendly relations. Many of the eugenics ideas that Nazis are credited with bringing to ugly fruition originated in the USA. Read the history of Margaret Sanger when she founded Planned Parenthood in the 1920s. Read the "evolution" textbook from the Scopes Monkey Trial. It was not evolution as we know it today- more of like a eugenic cousin to Origin of the Species.

The only reason the nazis are seen as evil is because of the Holocaust. Everything else has been deemed worthy of imitation.
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