Ethical vs Unethical Hunting?

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I think you made several wise comments. It's hard to always say what is ethical in every situation, but your rules would work well for most of us.

In regard to shooting from horseback: I guess you can do whatever you like, but I never considered a horse to be a shooting platform. I've hunted with horses plenty, but always considered shooting while mounted as Hollywood. But, to each his own, I guess.

I'm also torn regarding the horseback issue. I don't think it's inherently unethical, but I wonder how many people have taken the necessary steps to make sure that it's SAFE.

As Art points out, it's not just a matter of gun handling, you also need a horse that knows what guns are about too. On top of that, you need to be able to shoot accurately enough so that you can be sure of not wounding game.

Elmer Keith mentions some of the pitfalls of horseback gunnery in his book "Sixguns". I don't recall him telling about shooting anything but varmints from horseback though.
So, when I sit down my beer and crank down the window to take a shot while Bubba holds the light, you guys think that's unethical???

Night hunting legally for predators certainly isn't unethical, as for the beer part, well obviously any one who mixes booze with guns isn't too bright.:) Of course I know you are just speaking figuratively.
I list ethical hunting as being

1. safe
2. respectful of other people's rights. (land rights etc.)
3. Doing what you can to be reasonably humane

The big problem I see is that we shouldn't have a "hunting" season. we should have a "harvest" season. How is it some legislator's right to tell me what is sporting and OK? My understanding of the constitution is that I have a right to hunt. How is it anybody's business if I use a crossbow or an electronic sight? so long as I'm hunting safely. To me the law should be about safety and management.

If there are 2000 deer tags, as decided by professional herd managers then fine. To me it doesn't even matter if you are just using them as target practice. That meat wont be wasted. You just fed a coyote. or you fertilized the ground. and as we learned in hunter safety, no species has been endangered by a properly regulated hunting season. Not saying i would do all that but it isn't my place to tell someone else that they can't.

For instance, internet hunting. That deer was put on the "harvest for benefit of herd" list. why does it matter how it is killed? to me the fair chase mentality is washed out liberalism or pc'ism. same with feeding or baiting. using dogs is the same. trapping and snaring are fine in my book. also crossbows.

so language plays a big part. If you want to "cull" a herd for fun or sport then that is your choice and i dont have a problem with it. same with meat hunting or trophy hunting. Just be humane with your method, dont endanger anybody or infringe on their rights, and be safe about it. I leave the rest up for individuals to decide for themselves. Like the poster above said, draw your ethical circle within the circle of the law. But i do think the circle of the law should be larger.

for the record, I like to look for trophy's. But i dont waste meat and if i cant find a trophy i take a meat animal on the last day. I look long and hard for birds that go down and i use dogs. When I fish I dont fillet unless i have time to do it right so i dont throw away meat. I'm not big into killing prairie dogs if you can just go out and poison them but have nothing against it if your state won't allow poison. I will drive until I find animals, will hop out, get onto legal shooting land and take them. Yet I will also stalk or sit for them.
Ethical? What’s ethical? Educate me please!?
According to PETA. When hunting varmints. BTW! What are varmints? Aren’t varmint’s animals?
Well let’s look.

“Living in Harmony with Squirrels”... Their article. btw,…. the same article covers tree squirrels, flying squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, prairie dogs, and woodchucks.

The humane way:
Quote: Despite squirrels’ many likeable attributes, some people don’t appreciate it when squirrels raid their vegetable gardens or tear a hole in the roof of their house to build a nest. Nevertheless, it’s important for all of us to remember that we should not vilify these animals—they don’t have a score to settle with us. They are simply doing what comes naturally to them in order to survive. Fortunately for squirrels and us, there are numerous ways to prevent these curious animals from damaging property without harming them in any way End Quote

Is their “humane” way, the “ethical” way? Vilify. Impressive. Have to look that one up….. “They don’t have a score to settle with us”…. O.K. I’ll buy into that…….So does the burglar who steals personal property. Nothing personal. Just wants the property. Don’t worry about it. Insurance will cover it. If one has insurance, that is, and if not, it’s a tax write off, if you itemize. I’ll be simply doing what comes naturally to me in order to protect my property.

“Squirrels in the Home”

Taking this out of context, Quote: When you’re ready to humanely remove the squirrels from your home, begin by thoroughly inspecting attics and eaves to find openings where the squirrels enter and exit, concentrating your efforts on areas where noises have been heard. If you find no apparent points of entry, inspect the eaves, vents, and roof outside until you find the opening. If you find a nest, and there are no immature squirrels, attempt to encourage the squirrels to go outside by placing a radio tuned to a talk-radio station inside the attic, along with several ammonia-soaked rags and/or a portable lamp End Quote

Very nice!!!!! Why not just play some tunes and have a tanning bed (instead of a portable lamp) for them, to get some rays. They can have a party! This way they never have to leave the house.
Fox urine can be bought (at the feed store) for this purpose, can be used. Squirrels will think:” theirs a fox around and unless we relocate somewhere else we will be relocated in the fox’s stomach”. I guess, this will fall under the cruel and inhumane treatment act? Using fox urine? The trauma these varmints will go through being horrified…. The …..Horror! The…. Horror! (Thinking of Brando, saying this)
Also, the article says about their young. Well! Have they (PETA) found a home! Well! After reading that (got to my heart) since their might be a possible chance of “immature” ones. And I can’t do anything, anyway. I guess just give up the house and move into Motel 6 in the mean time. Is this being ethical and humane? “Living in Harmony with Squirrels”

On Ethics and being humane, each man……when it comes to mans law, has his own rule book. Then theirs Gods law.
Even if you do a, “one shot, one kill” (sometimes this does not work out that way), to some it will still not be ethical and humane way of doing things.
All others, that is, being safe, following wildlife and hunting laws is academic.
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