Everybody now.. what's your all time favorite gun slogan?

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"It is very difficult for the average person to realize that they are suddenly in danger of death. Thus the prime quality--more important than marksmanship or speed--is the instant readiness to react to a threat." Jeff Cooper
sig line.

i think the piano one is the best cause it´s critical and
not bangbang-gung-ho focused.

1. If there´s a fight. Don´t be there.

2. If you can´t avoid fight, bring brain.

3 Make sure brain thought of proper euqipment.
Some of my all time favorites:

"There are three reasons to own a gun: To protect yourself and your family, to hunt dangerous and delicious animals, and to keep the King of England out of your face." — Krusty the Clown

"If you're being mugged by a couple of clowns, don't hesitate; go for the juggler."

"Let us speak courteously, deal fairly, and keep ourselves armed and ready."
- Theodore Roosevelt

"All the armies of Europe and Asia could not, by force, take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. If destruction is to be our lot, we ourselves must be its authors. As a nation of freemen we shall live forever or die by suicide." -- Abraham Lincoln

“Washington didn't use his right to free speech to defeat the British, he shot them."

Senator Charles F. Meachum: Are you out of your mind? Are you out of your damn mind? I am a United States Senator!
Bob Lee Swagger: Exactly.

Sarah Fenn: What are you going to do?
Bob Lee Swagger: Exercise my right to bear arms.

Bob Lee Swagger: I'm going to find them, and burn their playhouse down.

Bob Lee Swagger: Welcome to Tennessee, patriot state of shootin' stuff.

those may be movie lines but hey, their from Shooter, and that counts!
Stolen from my friend (I was there for the conversation).

A conversation with his buddy the NCIS agent he said this:
"If they ever call you and tell you to come in and take my guns... CALL IN SICK."
" I only have a case of Marker´s Mark and three packs of Marlboro, Sir! The firearms were lost in a tragic boating accident ..."
Surprised nobody posted this yet...

"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall."

- Adolf Hitler, From Edict of March 18, 1938

There's also a fake Hitler quote going around, but this once is cited.
old saying

We had a saying in Vietnam " Kill em all, let God sort em out ".

Still sounds good today JMHO

The phrase "One Shot Stop" is a measure of bullet effectiveness, not a tactical philosophy.
" A gun isn't a gun.....

untill it's fired ! "

" A Glock is a ' Hummer ' and a Sig is a ' Ferrari ' ! "

both my own original slogans ! :cool:
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