Gang activity is now a Homeland Security Threat??

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He'd probably have lobbed a couple of cruise missiles at them, and that would have been that.
Yea, probably, see my sig line.

And, "that would have been that," for then, just like that was that with Clinton. Lob a missile, do an intern, yawn. While all the time the same group that bombed the World Trade Center comes back and nails the Twin Towers and our Pentagon with our own planes. I seem to remember a bunch of other AQ attacks on US interests too. Yea boy, doing nothing really worked well, great plan. :rolleyes:

You are probably wrong on that, if history is any judge. With a Gore or Kerry in the presidency, we'd not only have huge majorities in the House and Senate, but they'd be galvanized to stop anything he tried to do in terms of gun control, transforming us into a police state or sending all of our industrial jobs to India and Mexico, because we'd hold their feet to the fire. Those same Republican Congressmen and Senators, however, under Bush don't feel they have the popular support to go up against a Republican president.
I don't even know what your paragraph means, I read it three times, must need a fourth? Probably me, been a long, long day. Anyway, I'll take a Republican President, House and Senate, over the same with a Democratic anti-gun President. I dunno, maybe that's just stupid of me, the President of the USA doesn't have a bully pulpit or anything, no way he can sway public opinion any over four years. Oh yea, that veto power thing too, that might get in the way? ;)

And don't give me the BS about Supreme Court Nominees.

Sorry, if you would rather have a possible three more Democratic anti-gun Supreme Court Justices, that's your right. I'll take my chances with Republicans thank you.
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The borders should of been closed after 9/11. The government is acting after the horse got out of the barn.
We already had immigration authorities.
They're the same ones we still have, who are now under DHS instead of DOJ. Simple.

If authority and jurisdictions have been redistributed under the umbrella of HSA, that's a different matter and perhaps a good answer.
That's it in a nutshell. This is the same immigration authorities doing the same thing under a different umbrella. Sure, they don't do nearly enough of it, and sure, they hyped this one up to the media to make themselves look better by throwing out the T word, but it's the same thing.
Ease up guys.
it's just a way that ICE can do something to quiet us down in regerd to Illegals without P!$$Ing offf LULAC and La Raza. :D

Many of the arrests came in large urban areas, including 61 in Boston, Massachusetts, 28 in Denver, Colorado, and 23 each in Los Angeles, California, and Detroit, Michigan. But even smaller cities have been infiltrated by the gangs, the arrests showed, including 42 in Birmingham, Alabama, and one each in Grand Rapids, Michigan; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; and North Platte, Nebraska.

If Homeland Security had done their job, the arrests of criminals seeking to enter the United States of America would occurr on the north bank of the Rio Grande. That's as far as they would get. That's the job of "Homeland Security." :banghead:

Maybe they did. I know that the policy of the Border Patrol is to round up some of the river crossers when they feel like it. Some of them. Then they may take them to a processing center where they are given a court date before an immigration judge and set free. They may be taken to the nearest bus station and told to go back to Mexico. They may not be picked up at all if they don't appear to be suffering too badly from the heat. I have heard this directly from a former employee that became a BP agent, and it is common knowledge in southern Texas and northern Mexico. According to him, there are a lot of games played along the river and in the brush of South Texas. He is emphatic that his job is not about stopping illegal immigrants. He wants to protect his homeland (he is ... drumroll ... Mexican-American), but the truth of the matter is that his gummint overlords don't.

If Homeland Security had done their job, the arrests of criminals seeking to enter the United States of America would occurr on the north bank of the Rio Grande. That's as far as they would get. That's the job of "Homeyland Security." :banghead:
They never really have seemed to be terribly interested in capturing illegals around here unless some citizen made an actual complaint. What they do like to do is operate their checkpoints on the approaches to town. The generate a lot of narcotics arrests that way which is just fine but it could be done better at the border. They don't like to do as much at the broder because it slows down the workers and tourists and that my friend is a sin.

There's a man out there who defines "homeland" as "Borders, language, culture."

When sixty per cent of the gang members in Los Angeles are illegals from Mexico and Central America, the issues of illegal immigration and terrorism have converged.
I heard the other day that there are one million gang members in the United States now. One million.

Not a homeland security problem?

We need to think a little more deeply about what it is that we wish to secure.
Illegal immigrant crime is a national problem, but to throw "National Security" at it is an excuse to authorize more than standard law enforcement (Federal immigration and OC, state and local) assets and methods at it.

The idea that any law enforcement issue can now be labeled "terror related" without hard evidence is opening wide the door to more federal involvement with less oversight.

The organized crime, illegal immigrant gang that's labeled "terrorist" (though they are not politically motivated by anyones admission) today isn't that far from labelling citizen-membered, strict-Constitutionalist gun groups as "terrorist" due to the same nebulous "potential for harm" and, in fact, even greater proven antipathy to certain elements of our current government.

The Federal, state and local governments need to just call it crime, treat it as crime and quit trying to make everything "terror" related to get more money and power.
Tell people who are afraid to go out of their homes at night that they aren't being "terrorized." Lawless thugism lies behind all terror, micro or macro. Radical Islamic extremists share the same gangsta mentality as the Bloods or MS-13.
Gang activity is now a Homeland Security Threat

Wait a sec - are you trying to tell me that a beauracracy with guns is trying to engage in mission creep to justify/increase its budget/clout/power, and apply its powers to common everyday USA citizen alleged bad guys, even though they promised it would just be for for the 'enemy' in this temporary exigent circumstance of a 'war on terror'? Shocked, shocked I tell you...
I'm shocked that you are shocked.
I know that you are an intelligent fellow, who should not be surprised or shocked by anything. Shame on you :D .

I haven't heard the term mission creep in a while.

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