Gun Carry At Work

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Feb 24, 2006
I actually have 2 questions.

(1) I work in a gasoline terminal , now at my work there are signs about carrying firearms on the property and that it is not allowed. And I am subject to search. Be that as it may my terminal is a 24 hour terminal and I often work the night shift from evening to morning. I dont think it is legal for my truck/car to be searched because it is my property but I know I can be searched, thing about it is I have to wear coveralls to work fire retardent and I will be working monday the 1st at night. Now I do have my ccl should I carry anyhow for my own protection seeing how at night there is not as many people here. If there are any police officers I would like your opinion too.

(2)My wife is not 21 yet but will have to be working monday should I have her carry a little somthin or other in her vehicle with her just incase and i thought I read in the Washington gun law book that it is legal for 18 and up to be in possesion if a handgun as long as it is in his/her possesion in his/her property, Please correct me if i am wrong about this. But none the less should she have protection with her.:banghead:
I think your car can be searched if it is on their property, and if you carry a gun you had better hope you never need to use it there, with them having it posted the way they do you might never see the light of day again if you get caught with it

also I must have missed something what is the sugnifiance on the first??
I know where I live there is going to be huge immigration protest all over the state and the last time this happened a riot came about because of this.
And I am subject to search. ... I dont think it is legal for my truck/car to be searched because it is my property but I know I can be searched

You can only be searched without your consent by the police with a warrant, the police in the process of arresting you, and likely the MPs while on a military installation.

To any private party asking to search you, you're free to tell them to get bent. Being as you're at work, though, they're also free to tell you to pack your crap up and get out.

As for *using* your firearm on their property, check your state's laws. In most states, if you used it in self-defense, the only other criminal charge you might possibly have an issue with it a trespassing misdemeanor. Remember, of course, that anyone can bring a civil case against you for any reason. Yet again, it may be preferable to be "judged by twelve than carried by six".

-edit in response to new post
If you're expecting riot conditions, I have three suggestions:
1. Stay home, stay away.
2. Reconsider #1.
3. Bring extra ammo in loaded magazines.
true only the police can search you without permition but I have a job that made me sign permition for them to search me and my car if they suspect me of stealing before they would higher me
I have no choice I have to work that night, my terminal is right close to the middle of all that protesting, I really hope everything goes fine though , where I work most things dont react to well to bullets.:eek:
That form is likely to be a contract between you and your employer upon which your employment is conditional. Again, you can tell any private party asking to search you to buzz off, as they have no right to. In the contract, it will name some penalties or other consequences for breaking the contract - it will likely just be your continued employment at stake. Anything else is a matter for the courts.
I have a good job, but I have a better family that I would like to make it home to, I hope im just making something out of nothing
I would risk it if I were you. The worst that would happen is that they would fire you. The chances of them searching you is pretty slim though. If you actually have to use it, you save them the bother of searching you and get fired anyways but you're alive.
I don't know where you live, but some states have pending legislation to make it illegal for an employer to prohibit firearms legally carried in your locked vehicle. Florida has SB 206 and HB 129 with said legislation in committee right now. I also have a CC permit and work for an electric utility that does not allow firearms inside the plant area. You can bring them through the first gate but have to park outside the second gate and walk in which to bad unless it's cold or storming. I have talked to my manager and he says the company is concerned about liability. I told him that is a two way street and if I am called in to work at 0200 and some methhead stops me and kills me then my wife is going to sue the company. I know there is a big issue made by the companies about property rights and all but my vehicle is MY property and it should be treated as such. Just my two cents worth.
Have you seen the recent video making the rounds on the forums? The one of a beating in Vegas? That wasn't a riot situation, just some punks seeing what they could get away with.
If it were me, and I had the slightest expectation of violence, I'd either be packin', or I'd be home. My first priority is to go home safely. I can always find a new job.
If someone sees a suspicious bulge, tell 'em it's your colostomy bag.:neener: Short term stomach problem, ya know. Just have to wear it a couple of weeks.
Yes I have seen the video, sometimes wonder what this world is comming to. As for me I think I have made up my mind what to do.
Several things that you have to consider in my opinion. Check with your employer if you don't know, but many places make you sign a "consent to search" form if you are working there that states you can be searched at any time for any reason. This includes all property you have with you (car etc). Second, I would be careful if you work with anyone. If you work alone, no big deal, but all it takes is one angry worker working with you to go to the boss and say "Bob carries a gun to work." Lastly, I think it might be a BIG safety issue considering where you work. The company doesn't want to take ANY chances with mixing firearms and gas. That is not to say that I believe you are unsafe or can not handle your gun, but you might be facing a big lawsuit.
There's always the possibility of you being caught while in violation of the company policy. That might lead to an immediate termination, and the company COULD push for "criminal trespass". That might also lead to an addendum of "criminal trespass on private property WITH a firearm". I'm not a judge or lawyer, but that charge MIGHT cause you to lose your CCW/CCL/CHL....and might even eventually lead to worse!

If you are attacked while at work, then SUE the crap out of the company for failing to allow you to be LEGALLY armed and able to defend yourself and your co-workers.
Carrying at work

A lot is going to depend on your state employment laws as well as firearms laws. New York is a "at will" state where you work at the pleasure of your employer and can be terminated for any reason or no reason..In a state that is more employee friendly, you would have to be found to be carrying in violation of company policy, given a verbal warning and then a written warning before termination.
A lot is also going to depend on your employee handbook or manual. A number of my previous employers had specific statements in the manual about weapons on company property. You had to sign for the manual. There was a statement that by signing for the manual you agreed to abide by the terms and conditions of the manual. It became a sort of employment contract.
That being said, in your situation, I would consider being deathly ill on the scheduled day of the demonstration. That way I would not be in violation of the posted work rules and also not be endangered by the "peaceful non-:D citizens exercising their right of free speech"
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