In a SHTF scenario would you let a friend or neighbor borrow a gun?

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In a SHTF scenario would you let a friend or neighbor borrow a gun?
The first problem I see with your question is: How do you define when the S hits the F? IOW, one neighbor may see things as more dire than another, and it may take some convincing to get everyone on the same sheet of music. That said...

Me. Probably not. Not that I'm unwilling to help arm someone who might be helpful to my immediate security, but most of my neighbors would be more of a problem than a help. I have the absolute strangest man I've ever met living right across the street. I'd watch him 24/7. The rest of the neighborhood is split between guys I'd trust if they didn't have their own boatload of health problems, and others who I either don't know well or don't trust fully. So my arms and ammo will probably stay in the family.
no such thing as "extra guns" or "extra ammunition" I need em all.

let them try and borrow guns from the two metro cops that live in our neighborhood. :) noone in my neighborhood knows how well armed I am, and I'd like to keep it that way.

Seriously though, I wouldn't be handing out my weapons to anyone I was confident could competently handle them. IOW I don't wanna get shot with an errant round from one of my own weapons.
noone in my neighborhood knows how well armed I am, and I'd like to keep it that way.

I don't really trust my neighbors that much anyway. Most of my friends though, I'd lend them a handgun and a few rounds.

-jason m
Yes, I would loan a friend a gun.

A man can always use back up, especially in an SHTF situation.
As far as I can tell, all of my friends and most of my neighbors have guns. There are plenty of others around with more guns for loaning to those in need. Our neighborhood would probably bust out like Mogadishu on any invaders.
Pretty much depends on the situation. Most situations, no way. OTOH, let's say there is some sort of huge rebellion or somesuch going on. Everyone's taking potshots at blue helmets, alphabet boys, space aliens, zombies, name your favorite target. Thats when the Mosins, Mausers, Enfields, etc. come out. Here's a rifle, here's 40 rounds (yes, I am being optimistic with this, but WTH, right?), here's how you load it, here's how you aim and fire. Go north/south/east/wherever. Meanwhile, I go somewhere else and accomplish whatever goal. There are very few people I'd trust in most SHTF type situations, and of those, they are all either already armed with their own stuff, or they live with me, which means they're armed. As cruel or whatever as it may sound, any bullet that the bad guys are wasting on someone else is one that they're NOT expending in my direction.
i barely own my own arm, if there was a real situation i rely on my local armory.
i donate a little $$ when i can. people who have lots of guns are usually into sharing them. these guys are really cool about it.

i assume we're talking natural disaster or natonal emrgency typs sit. here, but it also applies to just going out to the woods
My friends have their own toys. We are even compatible on some platforms.

My neighbors who failed to plan can stuff it. However there children can stay with me and mine. I do not feel that it is neccessary to punish the son for the sins of the father.

My family, all I can say is don't mess with mama when she's got a heater in her hand.

Friends - Yes, but only friends with firearm experience. If their primary carry piece is in the shop and they don't have a backup I probably would lend one of mine. Other friends would get one only if the situation was very dire (Big time SHTF). If they needed one for self defense I would drive them to the gun shop, help them pick something out and sign them up for a basic pistol safety class.

Neighbors - Hell no! But if the situation was a huge SHTF scenario, I might. "Here! Take this pistol. All you have to do is pull the trigger. Shoot any zombie / space alien / blue helmet you see coming down the hall." Other than that...probably not.
My Sis-in-Law, or Brother-in-Law, yes. Other than those folks.....see below

He (they) become the food preparer, BG spotter, ammo carrier, mag reloader, etc.

With my luck, if I gave the guy a weapon, he would probably shoot me in the back as I am going inside my home.
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I will change my answer from the last time. Simply because I have moved since then, and the situation has changed. At my old place, there were no neighbors that I would trust giving one of my rifles to, but where I live now, there are one or two neighbors that I would consider lending a rifle to.

If the S has truly HTF, then all bets are off concerning relationships. I wouldn't give or lend anything which could be used against me at a later time if no rules apply.
one of my friends mentioned something along the lines of "If we ever have a problem on US soil and we need a gun, we'll just borrow one from Joey".

Tell him there is no way in hell he will have the privilidge of borrowing one of your guns under any circumstances since apparently his only advance planning for protecting himself and his family is to leave it to someone else. He is selfish, short sighted, and a bad friend if he expects you to bail his a** out of the fire without offering the same services in return.

I would and have offered my home to friends as a hurricane shelter because you don't always have a decent choice in where you live and it is very hard to storm proof an apartment or dorm room. If a friend needed a place to stay during a SHTF situation I would offer them space and would expect them to bring as much food/supplies as they could carry to add to the pile (including firearms and ammo if they have them). Friends who through circumstances beyond their control could not afford to buy or can't store firearms would be allowed to use mine if I have any to spare. However if a friend of mine said what your buddy said to you I would have a serious "Come to Jesus" discussion with him about expecting me to protect his sorry butt when he won't take responsibility for his own life.
Friends that I've taken to the range and seen demonstrate a competent knowledge of firearms operation and safety would get a gun, no question. If no training, I'd offer shelter to them if they wanted it. If they were just stopping by for a weapon, the best I could do for them would be a can of pepper spray or an asp.

As far as neighbors, I only know one of the other people in my building, and he's a recreational substance abuser, so no way. This thread has got me thinking, not only would I not lend my neighbors any guns, but I'd be checking my back for some of them. Scary stuff.
In general, my response would be NWIH, watch this. . . .

On the other hand, if it were my neighbor of 30 years next door, I'd say "which do you want - the FAL or the AR15?"
Friends: Some, but like everyone else, the one's that I would be most likely to loan one to, already have one.

Neighbors: Not unless they loaned me something I needed just as badly.

Family: Of course. My grandfather doesn't own any guns, but he landed on Omaha 6 hours into the invasion and fought all the way into germany so he knows which way to point the thing.
My friends? You bet! Of course my friends, (counted on one hand, with fingers left over). My neighbors, not likely!! Of course my friends have as many guns as I do-------
Only got three true longtime friends: Army Lt, Marine Sgt, former Marine Sgt. All far from here. They show up, they're not only getting guns, ammo, and chow, but they'll be bringing the big toys. :evil:

Neighbors: Don't know them real well yet, just moved out here, but one seems trustworthy, he might get the SKS and a few stripper clips if he asks. The other ones, I'll defend them if they can cook, fill sandbags, and feed themselves. I'm betting though that I'll hear more gunshots than pleas for help from most of the folks out here, judging from the rifle racks, Texas Trophy Hunters stickers, and "Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again" signs. :D

Family: 1100 miles away, and Dad's got the hardware to take care of himself.

No. I wouldn't even let anyone in my family apart from my girlfriend or my dad borrow any of mine.
Pre-SHTF - "Sure, I'll help you get a good deal on a gun and help you learn how to use it. Let's go to the range!"

Post-SHTF - "Here are the 4 rules of firearms." "This is the magazine, this is the chamber." "This is a XXX cartridge, good for _________ and accurate out to XXX yards". "Here is how you put a round into the chamber." "Here is the safety - Never trust the safety - YOUR safety is between your ears -- GOT IT?" "Tell me the four rules again". "Another rule is that you open up the action when handing a firearm to another person". "Handle this weapon, load it and take a shot". "Squeeze that trigger, the shot should surprise you." "Tuck it into your shoulder." "Now..The S. has H. T. F. -- what's our plan for protection of our neighborhoodl?" ..... "Keep that muzzle pointed somewhere safe dammit!"

Of course, it all depends on the situation and the person.

One reason I even own more than one or two guns is so that more than just me and my family can fight back against the Mongol hordes or whatever. Unlikely. But I'm sure it was also considered unlikely many times in history.

Just because people don't choose to understand guns doesn't make them bad*...just unenlightened.

I cherish the Golden Age in which we live, but life is precarious here on the shoulders of giants.

*However, working to infringe upon my right to own guns DOES make a person "BAD"
No , there's just no way to tell if they might really be a zombie/ninja/lycanthrope/UN sympathizer/sleeper agent/already infected/zombie bitten .
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