Mexican violence- 2A's fault?

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Mexico is screwed. Everything about the place is screwed.

The government and cops make Chicago look really good.

The US, if anything, keeps the place from imploding by providing much of the country's income, legal, illegal, and semi-legal.
the majority of those countries' money supply is in the hands of drug lords. I'm pretty sure finding the right person from Europe (Russian and French mobs, Hamas and other politically powerful terror groups, etc. etc.) is all that is needed to secure expensive state-of-the-art guns in high numbers.

I'm also fairly certain that, if these drug lords can afford submarines to use in drug transports, then I'm pretty sure that they are just a stock sell away from opening their own personal ammo and gun manufacturing factories.

if guns in the US were to be outlawed, then we would start blaming Mexico back for illegal guns found here. We should just be glad that your average gang criminals havent fully caught on to the full-auto AK surplus that Latin America has.
The Mexican government is unwilling and incapable of securing their borders in either direction and it is every one's fault but theirs. We need leadership willing to develop and enact foreign policy that will address the problem regardless of the Mexican government's likes, wants, deficiencies, or objectives.
Mexico cannot secure its border with us. If they did, then they would have to admit that their way of dealing with poverty in that country is to send as many of their poor north to the US as possible. Then, their poor can work in this country and send money back to their families in Mexico. IIRC, about 30-40% of Mexico's national income is from monies sent there by Mexicans who are working in the US.
I know an engineer from Mexico. This subject came up one time. I had to give him the basic run down of what you have to do to buy a gun in the US and what you have to do to buy a full auto. He just laughed. He said people down there have the impression that we have no regulation of gun purchases whatsoever. He especially didn't realize that all legal full auto guns and other destructive devices were so hard to get and expensive. I told him my opinion was that there probably were illegal gun smuggled to mexico, but they were likely illegal already.

I sort of wish we didn't have all that regulation, but that is the way it is presently.
The institutions of Mexico are rotten to the core, that is the problem.

The cops are corrupt, the "justice" system is a joke, they discarded their constitution after they were done using it as toilet paper, and the people living there invariably get the short end of the stick, while the crooks(politicians and drug lords alike) line their pockets.
"Mexican violence- 2A's fault?"

Not only NO but BLEEEEEP no.

Liberals seldom allow facts to interfere with their hysteria.
The institutions of Mexico are rotten to the core, that is the problem.

The cops are corrupt, the "justice" system is a joke, they discarded their constitution after they were done using it as toilet paper, and the people living there invariably get the short end of the stick, while the crooks(politicians and drug lords alike) line their pockets.

Those of us near the border pretty much post the same thing, over and over.

What bothers me is that our President is meeting right now with the executives of Canada and Mexico, and they're all chatting, as if Mexico had a damn thing in common with the US and Mexico.

It's a Big Lie, and our government (Republicrats and Demicans alike) are perpetuating it.

Pretending that diplomatic relations with Mexico are the same as those with Canada is bad for US interests. Makes me wonder who else is on the Mexican government payroll...
YEP got to love it.

it just makes me laugh to think people believe any sort of black market can ever be shut down.

i imagine we could go ahead and blame the presence of all these illegals on the fact that they are here to get guns? ??

let's just go for the most bizarre, unworkable solution-

and of course blame all the rest of the world's problems on the fat Americans
"To the south, the Union has a point of contact with the empire of Mexico; and it is thence that serious hostilities may one day be expected to arise. But for a long while to come, the uncivilized state of the Mexican people, the depravity of their morals, and their extreme poverty, will prevent that country from ranking high amongst nations." -- Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1835

So, no.
If you have money, you can find a way to get guns. And as there's a lot of money involved in gang-banging, unfortunately, gang-bangers will find a way to get guns.
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