Michael Savage Mulls Presidential Run

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Dec 28, 2002
Minnesota - nine months of ice and snow...three mo
A Conservative!

Reprinted from NewsMax.com

Michael Savage Mulls Presidential Run
Phil Brennan
Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2007
Michael Savage, the nation's third-most listened to radio talk-show host, says he may leave his top rated show to make a bid for the GOP nomination for president.

"I know it sounds bizarre but when you consider the people running for the presidency, none . . . seems to be qualified," Savage told NewsMax in an exclusive interview.

Savage, based at the San Francisco Bay area's KNEW station, began his syndicated "Savage Nation" show in 2000. Today his network, Talk Radio Network, boasts that Savage is heard on over 370 stations across the country by 8 million listeners a week. [Editor's Note: Do you want Michael Savage for President? Vote Here Now.]

The controversial radio host packs a powerful punch in his three-hour daily show and can spark national news. Savage was credited with bringing the Dubai Ports World deal to national attention. The deal would have turned over U.S. port operations to the Middle Eastern company. A public outrage ensued, forcing Dubai Ports World to scuttle their plan.

Savage has also parlayed his loyal base into four consecutive New York Times best sellers, including his latest "The Political Zoo" — a satirical criticism of both Republicans and Democrats.

Savage, with his loyal listenership, says he can play an important role in the Republican primaries, gain critical support, and add to the planned debates.

"I would think that somebody who's not a politician might be a viable candidate," Savage stated, stressing that he would focus his campaign on his mantra: "Borders, language, Culture."

Back to Party Roots

Savage readily admits he has little chance of being elected.

Still, he's convinced he could help push the Republican Party back to its conservative roots.

"A non-politician who has a very large following, who is very conservative, and who believes in a simple message of borders, language, and culture has a great chance of electrifying the American people," Savage said, complaining the current flock of candidates are simply parroting "sound bytes."

Could such a run harm the Republican Party?

Savage doesn't think so, claiming the GOP has "virtually no chance of winning right now.

"They are all political apparatchiks," he continued. "They have never stood for borders, language or culture — not one of them. They have completely failed the conservatives who elected the Republicans during the Gingrich revolution."

Savage says he seriously sees a need for a candidate like himself, since the Democrats have veered sharply to the left precisely because of the "loud noises being made by the left wing in the party. Consequently even the mainstream Democrats move to the left on virtually every issue: the Iraq war, global warming, you name it."

Recalling the 2004 Democratic primaries, Savage said, "Guys like Kucinich and Sharpton, clearly unqualified for this job, were given equal time on the podium during the debates with the leading candidates such as Kerry and Gore."

Spark for the Fire

Meanwhile, Savage thinks there has been no real debate among Republicans.

"The dial has not been moved on the Republicans with somewhat socialist tendencies at all because there's been no debate. The Bush dynasty, the Bush machine, has literally wiped out any vestige of controversy for six years. They've eliminated it." If he gets in the race, Savage promised, he would spark plenty of debate.

"The debate must be moved to the people away from the politicians," he said. He said that if he runs he would expect to be included in any debates.

For the moment he remains cautious about running and leaving his lucrative radio show.

"I'm only exploring this," he said and will be testing public reaction to such a move.

"I could not continue to do my radio show. I've been told that once you've declared yourself a candidate and you're openly running, you have to give up your career in the media for obviously good reasons," Savage said.

Looking at the leading candidates now expected to seek the GOP nomination, Savage saw little to cheer about:

John McCain — "McCain . . . what does McCain stand for? He ran in the mantle of Barry Goldwater and then he completely humiliated that legacy by being a senator in the mold of a Rockefeller Republican rather than showing any tinges of Goldwater conservatism."
Rudy Giuliani — "He has not got a ghost of a chance to be president. He's for Giuliani and no one else. He's too liberal; favoring gay marriage, for example, and he made New York City an asylum city for illegal aliens. He has no conservative credentials."

Mitt Romney — "I don't know the man but his policies seem to be all over the map."
Newt Gingrich — "He is intellectually brilliant, but I think . . . he's unelectable because he has too much history." On the issues, Savage was equally blunt. "There is only one major issue," he said. "It's interconnected to the border. The border and the war on terror are interrelated. Bush cannot have it both ways. He cannot say he's fighting the war on terror over there and leaving the door to Mexico off its hinges over here. It doesn't make sense."
As for the war in Iraq, Savage says our troops are fighting with handcuffs.

"You can't fight a war with rules of engagement that are the rules of engagement of a state trooper in the United States."

Savage insisted, "This war cannot be won without a new strategy. They're putting more men into the meat grinder. There is only one way to resolve this. Use the techniques that have been used in all previous modern wars. Use air power to decimate the enemy in his stronghold — the Sunni triangle, and the area where the Mahdi army is — Sadr city, and then send tanks in with the men behind the tanks to mop up. You do not send boys in, alley-by-alley in hand-to-hand combat unless you are an incompetent sob."

Savage Savage

On the now red hot issue of global warming, Savage was equally savage. "It is the biggest hoax of out lifetimes," he charged. "It is being promulgated by people who want to control the industrialized West without firing a shot." He explained that he is the only radio host "with an actual Ph.D. in a real science from a great university."

He says the scientific evidence "indicates that there is global warming but it's a natural cycle that occurs about every 1,500 years and that mankind has almost nothing to do with it."

How, he asked, could previous ice ages have ended without global warming, which in each case occurred without mankind creating greenhouse gases with the use of fossil fuels.

"What caused the ice ages to recede?" he asked. "Man did not industrialize the earth until the 19th century."

The earth, he explained, "warmed through natural phenomena — through sunflares, underwater volcanic activity warming the oceans, for example. "It is the biggest hoax of out lifetimes," Savage continued, "For liberals, global warming is their religion, they believe in the hype, and if you do not agree, you are a bad person much like how communists treated non-party members.
He has my vote

I am getting really sick of the RINO's the Republican party is expecting me to vote for.

Savage is really a PHD, he is far more qualified then most of the R's and all of the D's.

He would have won the Iraq war in a few weeks not the 8 years it has taken a wussified politically correct pentagon.

Although he doesn't talk about the gun issue he does CCW and is solidly pro gun.
i can't stand to listen to him. few things are worse than having someone presenting your beliefs making an absolute ass of himself.

it's not clear how any good could come of this

Please. April 1st is a month and a half away.

Micheal Savage is un-electable. Period.

He's made far too many enemies by being opinionated and telling the truth as he sees it.

We can't have that in this country.

That said, he has my vote :)

Will definately cause some waves.

I have listened to him for about 6 years. He is a bit on the edge and could never get enough votes, but a candidate like this might open peoples eyes to options outside of the republicrats. It might also casue some of the current candidates to answer some hard questions from the right.
He may have a PHD but it is not it is natural medicine. How is that going to give him a bearing on anything other than a few medical issues. He is also a very homophobic man. While I agree with him on many fiscal issues I disagree with him on a lot of social issues.
i know he's a radio personality, but he stands for a great deal of essential things that i value. the republican machine would make every effort to shut him down, and that's sad. with that said, if he actually does this, i will register republican instead of independent just so i can have the chance to vote for him in the primary.
Michael Savage is a kick in the checkered pants the Republican party needs.

The problem is...we all need to line up and kick our Republican congress critters in the pants too. All the Repubs are turning left so often, I feel like I'm watching a NASCAR race.

Why can't the Republicans understand that Conservative values win? Conservative Democrats pushed the Dems over the top in the last election.
While I agree with Savage on a number of issues, he will never get my vote for a number of reasons that I will not get into at the present. And I probably would have held him in higher regard if I had not started listening to his radio show in the evening :barf:
Michael Alan Weiner

His real name fits him really well because that is what he is. A whiner (weiner).
he is not homophobic in the slightest

If you live in San Francisco and your not gay you are treated like a second class citizen.
He doesn't bow to the liberal gay mafia, but that doesn't mean he is homophobic, he has blasted the city for allowing N.A.M.B.L.A to march in the gay pride parade.
All the gays in San Francisco who hate child molestation are on his side.

Savage can be very abrasive and rude and I do not always agree with him but I have been listening since 98 and he has been right far more then he has been wrong.
I think he is just direct.
In today's world of feminization of the male, and we are all SSSOOOOO sensative that could be portrayed as abrasive by some...:banghead: ...I guess.
Don't underestimate the power of eccentricity.
Michael is very motivating.

Please God! I hope he runs. That would be the first presidential campaign that I would financially support since I have been alive.

The Dems would not get on the same stage to debate him. He would crush them.....rhetorically.....of course. I do not want to offend someone's sensabilities with the mere hint or provocation of possible violence. Please forgive my slip of the tounge.

PLEASE run for President Michael. the country needs you more than you need it.
I Could Go For This

If he runs, I think it would be worth a primary vote.

My thinking is this: if he WINS the primary, the mandate will be clear as a bell; if he grabs any significant part of the primary vote, it's a clear message to the party that the dials need to move toward the "borders, language, culture" issues.

Right now, there's really no candidate with the kind of clarity he has.

Abrasive? Absolutely!

But is there ANY doubt where the man stands?
Re: Mr. Savage

I have my doubts... (this isn't from my blog)

America's most fiery conservative talk show host backing liberal Jerry Brown for California's attorney general?

Yes, it's true.

Michael Savage, the nation's third-most-listened-to radio host (and fourth-most-influential host, according to NewsMax's Top 25 List), confirmed that he recently donated $5,600 – the maximum allowable – to Brown's campaign.

Blog author David Codrea's comments:
We've seen what Jerry Brown thinks of gun rights. He's basing a large part of his campaign running commercials against them. By donating money to his campaign, Savage has provided aid and comfort to the enemy....
If you've ever bought one of his (Savage's) books, congratulations. You just helped finance the further enslavement of ourselves and our posterity.

Take that for what you think it's worth, but I'll be throwing my support elsewhere.
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