Michael Savage Mulls Presidential Run

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After all the insane antics of the Bush administration all we need is a foaming-at-the-mouth Israel First Republican presidential candidate who is even more insane than the gaggle of morons and liars we have now--yeah, that'll work.
The best candidate potential thus far! That said, I do not agree with probably a third of his views, bu he would be a big blow to Islamo-Terrorists everywhere!
I've used to listen to his show every night, and I hardly see him as a suitable candidate. He probably wouldn't be much different than what we currently have . Just more business as usual in D.C. If he wins you can be sure there will be another AWB.
I didn't think Ronald Reagan was electable either. And he turned out to be one of, if not the, greatest presidents ever.

And while Savage is no Ronald Reagan I believe he would inject into the debate many neglected view points which I share.

Savage is no slave to the political straitjacket of PC and would be a breath of fresh air - electable or not, I don't care. I just want someone in there who will at least SAY the things that everyone else is afraid to mention.
Savage, if he runs, will strike fear into the heart of the political establishment of both parties. And that will be a wonderful thing.

It doesn't matter if he is "right" or "wrong" about specific issues, what matters is that he will rise from the heart of the people, with a following of millions, and cut through the propagandistic fog machine that sustains and protects the corrupt system that is now American politics.

Savage is not afraid to touch the topics that actually swirl around in the minds of American voters, despite their blatant non-PC-ness. If there is anything that will roil the business-as-usual horrorshow of the current scene it will be a new breed of grass-roots, "new age" citizen-politicians--and Savage would just be the first--to give voice to the voiceless.

There is nothing subtle or polite about Savage, and frankly his well-known rage against the machine is welcome in a world of zombies controlled from Davos.
Savage, if he runs, will strike fear into the heart of the political establishment of both parties. And that will be a wonderful thing.
There is nothing subtle or polite about Savage, and frankly his well-known rage against the machine is welcome in a world of zombies controlled from Davos.

Couldn't agree more. We NEED a Michael Savage.
Savage would be the best thing to happen to republican primary debates. He could force uncomfortable answers from his opponents. They would either have to lie or show themselves for the liberal republicans they truely are. Language, borders and culture would finally get the hearings they deserve.
He should choose Glenn Beck to be his running mate, then appoint Sean Hannity as Secretary of State, and Ollie North as Secretary of Defense.
It may not be Savage...

But America is looking, whether it realizes it or not, for its "Maximus."

Ronaldus Maximus is gone but his spirit continues to live, and will continue to live on, in the hearts and minds of Americans.

And while Michael Savage may not be our Maximus he can certainly help rekindle the dying embers of spirit and hope that have nearly been extinguished.

When I first read the title to this thread I thought a Michael Savage candidacy was ridiculous. After a bit of thought I now realize that Savage, or someone like him, MUST run and run in 2008.
I've listened to Savage semi-regularly for a few years. He comes on here when I really should be home from work, but often I work late and listen to him on the ride home.

When you think about it, Savage is really one of the VERY few commentators on a nation-wide radio network that seems to actually be in touch with the conservatives of the US. Consider these two:

I started listening to Rush Limbaugh in the early 1990's and at FIRST he had a similar outlook. Recently, I was driving somewhere and I put his show on (which I have't had the opportunity to listen to on a regular basis due to its run-time). I don't know WHAT the hell happened to this guy. I have never heard such elitist, arrogant, in-it-for-the-rich-only, dribble in my life! I think the drugs, the divorce, and living in South Florida has ruined this guy's perspective. Does he think ALL of his listeners have a mansion on South Beach, too?

I listen much more regularly to Bill O'Riley due to his time slot. I agree with some of his points, and in general he isn't completely out of it. However, I was listening one time a year or so ago, and he explicitly stated that NO ONE in the US has any need for a AK-47 or other "assault rifles." I've been a little concerned about him since that day.

Middle America and Middle Class America has the most population in the US, but it seems that we have one of the smallest voices.

I like Savage and listen to him regularly. He would have my vote as well as financial backing.

However, if he thinks he can get elected he's delusional. When you make a living giving your opinion on just about everything for 3 hours each day, you are going to have a track record of saying some pretty controversial things. That is great for a radio show, but not so good for a political candidate.

I think this is mostly just static and a little self promotion for Savage and his show.
According to the original WND article, should Savage decide to run, he would cancel his daily radio show. Also, he fully expects to not win the GOP nomination,with his main goal being to confront the top-tier candidates on issues such as illegal immigration, WOT policy, etc.
LOL! MS is entertainment. He is the opposite side of the coin that Rush L. is. The religious right (RR) will make sure MS is defeated. They have the "get the vote out" opperations down pat ! The non-RR Republican party members are too splintered to take on the RR.
I dunno #shooter...

My wife and I teach sunday school on sunday mornings for our church. I'd still vote for him. (My wife thinks he has anger management problems, though :confused: )

LOL! MS is entertainment. He is the opposite side of the coin that Rush L. is. The religious right (RR) will make sure MS is defeated. They have the "get the vote out" opperations down pat ! The non-RR Republican party members are too splintered to take on the RR.

The liberal friends from my previous life all think that talk radio, in its entirety, is "just entertainment." Of course they mean it lacks the high seriousness of the New York Times. Remarkably, almost none of them actually listen to talk radio or would dare to lest it corrupt their moral superiority. No, talk radio isn't "entertainment," but it is entertaining, in the best sense of that word, involving, as vigorous DIALOGUE, rather than MONOLOGUE, tends to be.

Savage is one voice, expounding "Savage" to whomever wishes to listen, like him or not. If you can say one thing about Savage it's that he's not a shill or a whore. Rush may have started that way but more and more he sounds like a flack for what's left of the GOP.
Savage may choose to be a political gadfly in '08; maybe he is just bored with the daily grind of his show.

But talk radio isn't just an incubator for future political talent in America, nor does it have to be. Talk radio people, mostly on the right, are already an important political force in America in terms of forming the political consciousness of millions of people who in their turn vote and pay taxes and interact with their neighbors.

More specifically the activist contingent among talk radio "personalities" already intervenes in newsworthy political issues and unquestionably change the scene. I am thinking specifically of several local Los Angeles talk radio jocks who have brought both heat and light to any number of events in the last few years.
Oh, I hope he gets the nomination.

TEOTRPAWKI would be fun to watch. An overwhelming Democratic victory might not be, however.

The "angry white guy" routine plays well on gun boards--less and less so now in real life.

It certainly bores me to tears.
Savage and Tancredo.. Now that's a ticket..

MS, maybe our Teddy Roosevelt for 2008.

I would vote for him and campaign for him...

Let's show everyone that our vote matters and we are going to put someone in who cares about us and this country....

I am tired of the eletists on both sides... the ruling class... :barf:

I can't stand the man's "listen to me, I'm so much smarter than you. Did I mention I'm smarter than you and no one else in the world cares about the country except me" schtick for five minutes, let alone four years. :barf:

However, I'd pay money to see him locked in a cage with Amy Goodman. :D
Savage's flaw is his immense vanity and tendency to shoot from the hip. Brilliant as he is, he gets stuff wrong and sometimes leaps to conclusions that aren't valid. You can't tell him anything; you certainly can't tell him he's mistaken. When he's good he's very, very, very good, and when he's bad, he's embarrassing.

So, do we necessarily want him carrying The Football? Probably not. But right now we can use a bull in a china shop. There's too much expensive "china" choking America's political vitality that needs to smashed. Let him slash and burn his way through the political landscape. It will be fun to watch and it will be good for future harvests.
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